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OCM_第二天课程:Section1 —》配置 Oracle 网络环境

时间:2020-06-02 14:33:39


OCM_第二天课程:Section1 —》配置 Oracle 网络环境

注:本文为原著(其内容来自 腾科教育培训课堂)。阅读本文注意事项如下:




一:《OCM 基本班课程表》


三:《OCM_第二天课程:Section1 —》配置 Oracle 网络环境》

四:《OCM_第三天课程:Section1 —》表空间的操作和管理、服务配置》

五:《OCM_第四天课程:Section2 —》GC 的安装和配置》

六: 《OCM_第五天课程:Section2 —》AGENT 的安装 、GC 的使用》

七: 《OCM_第六天课程:Section3 —》数据库可用性》

八:《OCM_第七天课程:Section3 —》数据库可用性》

九:《OCM_第八天课程:Section4 —》数据管理》

十: 《OCM_第九天课程:Section4—》OCM课程环境搭建》

十一: 《OCM_第十天课程:Section5—》数据仓库》

十二: 《OCM_第十一天课程:Section5 —》数据仓库》

十三: 《OCM_第十二天课程:Section6 —》数据库性能调优_ 资源管理器/执行计划》

十四: 《OCM_第十三天课程:Section6 —》数据库性能调优 _结果缓存 /多列数据信息采集统计/采集数据信息保持游标有效》

十五: 《OCM_第十四天课程:Section6 —》数据库性能调优_各类索引 /调优工具使用/SQL 优化建议》

十六: 《OCM_第十五天课程:Section6 —》数据库性能调优 _SQL 访问建议 /SQL 性能分析器/配置基线模板/SQL 执行计划管理/实例限制》

十七: 《OCM_第十六天课程:Section7 —》GI 及 ASM 安装配置 _安装 GRID 软件/创建和管理 ASM 磁盘组/创建和管理 ASM 实例》

十八: 《OCM_第十七天课程:Section7 —》GI 及 ASM 安装配置 _管理和配置 GRID /实施 ASM 故障组 /创建 ACFS 文件系统》

十九: 《OCM_第十八天课程:Section8 —》RAC 数据库 _ RAC DB 搭建/RAC DB 配置使用》

二十: 《OCM_第十九天课程:Section9 —》Data Guard _ DATA GUARD 原理/DATA GUARD 应用/DATA GUARD 搭建》

二十一: 《OCM_第二十天课程:Section9 —》Data Guard _ DATA GUARD 搭建/DATA GUARD 管理》

二十二: 《OCM_第二十一天课程:考前辅导 》

二十三: 《OCM_第 二十二天课程:考前辅导 》

二十四: 《OCM_第二十三天课程:模拟考试》

二十五: 《OCM_第二十四天课程:模拟考试》

一:配置 Oracle 网络环境


1 After completing this lesson, you should be able to do the following: 2 Describe the Oracle Network configuration 3 Use the Enterprise Manager Net Services Administration page for Oracle Network configuration 4 Use the Listener Control utility 5 Configure a client to access an Oracle database 6 7 在完成这一课之后,你应该能够做到以下几点: 8 描述Oracle网络配置 9 使用企业管理器Net服务管理页面来进行Oracle网络配置 10 使用侦听器控制工具 11 配置客户端以访问Oracle数据库

1:Oracle 网络配置 

•Oracle Network configuration (oracle 数据库 网络配置)

• Tools for Configuring and Managing the Oracle Network (用于配置和管理Oracle网络的工具)

Oracle Enterprise Manager Net Services Administration page (Oracle企业管理服务管理页面)Oracle Net Manager (Oracle网络管理器)Oracle Net Configuration Assistant (launched by Oracle Universal Installer) (Oracle Net配置助理(由Oracle Universal安装程序启动))

Using the Enterprise Manager Net Services Administration page for Oracle Network configuration(使用企业管理器Net服务管理页面来进行Oracle网络配置)

•Enterprise Manager Net Services Administration Page(企业经理Net服务管理页面)

You can use the Enterprise Manager Net Services Administration page to perform the following tasks:(您可以使用企业管理器Net服务管理页面执行以下任务:) Configuring local naming and directory naming(配置本地命名和目录命名) Searching directory naming entries (搜索目录命名条目) Configuring and administering the listener (配置和管理侦听器) Sorting listener names, local naming entries, and directory naming entries (分类侦听器名称、本地命名条目和目录命名条目) Exporting directory naming entries to the tnsnames.ora file (将目录命名项导出到tnsname。ora文件)

Accessing the Net Services Administration Page (访问Net服务管理页面)Oracle Net Listener: Configuration and Management(Oracle Net侦听器:配置和管理)

Managing the Oracle Net Listener with Enterprise Manager(使用企业管理器管理Oracle Net侦听器)

•Using the Listener Control utility(使用侦听器控制工具)

1 -- Use the following commands to control the listener(使用以下命令来控制侦听器): 2 --Starting the listener(启动监听器) 3 [oracle@oracle ~]$ lsnrctl START listener_name 4 --Stopping the listener(停止监听器) 5 [oracle@oracle ~]$ $lsnrctl STOP listener_name


1 #进去监听命令中 2 [oracle@oracle ~]$ lsnrctl 3 4 LSNRCTL for Linux: Version - Production on 17-OCT- 23:41:44 5 6 Copyright (c) 1991, , Oracle. All rights reserved. 7 8 Welcome to LSNRCTL, type "help" for information. 9 #查看监听的辅助命令 10 LSNRCTL> help 11 The following operations are available 12 An asterisk (*) denotes a modifier or extended command: 13 #启动 停止状态 14 startstopstatus 15 #服务版本 重启 16 services version reload 17 #保存配置 追踪生成 18 save_config tracespawn 19 # 修改密码退出退出 20 change_passwordquitexit 21 22 set*show* 23 24 #查看状态 25 LSNRCTL> status 26 Connecting to (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=)(PORT=1521))) 27 STATUS of the LISTENER 28 ------------------------ 29 #监听名称 30 Alias LISTENER 31 #数据库版本 32 Version TNSLSNR for Linux: Version - Production 33 #启动监听时间 34 Start Date17-OCT- 23:36:47 35 # 36 Uptime0 days 0 hr. 5 min. 5 sec 37 #追踪级别 38 Trace Leveloff 39 Security ON: Local OS Authentication 40 SNMP OFF 41 #配置文件位置信息 42 Listener Parameter File /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/network/admin/listener.ora 43 #监听日志信息 44 Listener Log File /u01/app/oracle/diag/tnslsnr/oracle/listener/alert/log.xml 45 #基于 tcp协议,ip 地址为: 46 Listening Endpoints Summary... 47(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=)(PORT=1521))) 48(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=ipc)(KEY=EXTPROC1521))) 49 Services Summary... 50 Service "prod2" has 1 instance(s). 51Instance "prod2", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service... 52 The command completed successfully 53 # 停止监听 54 LSNRCTL> stop 55 Connecting to (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=)(PORT=1521))) 56 The command completed successfully 57 #退出 监听命令编辑器 58 LSNRCTL> quit 59 #启动监听 60 [oracle@oracle ~]$ lsnrctl start 61 62 LSNRCTL for Linux: Version - Production on 17-OCT- 23:42:16 63 64 Copyright (c) 1991, , Oracle. All rights reserved. 65 66 Starting /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/bin/tnslsnr: please wait... 67 68 TNSLSNR for Linux: Version - Production 69 System parameter file is /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/network/admin/listener.ora 70 Log messages written to /u01/app/oracle/diag/tnslsnr/oracle/listener/alert/log.xml 71 Listening on: (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=)(PORT=1521))) 72 Listening on: (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=ipc)(KEY=EXTPROC1521))) 73 74 Connecting to (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=)(PORT=1521))) 75 STATUS of the LISTENER 76 ------------------------ 77 Alias LISTENER 78 Version TNSLSNR for Linux: Version - Production 79 Start Date17-OCT- 23:42:16 80 Uptime0 days 0 hr. 0 min. 20 sec 81 Trace Leveloff 82 Security ON: Local OS Authentication 83 SNMP OFF 84 Listener Parameter File /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/network/admin/listener.ora 85 Listener Log File /u01/app/oracle/diag/tnslsnr/oracle/listener/alert/log.xml 86 Listening Endpoints Summary... 87(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=)(PORT=1521))) 88(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=ipc)(KEY=EXTPROC1521))) 89 The listener supports no services 90 The command completed successfully 91 #停止监听 92 [oracle@oracle ~]$ lsnrctl stop 93 94 LSNRCTL for Linux: Version - Production on 17-OCT- 23:42:54 95 96 Copyright (c) 1991, , Oracle. All rights reserved. 97 98 Connecting to (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=)(PORT=1521))) 99 The command completed successfully100 #查看状态101 [oracle@oracle ~]$ lsnrctl status102 103 LSNRCTL for Linux: Version - Production on 17-OCT- 23:43:03104 105 Copyright (c) 1991, , Oracle. All rights reserved.106 107 Connecting to (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=)(PORT=1521)))108 TNS-12541: TNS:no listener109 TNS-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error110TNS-00511: No listener111Linux Error: 111: Connection refused112 Connecting to (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=IPC)(KEY=EXTPROC1521)))113 TNS-12541: TNS:no listener114 TNS-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error115TNS-00511: No listener116Linux Error: 2: No such file or directory117 [oracle@oracle ~]$ lsnrctl start118 119 LSNRCTL for Linux: Version - Production on 17-OCT- 23:43:11120 121 Copyright (c) 1991, , Oracle. All rights reserved.122 123 Starting /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/bin/tnslsnr: please wait...124 125 TNSLSNR for Linux: Version - Production126 System parameter file is /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/network/admin/listener.ora127 Log messages written to /u01/app/oracle/diag/tnslsnr/oracle/listener/alert/log.xml128 Listening on: (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=)(PORT=1521)))129 Listening on: (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=ipc)(KEY=EXTPROC1521)))130 131 Connecting to (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=)(PORT=1521)))132 STATUS of the LISTENER133 ------------------------134 Alias LISTENER135 Version TNSLSNR for Linux: Version - Production136 Start Date17-OCT- 23:43:11137 Uptime0 days 0 hr. 0 min. 20 sec138 Trace Leveloff139 Security ON: Local OS Authentication140 SNMP OFF141 Listener Parameter File /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/network/admin/listener.ora142 Listener Log File /u01/app/oracle/diag/tnslsnr/oracle/listener/alert/log.xml143 Listening Endpoints Summary...144(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=)(PORT=1521)))145(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=ipc)(KEY=EXTPROC1521)))146 The listener supports no services147 The command completed successfully148 [oracle@oracle ~]$ lsnctl status149 -bash: lsnctl: command not found150 [oracle@oracle ~]$ lsnrctl status151 152 LSNRCTL for Linux: Version - Production on 17-OCT- 23:43:47153 154 Copyright (c) 1991, , Oracle. All rights reserved.155 156 Connecting to (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=)(PORT=1521)))157 STATUS of the LISTENER158 ------------------------159 Alias LISTENER160 Version TNSLSNR for Linux: Version - Production161 Start Date17-OCT- 23:43:11162 Uptime0 days 0 hr. 0 min. 36 sec163 Trace Leveloff164 Security ON: Local OS Authentication165 SNMP OFF166 Listener Parameter File /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/network/admin/listener.ora167 Listener Log File /u01/app/oracle/diag/tnslsnr/oracle/listener/alert/log.xml168 Listening Endpoints Summary...169(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=)(PORT=1521)))170(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=ipc)(KEY=EXTPROC1521)))171 The listener supports no services172 The command completed successfully173 [oracle@oracle ~]$

•Configuring a client to access an Oracle database

Oracle Net provides support for the following methods: (Oracle Net提供了以下方法的支持:)

Local naming: Uses a local configuration file (本地命名:使用本地配置文件)Directory naming: Uses a centralized LDAP-compliant directory server(目录命名:使用一个集中式的与ldap兼容的目录服务器)Easy connect naming: Uses a TCP/IP connect string (简单连接命名:使用一个/ip连接字符串)External naming: Uses a supported non-Oracle naming service (外部命名:使用受支持的非oracle命名服务)

2:创建和管理监听器 

The server segment USES "netca" to configure orcle network monitoring(服务器段使用 “netca” 配置 orcle 网络监听)教程

1:在oracle 服务器端机器中;打开open terminal 后切换到oracle 用户 ;然后收入 “netcat”命令;如图


点击next 后选择新增

在上图输入 监听文字的信息后,点击next ,选择tcp 协议。然后再点击next




1 [oracle@oracle admin]$ pwd 2 /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/network/admin 3 [oracle@oracle admin]$ ls 4 listener17101810PM4639.bak listener.ora samples shrept.lst 5 [oracle@oracle admin]$ cat listener.ora 6 # listener.ora Network Configuration File: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/network/admin/listener.ora 7 # Generated by Oracle configuration tools. 8 9 LISTENER1 = 10 (DESCRIPTION_LIST = 11(DESCRIPTION = 12 (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = )(PORT = 1522)) 13) 14 ) 15 16 ADR_BASE_LISTENER1 = /u01/app/oracle 17 18 LISTENER = 19 (DESCRIPTION_LIST = 20(DESCRIPTION = 21 (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = )(PORT = 1521)) 22 (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = IPC)(KEY = EXTPROC1521)) 23) 24 ) 25 26 ADR_BASE_LISTENER = /u01/app/oracle 27 28 [oracle@oracle admin]$ 29

The server segment USES "netmgr" to configure orcle network monitoring(服务器段使用 “netmgr” 配置 orcle 网络监听)教程

1: 使用 netmgr 启动 管理器







1 [oracle@oracle admin]$ pwd 2 /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/network/admin 3 [oracle@oracle admin]$ ls 4 listener.ora samples shrept.lst 5 [oracle@oracle admin]$ cat listener.ora 6 # listener.ora Network Configuration File: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/network/admin/listener.ora 7 # Generated by Oracle configuration tools. 8 9 LISTENER1 = 10 (DESCRIPTION = 11(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = )(PORT = 1522)) 12 ) 13 14 ADR_BASE_LISTENER1 = /u01/app/oracle 15 16 LISTENER = 17 (DESCRIPTION_LIST = 18(DESCRIPTION = 19 (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = )(PORT = 1521)) 20) 21(DESCRIPTION = 22 (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = IPC)(KEY = EXTPROC1521)) 23) 24 ) 25 26 ADR_BASE_LISTENER = /u01/app/oracle 27 28 [oracle@oracle admin]$ 29

使用 “netmgr” 创建 服务名


选择tcp/ip 协议




1 [oracle@oracle ~]$ cd /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/network/admin/ 2 [oracle@oracle admin]$ ls 3 listener.ora samples shrept.lst 4 [oracle@oracle admin]$ ls 5 listener.ora samples shrept.lst tnsnames.ora 6 [oracle@oracle admin]$ cat tnsnames.ora 7 # tnsnames.ora Network Configuration File: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/network/admin/tnsnames.ora 8 # Generated by Oracle configuration tools. 9 10 ORCL1 = 11 (DESCRIPTION = 12(ADDRESS_LIST = 13 (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521)) 14) 15(CONNECT_DATA = 16 (SERVICE_NAME = prod2) 17) 18 ) 19 20 [oracle@oracle admin]$

3: 动态注册与静态注册


1 Last login: Sat Oct 21 12:08:00 from 2 #登录到oracle用户 3 [root@oracle ~]# su - oracle 4 #查看监听信息;主要目的是获取监听文件的位置信息 5 [oracle@oracle ~]$ lsnrctl status 6 7 LSNRCTL for Linux: Version - Production on 21-OCT- 12:12:12 8 9 Copyright (c) 1991, , Oracle. All rights reserved. 10 11 Connecting to (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=)(PORT=1521))) 12 STATUS of the LISTENER 13 ------------------------ 14 Alias LISTENER 15 Version TNSLSNR for Linux: Version - Production 16 Start Date21-OCT- 10:59:54 17 Uptime0 days 1 hr. 12 min. 18 sec 18 Trace Leveloff 19 Security ON: Local OS Authentication 20 SNMP OFF 21 Listener Parameter File /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/network/admin/listener.ora 22 Listener Log File /u01/app/oracle/diag/tnslsnr/oracle/listener/alert/log.xml 23 Listening Endpoints Summary... 24 (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=)(PORT=1521))) 25 (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=ipc)(KEY=EXTPROC1521))) 26 Services Summary... 27 Service "orcl" has 1 instance(s). 28 Instance "orcl", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service... 29 Service "orclXDB" has 1 instance(s). 30 Instance "orcl", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service... 31 Service "prod" has 1 instance(s). 32 Instance "prod", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service... 33 Service "prod2" has 1 instance(s). 34 Instance "prod2", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service... 35 The command completed successfully 36 #进入监听文件信息文件位置 37 [oracle@oracle ~]$ cd /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/network/admin/ 38 #查看该文件路径下有文件 39 [oracle@oracle admin]$ ls 40 listener.ora samples shrept.lst tnsnames.ora 41 #查看监听配置信息 42 [oracle@oracle admin]$ cat listener.ora 43 # listener.ora Network Configuration File: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/network/admin/listener.ora 44 # Generated by Oracle configuration tools. 45 46 LISTENER2 = 47 (DESCRIPTION = 48(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = )(PORT = 1523)) 49 ) 50 #静态注册监听信息: 51 LISTENER1 = 52 (DESCRIPTION = 53(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = )(PORT = 1522)) 54 ) 55 #静态注册监听数据信息 56 SID_LIST_LISTENER1 = 57 (SID_LIST = 58(SID_DESC = 59 (GLOBAL_DBNAME = prod2)#数据库服务名 60 (ORACLE_HOME = /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1)#数据库默认安装路径 61 (SID_NAME = prod2)#数据库实例名 62) 63 ) 64 65 ADR_BASE_LISTENER2 = /u01/app/oracle 66 67 ADR_BASE_LISTENER1 = /u01/app/oracle 68 69 #动态配置的监听信息;oracle数据库默认配置的数据信息 70 LISTENER = 71 (DESCRIPTION_LIST = 72(DESCRIPTION = 73 (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = )(PORT = 1521)) 74) 75(DESCRIPTION = 76 (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = IPC)(KEY = EXTPROC1521)) 77) 78 ) 79 80 ADR_BASE_LISTENER = /u01/app/oracle 81 82 #查看数据库远程连接文件信息 83 [oracle@oracle admin]$ cat tnsnames.ora 84 # tnsnames.ora Network Configuration File: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/network/admin/tnsnames.ora 85 # Generated by Oracle configuration tools. 86 87 #手工建库实例数据库实例prod2的连接配置方式默认监听 1521 88 PROD2 = 89 (DESCRIPTION = 90(ADDRESS_LIST = 91 (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = )(PORT = 1521)) 92) 93(CONNECT_DATA = 94 (SERVICE_NAME = prod2) 95) 96 ) 97 #手工建库实例数据库实例prod的连接配置方式默认监听 1521 98 PROD1 = 99 (DESCRIPTION =100(ADDRESS_LIST =101 (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = )(PORT = 1521))102)103(CONNECT_DATA =104 (SERVICE_NAME = prod)105)106 )107 #dbca模式建库数据库实例orcl的连接配置方式默认监听 1521108 ORCL1 =109 (DESCRIPTION =110(ADDRESS_LIST =111 (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))112)113(CONNECT_DATA =114 (SERVICE_NAME = orcl)115)116 )117 118 #手工建库实例数据库实例prod2的连接配置方式默认监听 1522119 PORD2_1522 =120 (DESCRIPTION =121(ADDRESS_LIST =122 (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = )(PORT = 1522))123)124(CONNECT_DATA =125 (SERVICE_NAME = pord2)126)127 )128 129 [oracle@oracle admin]$


1:基本的创建请参考“上述:《使用 “netmgr” 创建 服务名》的操作步骤”




说明:Global Database Name一般都是在使用DBCA 静默方式安装数据实例或者是使用手动建库方式创建数据库实例时都需要配置的数据库域名;


Oracle Home Directory : oracle数据库默认安装路径:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1

SID: 数据库实例SID: prod2

二:配置 Oracle 网络环境

1:网络故障 failover

2:设置网络追踪 


共享Server:也就是多个人共享1个空闲Server process;



具体的Oracle数据库结构内容请参考《Oracle 服务器结构》中的第二点内容:

二、Oracle 内存结构


1 ---------程序全局区 (PGA) 2 程序全局区 (PGA) 是包含某服务器进程的数据及控制信息的内存区。 3 这是 Oracle 服务器在服务器进程启动时创建的非共享内存,只有该服务器进程才能访问。 4 Oracle 实例的所有服务器进程分配的 PGA 总内存,也称为该实例分配的聚集 PGA 内存。 5 使用共享服务器时,部分 PGA 可位于 SGA 中。 6 7 PGA 内存通常包含以下各项: 8 专用 SQL 区 、游标和 SQL 区、工作区、会话内存 9 10 专用 SQL 区 11 专用 SQL 区包含绑定信息和运行时内存结构等数据。这些信息是每个会话的 SQL 语句调用所特有的;在其它方面,绑定变量有不同的值,游标的状态也不同。发出 SQL 语句的每个会话都有一个专用 SQL 区。提交同一 SQL 语句的每个用户也都有其自己的专用 SQL区,该专用 SQL 区使用一个共享 SQL 区。这样,许多专用 SQL 区可与同一个共享 SQL区关联。专用 SQL 区的位置取决于为会话建立的连接类型。 12 13 如果会话是通过专用服务器连接的,则专用 SQL 区位于该服务器进程的 PGA 中。 14 不过,如果会话是通过共享服务器连接的,则部分专用 SQL 区将保留在 SGA 中。 15 16 17 游标和 SQL 区 18 Oracle 预编译器程序或 OCI 程序的应用程序开发人员可以显式打开特定专用 SQL 区的游标或句柄,并在该程序的整个执行过程中将它们用作命名资源。数据库为某些 SQL 语句隐式发出的递归游标也使用共享 SQL 区。 19 20 21 工作作区 22 对于复杂查询(例如,决策支持查询),会将大部分 PGA 供内存密集型运算符分配的 23 工作区专用,例如: 24 基于排序的运算符(如 ORDER BY、GROUP BY、ROLLUP)和窗口函数 25 散列联接 26 位图合并 27 位图创建 28 批量装载操作使用的写缓冲区 29 排序运算符使用工作区(排序区),对一组行执行内存中排序。与此类似,散列联接运算 30 符使用工作区(散列区),根据其左侧输入内容生成散列表。 31 32 工作区的大小是可以控制和优化的。通常,较大的工作区可以显著改进特定运算符的性能,不过代价是消耗较多的内存。 33 34 35 会话内存 36 会话内存是用于存放会话的变量(登录信息)以及与会话相关的其它信息的内存。对于共享服务器,会话内存是共享的,而不是专用的。 37 38 39 ----------自动 PGA 内存管理 40 根据 PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET 参数,动态调整 41 专用于工作区的 PGA 内存量 42 有助于最大限度地提高所有内存密集型 SQL 操作的性能 43 默认情况下是启用的 44 45 46 理想情况下,工作区的大小只要能容纳其相关 SQL 运算符分配的输入数据和辅助内存结构就已足够。这一大小称为工作区的最佳大小。工作区大小小于最佳大小时,响应时间就会增加,因为要对部分输入数据执行额外的传输操作。 47 48 49 自动 PGA 内存管理功能简化并改进了 PGA 内存的分配方式。默认情况下,PGA 内存管理功能是启用的。在此模式下,Oracle 数据库以 SGA 内存大小的 20% 为基准,动态调整 50 专用于工作区的那部分 PGA 内存的大小。最小值为 10 MB。 51 52 53 在自动 PGA 内存管理模式下运行时,所有会话的工作区大小的调整都是自动的, 54 55 在任何给定时间,可用于实例中各活动工作区的 PGA 内存总量自动从 56 PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET 初始化参数派生。此内存量设置为 57 PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET 值减去系统其它组件分配的 PGA 内存量(例如,会话分配的 58 PGA 内存)。由此得到的 PGA 内存随后按照各活动工作区的特定内存需求分配给相应的工作区。 59 60 61 --PGA 管理资源 62 配置新实例时,难以确切知道 PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET 的适当设置。该设置可以通过 63 以下三个阶段确定: 64 1.根据惯例,初步估算 PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET。默认情况下,Oracle DB 将其设 65 置为 SGA 大小的 20%。不过,对于大型 DSS 系统而言,此初始设置可能太低。 66 2.在实例上运行典型工作量,使用 Oracle 收集到的 PGA 统计信息监视性能,查看最大 PGA 大小的配置是过低还是过高。 67 3.使用 Oracle PGA 建议统计信息来优化 PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET。 68 69 70 为了能够向后兼容,可以通过将 PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET 初始化参数值设置为 0, 71 来禁用自动 PGA 内存管理。禁用了自动 PGA 内存管理功能后,可以使用关联的 72 *_AREA_SIZE 参数调整工作区的最大大小。以下是这些参数的示例: 73 74 SORT_AREA_SIZE 75 HASH_AREA_SIZE 76 BITMAP_MERGE_AREA_SIZE 77 CREATE_BITMAP_AREA_SIZE 78 79 80 ---------------使用内存指导调整 SGA 的大小 81 使用内存指导可以优化内存结构的大小。如果启用了自动管理共享内存功能,则可以使 82 用该功能优化 SGA 的总大小。如果禁用了 ASMM,则可以使用此指导来优化 SGA 的不同组件。 83 84 内存指导包括三个指导: 85 共享池 86 缓冲区高速缓存 87 主页---相关链接---指导中心----内存指导----共享池或缓冲区高速缓存--建议 88 89 90 91 使用内存指导调整 PGA 的大小 92 可使用内存指导获取有关 PGA 大小的建议。单击“PGA”选项卡,然后单击 93 “Advice(建议)”。 94



共享服务的设置:具体的系统参数设置请查看:《【Shared Server Mode】测试调整shared_servers参数对数据库的影响》




1 select * from V$CIRCUIT ; 2 ---共享服务启动了多少个 3 select * from V$SHARED_SERVER; 4 ---共享分发器启动了多少个 5 select * from V$DISPATCHER ; 6 select * from V$SHARED_SERVER_MONITOR ; 7 ---排序:有多少个固列排列 ,排列越长表示分发器 server 进程 就够用 8 select * from V$QUEUE ; 9 ---在线session 用户信息 10 select * from V$SESSION ; 11




1 2 [oracle@oracle admin]$ cat tnsnames.ora 3 # tnsnames.ora Network Configuration File: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/network/admin/tnsnames.ora 4 # Generated by Oracle configuration tools. 5 16 17 PROD2 = 18 (DESCRIPTION = 19(ADDRESS_LIST = 20 (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = )(PORT = 1521)) 21) 22(CONNECT_DATA = 23 (SERVICE_NAME = prod2) 24) 25 ) 26 27 PROD1 = 28 (DESCRIPTION = 29(ADDRESS_LIST = 30 (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = )(PORT = 1521)) 31) 32(CONNECT_DATA = 33 (SERVICE_NAME = prod) 34) 35 ) 36 37 ORCL1 = 38 (DESCRIPTION = 39(ADDRESS_LIST = 40 (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521)) 41) 42(CONNECT_DATA = 43 (SERVICE_NAME = orcl) 44) 45 ) 46 47 [oracle@oracle admin]$


1 [oracle@oracle admin]$ cat tnsnames.ora 2 # tnsnames.ora Network Configuration File: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/network/admin/tnsnames.ora 3 # Generated by Oracle configuration tools. 4 5 15 16 PROD2 = 17 (DESCRIPTION = 18(ADDRESS_LIST = 19 (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = )(PORT = 1521)) 20) 21(CONNECT_DATA = 22 (SERVICE_NAME = prod2) 23) 24 ) 25 26 PROD1 = 27 (DESCRIPTION = 28(ADDRESS_LIST = 29 (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = )(PORT = 1521)) 30) 31(CONNECT_DATA = 32 (SERVICE_NAME = prod) 33) 34 ) 35 36 ORCL1 = 37 (DESCRIPTION = 38(ADDRESS_LIST = 39 (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521)) 40) 41(CONNECT_DATA = 42 (SERVICE_NAME = orcl) 43) 44 ) 45 46 [oracle@oracle admin]$

3: 高可用连接 High Availability of Connections

Objectives (目标)

After completing this lesson, you should be able to:(在完成这一课之后,你应该能够做到:)

Configure client-side, connect-time load balancing(配置客户端、连接-时间负载平衡) Configure client-side, connect-time failover(配置客户端、连接时间故障转移) Configure server-side, connect-time load balancing(配置客户端、连接时间故障转移) Use the Load Balancing Advisory (LBA)(使用负载平衡咨询(LBA)) Describe the benefits of Fast Application Notification (FAN)(描述快速应用程序通知(扇)的好处) Configure server-side callouts(•配置服务器端插图的编号) Configure Transparent Application Failover (TAF)(配置透明的应用程序故障转移(TAF))

Types of Workload Distribution( 类型的工作负载分布)

• Connection balancing is rendered possible by configuring multiple listeners on multiple nodes(通过在多个节点上配置多个侦听器,可以实现连接平衡:)

– Client-side, connect-time load balancing(客户端,连接-时间负载平衡)– Client-side, connect-time failover (客户端,连接时间故障转移)– Server-side, connect-time load balancing(服务器端,连接-时间负载平衡)

• Run-time connection load balancing is rendered possible by using connection pools(通过使用连接池,可以实现运行时连接负载平衡。)

– Work requests automatically balanced across the pool of connections (-工作请求在连接池中自动平衡)– Native feature of the JDBC implicit connection cache and connection pool (JDBC隐式连接缓存和ODP的本地特性。网络连接池)

local_listener :当前连接的监听信息

remote_listener: 把监听连接推送到比较空闲的监听去。

客户端,连接时间故障转移 Client-Side, Connect-Time Failover



nodevip :活动的节点ip地址;

Server-Side Load Balancing (服务器端负载平衡)

• Server-side load balancing: (服务器端负载均衡:)

– Causes the listener to direct connection requests to the best instance currently providing the service(-让侦听器将连接请求直接指向当前提供服务的最佳实例)– Uses connection information from the LBA (-使用来自LBA的连接信息)

• When DBCA is used to create a RAC database:(当DBCA用于创建RAC数据库时:)

– Server-side load balancing is configured and enabled.(服务器端负载平衡被配置和启用。)– The REMOTE_LISTENER parameter is set to the SCAN listener.(-remotelistener参数设置为扫描侦听器。)

• If DBCA is not used or listener ports other than 1521 are used, LOCAL_LISTENER and REMOTE_LISTENER parameters should point to scan_name:scan_port (如果DBCA没有使用,或者使用了超过1521的侦听器端口,locallistener和remotelistener参数应该指向scanname:scanport)

• The LBA depends on an accurate configuration that includes setting the CLB_GOAL for the service (LBA依赖于精确的配置,包括为服务设置clb球门)

Fast Application Notification: Benefits (快速应用程序通知:福利)

• No need for connections to rely on connection timeouts (不需要连接依赖于连接超时)• Used by Load Balancing Advisory to propagate load information(负载平衡咨询用于传播负载信息)• Designed for enterprise application and management console integration (为企业应用程序和管理控制台设计)• Reliable distributed system that:(集成)– Detects high-availability event occurrences in a timely manner(可靠的分布式系统:)– Pushes notification directly to your applications(直接向应用程序推送通知)

• Tightly integrated with:(紧密集成:)

– Oracle JDBC applications using connection pools(使用连接池的Oracle JDBC应用程序)– Enterprise Manager(企业管理器)– Data Guard Broker(数据保护代理)

Implementation of Server-Side Callouts 实现服务器端插图的编号

• The callout directory:(callout目录:)

– <GRID_Home>/racg/usrco– Can store more than one callout(可以存储多个调用)– Grants execution on callouts and the callout directory to the Oracle Clusterware user (-授权在callout和callout目录上执行)

• The order in which callouts are executed is nondeterministic.(Oracle和修改用户)

• Writing callouts involves:(执行调用的顺序是)

Parsing callout arguments: The event payload(1。解析callout参数:事件有效负载) Filtering incoming FAN events (2。事件过滤传入的FAN ) Executing event-handling programs (3。执行事件处理程序)

1 C - 19 Copyright © , Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 2 Server-Side Callout Parse: Example 3 #!/bin/sh 4 NOTIFY_EVENTTYPE=$1 5 for ARGS in $*; do 6 PROPERTY=`echo $ARGS | $AWK -F"=" '{print $1}'` 7 VALUE=`echo $ARGS | $AWK -F"=" '{print $2}'` 8 case $PROPERTY in 9 VERSION|version) NOTIFY_VERSION=$VALUE ;; 10 SERVICE|service) NOTIFY_SERVICE=$VALUE ;; 11 DATABASE|database) NOTIFY_DATABASE=$VALUE ;; 12 INSTANCE|instance) NOTIFY_INSTANCE=$VALUE ;; 13 HOST|host) NOTIFY_HOST=$VALUE ;; 14 STATUS|status) NOTIFY_STATUS=$VALUE ;; 15 REASON|reason) NOTIFY_REASON=$VALUE ;; 16 CARD|card) NOTIFY_CARDINALITY=$VALUE ;; 17 TIMESTAMP|timestamp) NOTIFY_LOGDATE=$VALUE ;; 18 ??:??:??) NOTIFY_LOGTIME=$PROPERTY ;; 19 esac 20 done 21 22

13 Server-Side Callout Filter: Example 4 if ((( [ $NOTIFY_EVENTTYPE = "SERVICE" ] || 5 [ $NOTIFY_EVENTTYPE = "DATABASE" ] || \ 6 [ $NOTIFY_EVENTTYPE = "NODE" ] \ 7 ) && \ 8 ( [ $NOTIFY_STATUS = "not_restarting" ] \ 9 )) && \ 10 ( [ $NOTIFY_DATABASE = "PROD" ] || \ 11 [ $NOTIFY_SERVICE = "ERP" ] \ 12 )) 13 then 14 /usr/local/bin/logTicket $NOTIFY_LOGDATE \ 15 $NOTIFY_LOGTIME \ 16 $NOTIFY_SERVICE \ 17 $NOTIFY_DBNAME \ 18 $NOTIFY_HOST 19 fi



1: Creating a database & Server Configuration

1 --[101]-- 2 #创建数据库 3 1. Create the database 4 #使用dbca创建一个PROD1数据库,包括Sample Schema,启用archivelog,没有EM。 5 1.1 Create a PROD1 database with dbca, including Sample Schema, enable archivelog, without EM. 6 #全局数据库名称: ; SID:PROD1 7 Global db name: SID: PROD1 8 #运行最小所需脚本以创建具有create database语句的PROD2数据库。 全局数据库名称: ;SID:PROD2 9 1.2 Run the minimum required scripts to create a PROD2 database with create database statement. 10 Global db name: SID: PROD2 11 --[102]-- 12 #确定并设置数据库结构的大小参数 13 2. Determine and set sizing parameters for database structures 14 #查看DB的以下设置:spfile,db名称,db域,全局数据库名称,快速恢复区域,控制文件,数据文件; 15 2.1 View the following setting of the DB: spfile, db name, db domain, global db name, fast recovery area, control files, data files; 16 #将快速恢复区域大小更改为5G。 17 2.2 Change fast recovery area size to 5G. 18 #将控制文件更改为3个成员,然后更改为2个成员; 19 2.3 Change control files to 3 members, then change back to 2 members; 20 #设置db块大小 21 2.4 Setting the db block size 22 #创建具有16k块大小的100MB表空间TESTDW 23 2.4.1 Create a 100MB tablespace TESTDW with the 16k block size 24 #删除表空间TESTDW,清除内存缓存大小。 25 2.4.2 Drop the tablespace TESTDW, clear the memory cache size. 26 #2.4.3检查记忆操作动作。 27 2.4.3 Check the memory operation movements. 28 #2.5设置以下要求: 29 2.5 Set up for the following requirements: 30 #2.5.1正常工作时间内,OLTP用户数量或并发OLTP用户数约为120个。 31 2.5.1 The number or concurrent OLTP users will be approximately 120 during normal business hours. 32 #2.5.2将在晚上和周末运行的数量或并发批处理程序约为12到 15。 33 2.5.2 The number or concurrent batch processes that will run in the evenings and weekends will approximately 12 to 15.. 34 #2.5.3修改或添加以下列出的参数: UTL_FILE_DIR =('/home/oracle','/home/oracle/temp','/home/oracle/scripts') 35 2.5.3 modify or add the following listed parameters:UTL_FILE_DIR=('/home/oracle','/home/oracle/temp','/home/oracle/scripts') 36 #2.6允许10秒的DDL语句等待锁定。检查并重置等待时间。 37 2.6 Allow to 10 sec for a DDL statement to wait for a lock. Check it and reset the wait time. 38 #2.7将参数memory_target更改为200g,重新启动db实例,并从错误方案中恢复。 39 2.7 Change the parameter memory_target to 200g, restart the db instance, and recovery from the error scenario. 40 --[103]-- 41 #3.创建和管理临时,永久和撤销表空间 42 3. Create and manage temporary, permanent, and undo tablespaces 43 #3.1创建一个包含两个临时表空间的临时表空间组,以支持批处理 创建大型索引和分析表格,使用以下规格: 44 3.1 Create a temporary tablespace group that contains two temporary tablespaces to support batch processing, the creation of large indexes,and analyzing tables, Use the following specifications: 45 #3.1.1临时表空间组名为TEMP_GRP,包含临时表空间TEMP和TEMP2。 46 3.1.1 Temporary tablespace group named TEMP_GRP containing temporary tablespaces TEMP and TEMP2. 47 #3.1.2使TEMP_GRP成为所有新用户的默认临时表空间。 48 3.1.2 Make TEMP_GRP the default temporary tablespace for all new users. 49 #3.1.3将默认临时表空间更改为TEMP。 50 3.1.3 Change back the default temporary tablespace to TEMP. 51 #3.1.4将临时表空间TEMP扩展到200MB,然后将其大小减小到100MB。 52 3.1.4 Extend the temporary tablespace TEMP to 200MB, then cut its size to 100MB. 53 #3.1.5使用语句检查临时用法:select a.object_id from dba_objects a,dba_objects b order by object_id; 54 3.1.5 Check the temporary usage with the statement: select a.object_id from dba_objects a,dba_objects b order by object_id; 55 #3.1.6将临时表空间剪切到最小大小。 56 3.1.6 Cut the temporary tablespace to the minimum size. 57 #3.2创建以下永久表空间来存储样本测试数据。使用以下规格: 58 3.2 Create the following permanent tablespace to store sample test data. Use the following specifications: 59 #3.2.1表空间TEST01,初始数据文件大小为100MB 60 3.2.1 Tablespace TEST01, initial datafile size 100MB 61 #3.2.2表空间TEST02,初始数据文件大小为100MB,初始扩展大小为1MB,下一个扩展区大小为1MB) 62 3.2.2 Tablespace TEST02, initial datafile size 100MB, Initial extent size of 1MB, next extent size of 1MB) 63 #3.2.3表空间TEST03,初始数据文件大小为100MB,带freelist的段管理 64 3.2.3 Tablespace TEST03, initial datafile size 100MB, segment management with freelist 65 #3.2.4表空间TEST04,初始数据文件大小为100MB,下一个扩展大小为100MB,最大大小为2G 66 3.2.4 Tablespace TEST04, initial datafile size 100MB, next extent size of 100MB with maximum size of 2G 67 #3.2.5具有OMF位置的表空间TEST05 68 3.2.5 Tablespace TEST05 with the OMF location 69 #3.2.6具有OMF位置的表空间TEST06,16k块大小。 70 3.2.6 Tablespace TEST06 with the OMF location, 16k blocksize. 71 #3.2.7表空间TEST07 for bigfile,初始数据文件大小为100MB,文件预期增长到4TB 72 3.2.7 Tablespace TEST07 for bigfile, initial datafile size 100MB with the file expected to grow to 4TB 73 #3.2.8检查上述表空间:名称,数据文件名,块大小,extent_management,段空间管理,分配类型,bigfile 74 3.2.8 Check the above tablespaces: name, datafile name, block size, extent_management, segment space management, allocation type, bigfile 75 #3.2.9在表空间TEST01中创建2个表:TEST_PCTFREE_0和TEST_PCTFREE_50。将dba_objects记录插入到它们中;检查2个表:记录数,块,平均空间和空格。 76 3.2.9 Create 2 tables in tablespace TEST01: TEST_PCTFREE_0 and TEST_PCTFREE_50.Insert the dba_objects records to both of them; Check the 2 tables: number of records, blocks, avg space and pct free. 77 #3.2.10删除上述表空间并清除环境设置(缓存大小,OMF路径) 78 3.2.10 Drop the above tablespaces and clear the environment settings (cache size, OMF path) 79 #3.3在数据库中设置自动撤销管理,支持以下要求: 80 3.3 Set up automatic undo management in the database to support the following requirements: 81 #3.3.1避免ORA-01555对于平均5个小时的查询,快照太旧错误。 82 3.3.1 Avoid ORA-01555 Snapshot too old errors for queries running up to 5 hours on average. 83 #3.3.2检查不同状态的UNDO的使用情况。 84 3.3.2 Check the usage of UNDO with different status. 85 #3.3.3将UNDO更改为tablespace undotbs2,然后更改为tablespace undotbs1。 86 3.3.3 Change the UNDO to tablespace undotbs2, then change back to tablespace undotbs1. 87 #3.3.4向表空间undotbs1添加一个新的datafile undotbs02.dbf(size = 100MB,扩展大小为10MB),然后删除新的撤消数据文件。 88 3.3.4 Add a new datafile undotbs02.dbf (size=100MB, extent size of 10MB) to tablespace undotbs1, then drop the new undo datafile. 89 #3.4检查所有表空间(永久,临时)及其数据文件:文件#,文件名,表空间名称 90 3.4 Check all the tablespaces (permanent, temporary) and their datafiles: file#,file name,tablespace name 91 --[104]-- 92 #4.跨多个物理设备和位置条带数据文件 93 4. Stripe data files across multiple physical devices and locations 94 #4.1确认路径的现有路径,并将权限设置为user oracle。 95 #Dir1:/ u01 / app / oracle / oradata / PROD1 96 #Dir2:/ u02 / app / oracle / oradata / PROD2 97 4.1 Confirm the existing of the path and set the privileges to user oracle. 98 Dir1: /u01/app/oracle/oradata/PROD1 99 Dir2: /u02/app/oracle/oradata/PROD2100 #4.2将重做日志文件重新映射到上述两个路径中的每组3组和2个成员101 4.2 Recreate the redo log files to 3 groups and 2 members per group located to the above two paths102 #4.3将位于Dir2中的新数据文件system02.dbf添加到系统表空间。103 4.3 Add a new datafile system02.dbf located in the Dir2 to the system tablespace.104 #4.4检查FAST RECOVERY AREA和archivelog文件的位置路径105 4.4 Check the location path of FAST RECOVERY AREA and the archivelog files106 --[105]--107 #5.配置数据库环境以支持最佳数据访问性能108 5. Configure the database environment to support optimal data access performance109 #5.1校准参数FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET,请查看重做日志文件的建议大小。110 5.1 Calibrate the parameter FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET, check the recommended size for redo log files.111 #5.2配置数据库以在alert.log文件中记录检查点。112 5.2 Configure your database to record checkpoints in the alert.log file.113 --[106]--114 #6.创建和管理数据库配置文件115 6. Create and manage database configuration files116 #6.1从MEMORY,SPFILE或PFILE创建临时PFILE / SPFILE。117 6.1 Create a temporary PFILE / SPFILE from MEMORY, SPFILE or PFILE.118 #6.2将MEMORY_TARGET参数更改为450M。119 6.2 Change the MEMORY_TARGET parameter to 450M.120 --[107]--121 #7.创建和管理bigfile表空间122 7. Create and manage bigfile tablespaces123 #7.1创建一个大小为100MB的bigfile tablespace BIGTBS1124 7.1 Create a bigfile tablespace BIGTBS1 with size 100MB125 #7.2创建一个bigfile表空间BIGTBS2初始大小为100MB,下一个扩展大小为100MB,最大大小为100G126 7.2 Create a bigfile tablespace BIGTBS2 initial size 100MB, next extent size of 100MB with maximum size 100G127 #7.3更改BIGTBS1128 7.3 Change the BIGTBS1 size to 200MB129 #7.4删除2个表空间。130 7.4 Drop the 2 tablespaces.131 132 --[108]--133 #8.创建和管理使用NFS挂载文件系统文件的表空间134 8. Create and Manage a tablespace that uses NFS mounted file system file135 #8.1安装NFS服务器,将NFS客户端安装到NFS服务器存储。136 8.1 Setup a NFS server, mount the NFS client to the NFS server storage.137 #8.2启用直接NFS并在NFS存储上创建一个表空间TESTNFS大小为100MB。138 8.2 Enable the Direct NFS and create a tablespace TESTNFS size 100MB on the NFS storage.139 #8.3删除表空间并禁用直接NFS,清除NFS设置。140 8.3 Drop the tablespace and Disable the Direct NFS, clear the NFS setting.141 142 --[109]--143 #9.创建和管理多个网络配置文件144 9. Create and manage multiple network configuration files145 #9.1为手动创建PROD1,PROD2的客户端网络配置文件,包括listener.ora,tnsnames.ora,SQLNET.ORA。146 9.1 Create the client-side network configuration files for PROD1,PROD2 manually, including listener.ora, tnsnames.ora,sqlnet.ora.147 #9.2使用netca创建PROD1,PROD2的客户端网络配置文件,包括listener.ora,tnsnames.ora,sqlnet.ora。148 9.2 Create the client-side network configuration files for PROD1,PROD2 with netca, including listener.ora,tnsnames.ora, sqlnet.ora.149 #9.3创建客户端网络配置RACDB。它应该连接到服务与a 专用服务器连接。150 9.3 Create a Client-side Network configuration RACDB. It should connect to the service with a dedicated server connection.151 #9.3.1 服务将在两个RAC节点上运行:host1,host2152 9.3.1 The service will be running on two RAC nodes: host1, host2153 #9.3.2客户端配置应具有连接时故障转移和客户端负载平衡154 9.3.2 The client-side configuration should with connect-time Failover and client load balancing155 #9.3.3如果实例发生故障,应用程序将故障切换到另一个节点的监听器,保留任何SELECT声明正在进行中。156 9.3.3 If the instance fails, the application should fail over to the other node's listener, reserving any SELECT statements in progress.157 #9.4创建客户端网络配置PROD2。它应该连接到服务与a 专用服务器连接。158 9.4 Create a Client-side Network configuration PROD2. It should connect to the service with a dedicated server connection.159 #9.4.1 服务在主机上运行160 9.4.1 The service is running on host 161 #9.4.2如果连接失败,则应等待15秒钟再尝试重新连接,并尝试重新连接最多20次。162 9.4.2 If the connection fails, it should waits 15 seconds before trying to reconnect again, and attempts to reconnect up to 20 times.163 #9.5添加一个名为LISTENER_TEST的侦听器,它将侦听端口50000.配置此侦听器以仅支持 自动实例注册。164 9.5 Add a listener, named LISTENER_TEST,which will listen on port 50000.Configure this listener to support only automatic instance registrations.165 #9.5.1设置PROD1实例以自动注册LISTENER_TEST。166 9.5.1 Set up the PROD1 instance to automatically register with the LISTENER_TEST.167 #9.5.2检查新的侦听器状态,然后将其删除。168 9.5.2 Check the new listener status, and then remove it.169 --[110]--170 #10.创建和配置一个监听器171 10. Create and configure a listener172 #10.1使用图形工具设置监听器:netca,netmgr173 10.1 Use the graphic tools to set up the listener: netca, netmgr174 --[111]--175 #11.配置数据库实例以支持共享服务器连接176 11. Configure the database instance to support shared server connections177 #11.1配置PROD1数据库最多支持300个会话,为专用连接保留100个。178 11.1 Configure the PROD1 database to support up to 300 sessions, reserving 100 for dedicated connections.179 #11.2配置PROD1数据库进行支持。180 11.2 Configure the PROD1 database to support.181 #11.2.1默认3个TCP调度程序,2个TCPS调度程序。182 11.2.1 Default of 3 TCP dispatchers, 2 TCPS dispatchers。183 #11.2.2最多10个调度员184 11.2.2 Maximum of 10 dispatchers185 #11.3配置PROD1数据库以支持:186 11.3 Configure the PROD1 database to support:187 #11.3.1最少10个共享服务器进程188 11.3.1 Minimum of 10 shared server processes189 #11.3.2最多30个共享服务器进程190 11.3.2 Maximum of 30 shared server processes191 #11.4将db与共享进程连接,然后删除此共享连接。192 11.4 Connect the db with shared process, and then drop this shared connection.193 #11.5删除上述共享服务器设置。194 11.5 Remove the above shared server settings.195 --[112]--196 #12.设置网络跟踪197 12. Set up network tracing198 #12.1在PROD1上启用跟踪监听器,将跟踪文件路径设置为"/u01/app/oracle/trace/listener",并设置跟踪文件 到“listener.trc”,跟踪级别= 4199 12.1 Enable tracing listener on PROD1, set the trace file path to "/u01/app/oracle/trace/listener" and set the traced file to "listener.trc", trace level=4200 #12.2启用跟踪sqlnet.ora201 12.2 Enable tracing the sqlnet.ora202 #12.2.1设置客户端和服务器的跟踪级别以支持203 12.2.1 set the trace level of client and server to support204 #12.2.2将客户端的跟踪目录设置为‘/u01/app/oracle/trace/client’,服务器的跟踪目录‘/u01/app/oracle/trace/server’205 12.2.2 set the trace directory for client to ‘/u01/app/oracle/trace/client’, the trace directory for server to ‘/u01/app/oracle/trace/server’206 #12.3禁用所有跟踪207 12.3 Disable all the tracing208 --[113]--209 #13.管理Oracle网络进程210 13. Manage Oracle network processes211 #13.1使用lsnrctl实用程序管理侦听器:start/status/services/trace/stop/reload。212 13.1 Manage the listener with lsnrctl utility: start/status/services/trace/stop/reload.213 --[114]--214 #14.配置网络环境以允许连接到多个数据库215 14. Configure the network environment to allow connections to multiple databases216 #14.1修改listener.ora和tnsnames.ora以连接PROD1,PROD2数据库217 14.1 Modify listener.ora and tnsnames.ora to connect the PROD1,PROD2 databases218 #14.2设置listener.ora以允许默认服务连接到PROD1。219 14.2 Set the listener.ora to allow default service to connect to the PROD1.220 --[115]--221 #15.使用无配置连接222 15. Use configurationless connections223 #14.1设置sqlnet.ora以允许无组件连接224 14.1 Setting the sqlnet.ora to allow configurationless connection225 --[116]--226 #16.使用OPatch安装补丁227 16. Use OPatch to install a patch228 #16.1安装在线补丁 - p13429702_112030_LINUX229 16.1 Install online patch - p13429702_112030_LINUX230 --[117]--231 #17.使用Grid Infrastructure来管理oracle数据库和其他资源232 17. Use Grid Infrastructure to manage oracle databases and other resources233 #17.1安装Grid Infrastructure软件234 17.1 Install Grid Infrastructure software235 #17.2启动高可用性服务并启用自动启动236 17.2 Start the High Availability Services and enable automatic startup237 #17.3将数据库PROD1,PROD2添加到Oracle重新启动配置238 17.3 Add the database PROD1,PROD2 to the Oracle Restart configuration239 --[118]--240 #17.使用企业管理器配置助理(EMCA)实用程序241 17. Use Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant(EMCA) utility242 #17.1为PROD1手动创建数据库控制EM243 17.1 Create the database control EM manually for PROD1244 #17.2手动启动和停止PROD1245 17.2 Start and stop the EM manually for PROD1



1 --[101]-- 2 #创建数据库 3 1. Create the database 4 #使用dbca创建一个PROD1数据库,包括Sample Schema,启用archivelog,没有EM。 5 1.1 Create a PROD1 database with dbca, including Sample Schema, enable archivelog, without EM. 6 #全局数据库名称: ; SID:PROD1 7 Global db name: SID: PROD1 8 #运行最小所需脚本以创建具有create database语句的PROD2数据库。 全局数据库名称: ;SID:PROD2 9 1.2 Run the minimum required scripts to create a PROD2 database with create database statement. 10 Global db name: SID: PROD2


 2 Day DBA ->2 Installing Oracle Database and Creating a Database->Creating and Managing a Database with DBCA Administrator's Guide ->2 Creating and Configuring an Oracle Database->Creating a Database with the CREATE DATABASE Statement

#使用dbca创建一个PROD1数据库,包括Sample Schema,启用archivelog,没有EM。

1.1 Create a PROD1 database with dbca, including Sample Schema, enable archivelog, without EM.

#全局数据库名称: ; SID:PROD1

Global db name: SID: PROD1

1) Login as Linux user "oracle" ;即 从 root 用户登录到oracle 用户,并核查oracle 用户下关于oracle数据库的系统环境参数信息

1 #切换oracle用户 2 [root@oracle ~]# su - oracle 3 #查看本用户根目录下信息 4 [oracle@oracle ~]$ ls -a 5 . .. .bash_history .bash_logout .bash_profile .bashrc .emacs .kde .mozilla .viminfo .zshrc 6 #查看 .bash_profile 信息:在不同机器上面,该值名称不一定一样 7 [oracle@oracle ~]$ cat .bash_profile 8 # .bash_profile 9 10 # Get the aliases and functions 11 if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then 12 . ~/.bashrc 13 fi 14 15 # User specific environment and startup programs 16 17 PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin 18 19 export PATH 24 25 export ORACLE_TERM=xterm 26 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/lib 27 28 export CLASSPATH=$ORACLE_HOME/JRE:ORACLE_HOME/jlib:$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/jlib 29 30 [oracle@oracle ~]$ 31

2) Run the cmd of Database Configuration Assistant 执行DBCA 命令:

命令执行之前,需要用root用户执行 xhost + 命令

1 [root@oracle ~]# xhost + 2 access control disabled, clients can connect from any host 3 [root@oracle ~]# 4


1 [oracle@oracle ~]$ 2

3) Welcome screen -> Click "Next" 命令执行后,调用出图形界面:执行下一步操作

4) Select "Create database" -> Click "Next" 选择创建数据库,然后在执行下一步按钮

5) Select "Custom Database" -> Click "Next" 此处按照要求选择相对应选项。此处我选择的是 第一个选项


 General Purpose or Transaction Processing

 Data Warehouse

6) Input the "Global Database Name" and SID 输入数据库名和数据库实例名

Global Database Name = ""


Click "Next"

7) Deselect "Configure Enterprise Manager" -> Click "Next" ;去掉“配置企业管理器”的选择


8) Select "Use the Same Administrative Password for All Account"

Password = "xxxxxx" (例如:oracle)

Confirm Password = "xxxxxx" (例如:oracle)

Click "Next"

把所有用户的密码都设置一样的选择。 考试的时候最后都设置一样的 除掉默认的oracle名称其他的密码;

password entered does not satisty oracle recommended password complexity policy.

a password should hava minimum of 8 characters in length . in addition,the password must contain at least one upper case character ,one lower case character and one digit;

密码输入不符合oracle推荐的密码复杂性策略。 一个密码最多不得超过8个字符。 此外,密码必须包含至少一个大写字母,一个小写字母和一位数字;

9) Set the storage type:设置存储类型:

Storage Type = "File System"存储类型=“文件系统”

Select "Use Common Location for All Database Files"选择“对所有数据库文件使用通用位置”

Database Files Location = "{ORACLE_BASE}/oradata" 数据库文件位置=“{ORACLE_BASE} / oradata”

Click "Next"

10) Keep the default settings of Flash/Fast Recovery Area -> Deselect "Enable Archiving" -> Click "Next"

保留Flash(闪存) /快速恢复区域的默认设置 - >取消选择“启用归档” - >单击“下一步”

11) Select "Sample Schema" and keep the default settings of other components -> Click "Next"

 选择安装默认组件:完成时间?

 取消安装全部组件:完成时间?

12) Select the character set, keep other options by default

Click tab "Character Sets"

Click "Use Unicode (AL32UTF8)

Click "Next"

13) In the window "Database Storage" -> Click "Next"

14) Activate the boxes "Create Database" and "Generate Database Creation Scripts" -> Click "Finish" (The default path for the script = /u01/app/oracle/admin/PROD1/scripts)


15) Confirm the Summary -> Click "OK"

16) Confirm to create the script of DB - > Click "OK"

17) Finish the installation -> Click "Exit"


1 [oracle@oracle ~]$ export ORACLE_SID=PROD1 2 [oracle@oracle ~]$ sqlplus / as sysdba; 3 4 SQL*Plus: Release Production on Sun Oct 22 16:12:23 5 6 Copyright (c) 1982, , Oracle. All rights reserved. 7 8 9 Connected to: 10 Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production 11 With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options 12 13 SQL> startup force 14 ORACLE instance started. 15 16 Total System Global Area 1707446272 bytes 17 Fixed Size 1345408 bytes 18 Variable Size 989857920 bytes 19 Database Buffers704643072 bytes 20 Redo Buffers11599872 bytes 21 Database mounted. 22 Database opened. 23 SQL> exit 24 Disconnected from Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production 25 With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options 26 [oracle@oracle ~]$ sqlplus /nolog 27 28 SQL*Plus: Release Production on Sun Oct 22 16:12:58 29 30 Copyright (c) 1982, , Oracle. All rights reserved. 31 32 SQL> connect sys/oracle as sysdba; 33 Connected. 34 SQL> 35 36


18) Set the DB in ARCHIVELOG mode, and activate FLASHBACK mode.

1 [oracle@oracle ~]$ export ORACLE_SID=PROD1 2 [oracle@oracle ~]$ sqlplus / as sysdba; 3 4 SQL*Plus: Release Production on Sun Oct 22 16:45:38 5 6 Copyright (c) 1982, , Oracle. All rights reserved. 7 8 9 Connected to: 10 Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production 11 With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options 12 13 SQL> shutdown immediate 14 Database closed. 15 Database dismounted. 16 ORACLE instance shut down. 17 SQL> startup mount; 18 ORACLE instance started. 19 20 Total System Global Area 1707446272 bytes 21 Fixed Size 1345408 bytes 22 Variable Size 989857920 bytes 23 Database Buffers704643072 bytes 24 Redo Buffers11599872 bytes 25 Database mounted. 26 SQL> alter database archivelog; 27 28 Database altered. 29 30 SQL> alter database flashback on; 31 32 Database altered. 33 34 SQL> alter database open 35 2 ; 36 37 Database altered. 38 39 SQL> select name ,log_mode,flashback_on from v$database ; 40 41 NAMELOG_MODEFLASHBACK_ON 42 --------- ------------ ------------------ 43 PROD1ARCHIVELOG YES 44 45 SQL> 46

#运行最小所需脚本以创建具有create database语句的PROD2数据库。 全局数据库名称: ;SID:PROD2

1.2 Run the minimum required scripts to create a PROD2 database with create database statement.

Global db name: SID: PROD2

Step 1: Specify an Instance Identifier (SID)

DB 设计:ORACLE_SID=PROD2,db_name=PROD2, db_domain=

1 [root@oracle ~]# su - oracle 2 [oracle@oracle ~]$ ls -a 3 . .. .bash_history .bash_logout .bash_profile .bashrc .emacs .kde .mozilla .viminfo .zshrc 4 [oracle@oracle ~]$ cat .bash_profile 5 # .bash_profile 6 7 # Get the aliases and functions 8 if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then 9 . ~/.bashrc 10 fi 11 12 # User specific environment and startup programs 13 14 PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin 15 21 22 export ORACLE_TERM=xterm 23 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/lib 24 25 export CLASSPATH=$ORACLE_HOME/JRE:ORACLE_HOME/jlib:$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/jlib 26 27 [oracle@oracle ~]$ vi .bash_profile 28 [oracle@oracle ~]$ cat .bash_profile 29 # .bash_profile 30 31 # Get the aliases and functions 32 if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then 33 . ~/.bashrc 34 fi 35 36 # User specific environment and startup programs 37 38 PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin 39 40 export PATH 45 46 export ORACLE_TERM=xterm 47 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/lib 48 49 export CLASSPATH=$ORACLE_HOME/JRE:ORACLE_HOME/jlib:$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/jlib 50 51 [oracle@oracle ~]$ 52 53

Step 2: Ensure That the Required Environment Variables Are Set

1 2# 切换到 oracle 用户 3[root@oracle ~]# su - oracle 4# 进入 oracle_home 安装的根目录 5[oracle@oracle ~]$ cd $ORACLE_HOME 6#查看目录路劲 7[oracle@oracle db_1]$ pwd 8/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1 9#查看该路劲下的文件信息 10[oracle@oracle db_1]$ ls 11apex cssEMStage jdevnls oui scheduler usm 12assistants ctxhas jdkoc4j owb slax utl 13bincv hs jlibodbc owm sqldeveloperwwg 14ccrdbside ldapolap perlsqlj xdk 15cdata dc_ocm install libOPatch plsqlsqlplus 16cfgtoollogs deinstall instantclient logopmn precomp srvm 17clone demo inventorymd _orcl racgsysman 18config diagnostics j2ee mesgoracore rdbmstimingframework 19crsdv javavm mgworaInst.loc relnotes ucp 20csmig emcli jdbc network ord root.sh uix 21# 进入dbs 文件夹 22[oracle@oracle db_1]$ cd dbs 23#查看dbs文件下的文件信息 24[oracle@oracle dbs]$ ls 25hc_orcl.dat hc_prod.dat init.ora initprod.ora lkORCL lkPROD orapworcl spfileorcl.ora spfileprod.ora 26#查看 init.ora 文件信息 27[oracle@oracle dbs]$ cat init.ora 28# 29# $Header: rdbms/admin/init.ora /main/23 /05/15 13:35:38 ysarig Exp $ 30# 31# Copyright (c) 1991, 1997, 1998 by Oracle Corporation 32# NAME 33# init.ora 34# FUNCTION 35# NOTES 36# MODIFIED 37#ysarig05/14/09 - Updating compatible to 11.2 38#ysarig08/13/07 - Fixing the sample for 11g 39#atsukerm 08/06/98 - fix for 8.1. 40#hpiao06/05/97 - fix for 803 41#glavash 05/12/97 - add oracle_trace_enable comment 42#hpiao04/22/97 - remove ifile=, events=, etc. 43#alingelb 09/19/94 - remove vms-specific stuff 44#dpawson 07/07/93 - add more comments regarded archive start 45#maporter 10/29/92 - Add vms_sga_use_gblpagfile=TRUE 46#jloaiza 03/07/92 - change ALPHA to BETA 47#danderso 02/26/92 - change db_block_cache_protect to _db_block_cache_p 48#ghallmar 02/03/92 - db_directory -> db_domain 49#maporter 01/12/92 - merge changes from branch 1.8.308.1 50#maporter 12/21/91 - bug 76493: Add control_files parameter 51#wbridge 12/03/91 - use of %c in archive format is discouraged 52#ghallmar 12/02/91 - add global_names=true, db_directory= 53#thayes11/27/91 - Change default for cache_clone 54#jloaiza 08/13/91 - merge changes from branch 55#jloaiza 07/31/91 - add debug stuff 56#rlim 04/29/91 - removal of char_is_varchar2 57# Bridge03/12/91 - log_allocation no longer exists 58# Wijaya02/05/91 - remove obsolete parameters 59# 60############################################################################## 61# Example INIT.ORA file 62# 63# This file is provided by Oracle Corporation to help you start by providing 64# a starting point to customize your RDBMS installation for your site. 65# 66# NOTE: The values that are used in this file are only intended to be used 67# as a starting point. You may want to adjust/tune those values to your 68# specific hardware and needs. You may also consider using Database 69# Configuration Assistant tool (DBCA) to create INIT file and to size your 70# initial set of tablespaces based on the user input. 71############################################################################### 72 73# Change '<ORACLE_BASE>' to point to the oracle base (the one you specify at 74# install time) 75 76db_name='ORCL' 77memory_target=1G 78processes = 150 79audit_file_dest='<ORACLE_BASE>/admin/orcl/adump' 80audit_trail ='db' 81db_block_size=8192 82db_domain='' 83db_recovery_file_dest='<ORACLE_BASE>/flash_recovery_area' 84db_recovery_file_dest_size=2G 85diagnostic_dest='<ORACLE_BASE>' 86dispatchers='(PROTOCOL=TCP) (SERVICE=ORCLXDB)' 87open_cursors=300 88remote_login_passwordfile='EXCLUSIVE' 89undo_tablespace='UNDOTBS1' 90# You may want to ensure that control files are created on separate physical 91# devices 92control_files = (ora_control1, ora_control2) 93compatible ='11.2.0' 94 95 96#创建新的 数据库初始化文件: initprod2.ora 97[oracle@oracle dbs]$ cat init.ora | grep -v ^# | grep -v ^$ > initprod2.ora 98 99#查看创建好的 initprod2.ora 数据库创建初始化文件信息100[oracle@oracle dbs]$ view initprod2.ora101 102db_name='ORCL'103memory_target=1G104processes = 150105audit_file_dest='<ORACLE_BASE>/admin/orcl/adump'106audit_trail ='db'107db_block_size=8192108db_domain=''109db_recovery_file_dest='<ORACLE_BASE>/flash_recovery_area'110db_recovery_file_dest_size=2G111diagnostic_dest='<ORACLE_BASE>'112dispatchers='(PROTOCOL=TCP) (SERVICE=ORCLXDB)'113open_cursors=300114remote_login_passwordfile='EXCLUSIVE'115undo_tablespace='UNDOTBS1'116control_files = (ora_control1, ora_control2)117compatible ='11.2.0'118 119 120#修改该系统参数文件:删除没有必要的数据库参数,保留最终结果121 122 123[oracle@oracle dbs]$ vi initprod2.ora124#配置的结果如下:125db_name='PROD2'126db_create_file_dest='/u01/app/oracle/oradata'127memory_target=1G128compatible ='11.2.0'129db_domain=''130#保存退出131 132 133#切换oracle的SID 标识134 135[oracle@oracle ~]$ export ORACLE_SID=prod2136 137#创建密码文件 eg:orapwd file=/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbs/orapwmypl password=oracle;138[oracle@oracle dbs]$ pwd139 /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/dbs140 141 [oracle@oracle dbs]$ orapwd file=dbsorapwprod2 entries=30142Enter password for SYS:143 144 145 146 147#切换到 sqlplus 登录到oracle 数据库148[oracle@oracle ~]$ sqlplus / as sysdba149 150SQL*Plus: Release Production on Sat Oct 14 21:23:12 151 152Copyright (c) 1982, , Oracle. All rights reserved.153 154Connected to an idle instance.155 156 157#创建 spfile 系统参数文件158 159SQL> create spfile from pfile;160 161File created.162 163# 创建好prod2的spfile系统参数文件后,启动数据库到nomount状态164SQL> startup nomount;165ORACLE instance started.166 167Total System Global Area 1071333376 bytes168Fixed Size 1349732 bytes169Variable Size 620758940 bytes170Database Buffers444596224 bytes171Redo Buffers4628480 bytes172SQL>173 174#创建数据库175SQL> create database prod2;176#等待许些时间,会显示创建结果177 178Database created.179 180#查看日志,看数据库是否创建成功181[root@oracle ~]# su - oracle182[oracle@oracle ~]$cd /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/prod2/prod2/trace183[oracle@oracle trace]$ ls184alert_prod2.logprod2_mmon_5719.trc prod2_ora_5631.trm prod2_vktm_5695.trc185prod2_mman_5707.trc prod2_mmon_5719.trm prod2_ora_5723.trc prod2_vktm_5695.trm186prod2_mman_5707.trm prod2_ora_5631.trc prod2_ora_5723.trm187[oracle@oracle trace]$188[oracle@oracle trace]$ view alert_prod2.log #查看日志信息189 190 191 192 #三:用sys用户 跑 命令脚本193 194 195 196 [oracle@oracle ~]$ sqlplus / as sysdba197 198 SQL*Plus: Release Production on Sat Oct 14 21:43:26 199 200 Copyright (c) 1982, , Oracle. All rights reserved.201 202 203 Connected to:204 Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production205 With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options206 207 # 分别执行下列3条脚本执行命令208 SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/catalog.sql209 210 SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/catproc.sql211 212 SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/utlrp.sql213 214 #这3个脚本执行时间有点长 ;执行过程的错误可以忽略215 216 #四: 用system 用户执行命令脚本217 218 #1:如果不知道system 用户的登录密码;则需要用sys用户来修改system登录密码:219 220 221 222 [oracle@oracle oracle]$ sqlplus / as sysdba223 224 SQL*Plus: Release Production on Sat Oct 14 21:57:58 225 226 Copyright (c) 1982, , Oracle. All rights reserved.227 228 Connected to an idle instance.229 #修改 system 用户密码230 SQL> alter user system identified by 123456;231 232 User altered.233 #system 用户登录234 SQL> conn system /123456235 Connected.236 SQL>237 238 #2:执行数据库创建操作脚本;239 240SQL> conn system /123456241Connected.242 243SQL>244SQL> @?/sqlplus/admin/pupbld.sql245 246 247 #五:切换到sys 用户 重新启动数据库:248 249 250 SQL> conn / as sysdba;251 Connected.252 #启动253 SQL> startup254 ORA-01081: cannot start already-running ORACLE - shut it down first255 #上述错误表示数据库已经处在启动中,重新启动下256 SQL> startup force257 ORACLE instance started.258 259 Total System Global Area 1071333376 bytes260 Fixed Size 1349732 bytes261 Variable Size 624953244 bytes262 Database Buffers440401920 bytes263 Redo Buffers4628480 bytes264 Database mounted.265 Database opened.266 SQL>267 268 269 #六:注册数据库实例PROD2到数据库实例列表中270 271 272 [root@oracle admin]# cat /etc/oratab 273 #274 275 276 277 # This file is used by ORACLE utilities. It is created by root.sh278 # and updated by either Database Configuration Assistant while creating279 # a database or ASM Configuration Assistant while creating ASM instance.280 281 # A colon, ':', is used as the field terminator. A new line terminates282 # the entry. Lines beginning with a pound sign, '#', are comments.283 #284 # Entries are of the form:285 # $ORACLE_SID:$ORACLE_HOME:<N|Y>:286 #287 # The first and second fields are the system identifier and home288 # directory of the database respectively. The third filed indicates289 # to the dbstart utility that the database should , "Y", or should not,290 # "N", be brought up at system boot time.291 #292 # Multiple entries with the same $ORACLE_SID are not allowed.293 #294 #295 orcl:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1:N296 [root@oracle admin]# vi /etc/oratab 297 298 #299 300 301 302 # This file is used by ORACLE utilities. It is created by root.sh303 # and updated by either Database Configuration Assistant while creating304 # a database or ASM Configuration Assistant while creating ASM instance.305 306 # A colon, ':', is used as the field terminator. A new line terminates307 # the entry. Lines beginning with a pound sign, '#', are comments.308 #309 # Entries are of the form:310 # $ORACLE_SID:$ORACLE_HOME:<N|Y>:311 #312 # The first and second fields are the system identifier and home313 # directory of the database respectively. The third filed indicates314 # to the dbstart utility that the database should , "Y", or should not,315 # "N", be brought up at system boot time.316 #317 # Multiple entries with the same $ORACLE_SID are not allowed.318 #319 #320 orcl:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1:N321 PROD2:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1:N322 323 ~324 ~325 ~326 ~327 ~328 ~329 Entering Ex mode. Type "visual" to go to Normal mode.330 :wq331 "/etc/oratab" 25L, 871C written332 [root@oracle admin]# cat /etc/oratab 333 #334 335 336 337 # This file is used by ORACLE utilities. It is created by root.sh338 # and updated by either Database Configuration Assistant while creating339 # a database or ASM Configuration Assistant while creating ASM instance.340 341 # A colon, ':', is used as the field terminator. A new line terminates342 # the entry. Lines beginning with a pound sign, '#', are comments.343 #344 # Entries are of the form:345 # $ORACLE_SID:$ORACLE_HOME:<N|Y>:346 #347 # The first and second fields are the system identifier and home348 # directory of the database respectively. The third filed indicates349 # to the dbstart utility that the database should , "Y", or should not,350 # "N", be brought up at system boot time.351 #352 # Multiple entries with the same $ORACLE_SID are not allowed.353 #354 #355 orcl:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1:N356 PROD2:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1:N357 358 [root@oracle admin]# 359 360

如果在启动过程中出现下图问题:请参考此文:《ORA-00845 MEMORY_TARGET not supported on this system 的解决》


四:删除数据库实例。即:删除数据库1: 手工删除数据库


1 #确定并设置数据库结构的大小参数 2 13 2. Determine and set sizing parameters for database structures 3 14 #查看DB的以下设置:spfile,db名称,db域,全局数据库名称,快速恢复区域,控制文件,数据文件; 4 15 2.1 View the following setting of the DB: spfile, db name, db domain, global db name, fast recovery area, control files, data files; 5 16 #将快速恢复区域大小更改为5G。 6 17 2.2 Change fast recovery area size to 5G. 7 18 #将控制文件更改为3个成员,然后更改为2个成员; 8 19 2.3 Change control files to 3 members, then change back to 2 members; 9 20 #设置db块大小 10 21 2.4 Setting the db block size 11 22 #创建具有16k块大小的100MB表空间TESTDW 12 23 2.4.1 Create a 100MB tablespace TESTDW with the 16k block size 13 24 #删除表空间TESTDW,清除内存缓存大小。 14 25 2.4.2 Drop the tablespace TESTDW, clear the memory cache size. 15 26 #2.4.3检查记忆操作动作。 16 27 2.4.3 Check the memory operation movements. 17 28 #2.5设置以下要求: 18 29 2.5 Set up for the following requirements: 19 30 #2.5.1正常工作时间内,OLTP用户数量或并发OLTP用户数约为120个。 20 31 2.5.1 The number or concurrent OLTP users will be approximately 120 during normal business hours. 21 32 #2.5.2将在晚上和周末运行的数量或并发批处理程序约为12到 15。 22 33 2.5.2 The number or concurrent batch processes that will run in the evenings and weekends will approximately 12 to 15.. 23 34 #2.5.3修改或添加以下列出的参数: UTL_FILE_DIR =('/home/oracle','/home/oracle/temp','/home/oracle/scripts') 24 35 2.5.3 modify or add the following listed parameters:UTL_FILE_DIR=('/home/oracle','/home/oracle/temp','/home/oracle/scripts') 25 36 #2.6允许10秒的DDL语句等待锁定。检查并重置等待时间。 26 37 2.6 Allow to 10 sec for a DDL statement to wait for a lock. Check it and reset the wait time. 27 38 #2.7将参数memory_target更改为200g,重新启动db实例,并从错误方案中恢复。 28 39 2.7 Change the parameter memory_target to 200g, restart the db instance, and recovery from the error scenario. 29 40 --[103]-- 30


1 --#确定并设置数据库结构的大小参数 2 2. Determine and set sizing parameters for database structures 3 --#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 --1. 文档l Administrator's Guide -> 2 Creating and Configuring an Oracle Database -> Specifying Initialization Parameters 5 6 7 8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 ---#查看DB的以下设置:spfile,db名称,db域,全局数据库名称,快速恢复区域,控制文件,数据文件; 10 2.1 View the following setting of the DB: spfile, db name, db domain, global db name, fast recovery area, control files, data files; 11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 13 SQL> show parameter spfile 14 15 NAME TYPE VALUE 16 ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------ 17 spfile string/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0 18/db_1/dbs/spfilePROD1.ora 19 SQL> show parameter db_name 20 21 NAME TYPE VALUE 22 ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------ 23 db_namestringPROD1 24 SQL> show parameter db_domain 25 26 NAME TYPE VALUE 27 ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------ 28 db_domain string 29 30 31 32 SQL> select property_name, property_value from database_properties where property_name ='GLOBAL_DB_NAME'; 33 34 PROPERTY_NAME PROPERTY_VALUE 35 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 36 GLOBAL_DB_NAME 37 38 SQL> show parameter control_files; 39 40 NAME TYPE VALUE 41 ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------ 42 control_files string/u01/app/oracle/oradata/PROD1/control01.ctl, /u01/app/oracle/fast_recovery_area/PROD1/control02.ctl 43 SQL> 44 45 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 46 47 -- #将快速恢复区域大小更改为5G。 48 -- 2.2 Change fast recovery area size to 5G. 49 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 50 SQL> show parameter recovery 51 52 NAME TYPE VALUE 53 ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------ 54 db_recovery_file_deststring/u01/app/oracle/fast_recovery_area 55 db_recovery_file_dest_size big integer 4122M 56 recovery_parallelism integer0 57 SQL> alter system set db_recovery_file_dest_size=5G scope=both; 58 59 System altered. 60 61 SQL> select * from v$recovery_area_usage; 62 63 64 65 66 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 67 -- #将控制文件更改为3个成员,然后更改为2个成员; 68 -- 2.3 Change control files to 3 members, then change back to 2 members; 69 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 70 ---切换数据库实例: 71 [oracle@oracle controlfile]$ export ORACLE_SID=PROD2 72 [oracle@oracle controlfile]$ sqlplus / as sysdba; 73 74 SQL*Plus: Release Production on Sat Oct 28 15:33:05 75 76 Copyright (c) 1982, , Oracle. All rights reserved. 77 78 Connected to an idle instance. 79 SQL> startup 80 ORACLE instance started. 81 82 Total System Global Area 1071333376 bytes 83 Fixed Size 1349732 bytes 84 Variable Size 624953244 bytes 85 Database Buffers440401920 bytes 86 Redo Buffers4628480 bytes 87 Database mounted. 88 Database opened. 89 SQL> ho clear 90 91 92 SQL> select name from v$database; 93 94 NAME 95 --------- 96 PROD2 97 98 SQL> select status from v$instance; 99 100 STATUS101 ------------102 OPEN103 104 SQL> show parameter control_files105 106 NAME TYPE VALUE107 ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------108 control_files string/u01/app/oracle/oradata/PROD2/109controlfile/o1_mf_dz7vfyxr_.ct110l111 SQL> shutdown immediate;112 Database closed.113 Database dismounted.114 ORACLE instance shut down.115 SQL> startup nomount;116 ORACLE instance started.117 118 Total System Global Area 1071333376 bytes119 Fixed Size 1349732 bytes120 Variable Size 624953244 bytes121 Database Buffers440401920 bytes122 Redo Buffers4628480 bytes123 SQL> alter system set control_files='/u01/app/oracle/oradata/PROD2/controlfile/o1_mf_dz7vfyxr_.ctl','/u01/app/oracle/oradata/PROD2/controlfile/control02.ctl','/u01/app/oracle/oradata/PROD2/controlfile/control03.ctl' scope=spfile;124 125 System altered.126 127 SQL> shutdown immediate;128 ORA-01507: database not mounted129 130 131 ORACLE instance shut down.132 SQL> !cp -p /u01/app/oracle/oradata/PROD2/controlfile/o1_mf_dz7vfyxr_.ctl /u01/app/oracle/oradata/PROD2/controlfile/control02.ctl133 134 SQL> !cp -p /u01/app/oracle/oradata/PROD2/controlfile/o1_mf_dz7vfyxr_.ctl /u01/app/oracle/oradata/PROD2/controlfile/control03.ctl135 136 SQL> startup137 ORACLE instance started.138 139 Total System Global Area 1071333376 bytes140 Fixed Size 1349732 bytes141 Variable Size 624953244 bytes142 Database Buffers440401920 bytes143 Redo Buffers4628480 bytes144 Database mounted.145 Database opened.146 SQL> show parameter control_files147 148 NAME TYPE VALUE149 ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------150 control_files string/u01/app/oracle/oradata/PROD2/151controlfile/o1_mf_dz7vfyxr_.ct152l, /u01/app/oracle/oradata/PRO153D2/controlfile/control02.ctl,154/u01/app/oracle/oradata/PROD2/155controlfile/control03.ctl156 SQL>157 158 ----减少 控制文件 为2个159 160 SQL> shutdown immediate161 Database closed.162 Database dismounted.163 ORACLE instance shut down.164 SQL> startup nomount165 ORACLE instance started.166 167 Total System Global Area 1071333376 bytes168 Fixed Size 1349732 bytes169 Variable Size 624953244 bytes170 Database Buffers440401920 bytes171 Redo Buffers4628480 bytes172 SQL> alter system set control_files=/u01/app/oracle/oradata/PROD2/controlfile/o1_mf_dz7vfyxr_.ctl/u01/app/oracle/oradata/PROD2/controlfile/control02.ctl scope=spfile;173 174 System altered.175 176 SQL> shutdown immediate;177 ORA-01507: database not mounted178 179 180 ORACLE instance shut down.181 182 SQL> !rm /u01/app/oracle/oradata/PROD2/controlfile/control03.ctl183 184 SQL> startup185 ORACLE instance started.186 187 Total System Global Area 1071333376 bytes188 Fixed Size 1349732 bytes189 Variable Size 624953244 bytes190 Database Buffers440401920 bytes191 Redo Buffers4628480 bytes192 Database mounted.193 Database opened.194 SQL> show parameter control_files195 196 NAME TYPE VALUE197 ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------198 control_files string/u01/app/oracle/oradata/PROD2/199controlfile/o1_mf_dz7vfyxr_.ct200l, /u01/app/oracle/oradata/PRO201D2/controlfile/control02.ctl202 SQL>203 204 205 206 207 208 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------209 --#设置db块大小210 --2.4 Setting the db block size211 -------------------------------------------212 SQL> show parameter db_block_size213 214 NAME TYPE VALUE215 ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------216 db_block_size integer8192217 SQL> show parameter cache_size218 219 NAME TYPE VALUE220 ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------221 client_result_cache_size big integer 0222 db_16k_cache_sizebig integer 0223 db_2k_cache_size big integer 0224 db_32k_cache_sizebig integer 0225 db_4k_cache_size big integer 0226 db_8k_cache_size big integer 0227 db_cache_size big integer 0228 db_flash_cache_size big integer 0229 db_keep_cache_size big integer 0230 db_recycle_cache_sizebig integer 0231 SQL>232 ________________________________________________233 -- #创建具有16k块大小的100MB表空间TESTDW234 -- 2.4.1 Create a 100MB tablespace TESTDW with the 16k block size235 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------236 -- 默认值(DB_BLOCK_SIZE = 8192)237 SQL> show parameter db_block_size238 239 NAME TYPE VALUE240 ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------241 db_block_size integer8192242 243 244 SQL> show parameter cache_size245 246 NAME TYPE VALUE247 ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------248 client_result_cache_size big integer 0249 db_16k_cache_sizebig integer 0250 db_2k_cache_size big integer 0251 db_32k_cache_sizebig integer 0252 db_4k_cache_size big integer 0253 db_8k_cache_size big integer 0254 db_cache_size big integer 0255 db_flash_cache_size big integer 0256 db_keep_cache_size big integer 0257 db_recycle_cache_sizebig integer 0258 SQL> alter system set db_16k_cache_size=100m scope=both;259 260 System altered.261 262 SQL> show parameter cache_size263 264 NAME TYPE VALUE265 ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------266 client_result_cache_size big integer 0267 db_16k_cache_sizebig integer 100M268 db_2k_cache_size big integer 0269 db_32k_cache_sizebig integer 0270 db_4k_cache_size big integer 0271 db_8k_cache_size big integer 0272 db_cache_size big integer 0273 db_flash_cache_size big integer 0274 db_keep_cache_size big integer 0275 db_recycle_cache_sizebig integer 0276 SQL> create tablespace testdw datafile '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/PROD2/datafile/testdw01.dbf' size 100m blocksize 16k ;277 278 Tablespace created.279 280 SQL> select tablespace_name ,block_size from dba_tablespaces;281 282 TABLESPACE_NAMEBLOCK_SIZE283 ------------------------------ ----------284 SYSTEM 8192285 SYSAUX 8192286 SYS_UNDOTS 8192287 TESTDW16384288 289 290 291 292 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------293 -- #删除表空间TESTDW,清除内存缓存大小。 294 --2.4.2 Drop the tablespace TESTDW, clear the memory cache size.295 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------296 -- 取消非默认blocksize297 SQL> drop tablespace testdw including contents and datafiles;298 299 Tablespace dropped.300 301 SQL> alter system set db_16k_cache_size=0 scope=memory;302 303 System altered.304 305 SQL> alter system reset db_16k_cache_size scope=spfile;306 307 System altered.308 309 310 311 312

1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 -- #2.4.3检查记忆操作动作。 3 -- 2.4.3 Check the memory operation movements. 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 6 7 8 9 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11 --#2.5设置以下要求: 12 --2.5 Set up for the following requirements: 13 --#2.5.1正常工作时间内,OLTP用户数量或并发OLTP用户数约为120个。 14 --2.5.1 The number or concurrent OLTP users will be approximately 120 during normal business hours. 15 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 --PROCESSES(连接数):限定可同时连接到oracle 的操作系统用户进程的最大数量。Oracle processes 包括Server processes, Background processes 及其衍生的Slave processes。 17 18 SQL> show parameter processes 19 20 NAME TYPE VALUE 21 ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------ 22 aq_tm_processes integer1 23 db_writer_processes integer1 24 gcs_server_processes integer0 25 global_txn_processes integer1 26 job_queue_processes integer1000 27 log_archive_max_processes integer4 28 processes integer360 29 SQL> alter system set processes=250 scope=spfile; 30 31 System altered. 32 33 SQL> startup force; 34 ORACLE instance started. 35 36 Total System Global Area 1071333376 bytes 37 Fixed Size 1349732 bytes 38 Variable Size 624953244 bytes 39 Database Buffers440401920 bytes 40 Redo Buffers4628480 bytes 41 Database mounted. 42 Database opened. 43 SQL> show parameter processes 44 45 NAME TYPE VALUE 46 ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------ 47 aq_tm_processes integer1 48 db_writer_processes integer1 49 gcs_server_processes integer0 50 global_txn_processes integer1 51 job_queue_processes integer1000 52 log_archive_max_processes integer4 53 processes integer250 54 SQL> 55 56 ---JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES:限定DB Instance 的作业队列进程数量。Job Queue Processes 属于Background processes,由Oracle Scheduler 启动和停止。Job Queue Processes 包括 job coordinator process (CJQ0) 和job queue slave processes (Jnnn)。 57 58 SQL> show parameter job_queue_processes 59 60 NAME TYPE VALUE 61 ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------ 62 job_queue_processes integer1000 63 64 SQL> alter system set job_queue_processes=200 scope=both; 65 66 System altered. 67 SQL> show parameter job_queue_processes 68 69 NAME TYPE VALUE 70 ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------ 71 job_queue_processes integer200 72 SQL> 73 74 --SESSIONS:指定Instance 中能够同时存在的sessions 数量,即能同时登陆到数据库的并发用户数。 75 76 -- 默认值: (1.5 * PROCESSES) + 22 77 SQL> show parameter session; 78 79 NAME TYPE VALUE 80 ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------ 81 java_max_sessionspace_size integer0 82 java_soft_sessionspace_limit integer0 83 license_max_sessions integer0 84 license_sessions_warning integer0 85 session_cached_cursorsinteger50 86 session_max_open_filesinteger10 87 sessions integer400 88 shared_server_sessionsinteger 89 SQL> alter system set sessions=500 scope=spfile; 90 91 System altered. 92 93 SQL> shutdown immediate; 94 Database closed. 95 Database dismounted. 96 ORACLE instance shut down. 97 SQL> startup 98 ORACLE instance started. 99 100 Total System Global Area 1071333376 bytes101 Fixed Size 1349732 bytes102 Variable Size 641730460 bytes103 Database Buffers423624704 bytes104 Redo Buffers4628480 bytes105 Database mounted.106 Database opened.107 SQL> show parameter session;108 109 NAME TYPE VALUE110 ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------111 java_max_sessionspace_size integer0112 java_soft_sessionspace_limit integer0113 license_max_sessions integer0114 license_sessions_warning integer0115 session_cached_cursorsinteger50116 session_max_open_filesinteger10117 sessions integer500118 shared_server_sessionsinteger119 SQL>120--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------121 -- #2.5.2将在晚上和周末运行的数量或并发批处理程序约为12到 15。122 -- 2.5.2 The number or concurrent batch processes that will run in the evenings and weekends will approximately 12 to 15..123 -------------------------------------------------------------124 125 ---------------------------------------------------------------126 --#2.5.3修改或添加以下列出的参数: UTL_FILE_DIR =( '/home/oracle','/home/oracle/temp','/home/oracle/scripts' )127 -- 2.5.3 modify or add the following listed parameters:UTL_FILE_DIR=('/home/oracle','/home/oracle/temp','/home/oracle/scripts')128 -----------------------------------------------------------------------129 SQL> show parameter utl_file_dir130 131 NAME TYPE VALUE132 ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------133 utl_file_dirstring134 SQL> alter system set utl_file_dir='/home/oracle','/home/oracle/temp','/home/oracle/scripts' scope=spfile;135 136 System altered.137 138 SQL> shutdown immediate;139 Database closed.140 Database dismounted.141 ORACLE instance shut down.142 SQL> startup143 ORACLE instance started.144 145 Total System Global Area 1071333376 bytes146 Fixed Size 1349732 bytes147 Variable Size 641730460 bytes148 Database Buffers423624704 bytes149 Redo Buffers4628480 bytes150 Database mounted.151 Database opened.152 SQL> show parameter utl_file_dir153 154 NAME TYPE VALUE155 ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------156 utl_file_dirstring/home/oracle, /home/oracle/tem157p, /home/oracle/scripts158 SQL>159 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------160 -- #2.6允许10秒的DDL语句等待锁定。检查并重置等待时间。161 ----.6 Allow to 10 sec for a DDL statement to wait for a lock. Check it and reset the wait time.162 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------163 164 SQL> show parameter ddl_lock_timeout165 166 NAME TYPE VALUE167 ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------168 ddl_lock_timeout integer0169 SQL> alter session set ddl_lock_timeout=10;170 171 Session altered.172 173 174 175 176 SQL> create table test(coll varchar2(10));177 178 Table created.179 180 SQL> insert into test values('x');181 182 1 row created.183 184 SQL> insert into test values('y');185 186 1 row created.187 188 SQL> set timing on;189 SQL> drop table test;190 191 Table dropped.192 193 Elapsed: 00:00:00.13194 SQL> rollback;195 196 Rollback complete.197 198 Elapsed: 00:00:00.02199 SQL> drop table test;200 drop table test201 *202 ERROR at line 1:203 ORA-00942: table or view does not exist204 205 206 Elapsed: 00:00:00.00207 SQL> alter session set ddl_lock_timeout=0;208 209 Session altered.210 211 Elapsed: 00:00:00.00212 SQL> set timing off213 SQL> show parameter ddl_lock_timeout214 215 NAME TYPE VALUE216 ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------217 ddl_lock_timeout218 219 220 221 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------222 -- #2.7将参数memory_target更改为200g,重新启动db实例,并从错误方案中恢复。223 --- 2.7 Change the parameter memory_target to 200g, restart the db instance, and recovery from the error scenario.224 225 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------226 SQL> show parameter memory_target227 228 NAME TYPE VALUE229 ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------230 memory_target big integer 1G231 SQL> alter system set memory_target =200g scope=spfile;232 233 System altered.234 235 SQL> shutdown immediate;236 Database closed.237 Database dismounted.238 ORACLE instance shut down.239 SQL> startup240 ORA-00845: MEMORY_TARGET not supported on this system241 SQL> create pfile='/tmp/initPROD2.ora' from spfile;242 243 File created.244 245 SQL> quit246 Disconnected from Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production247 With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options248 [oracle@oracle ~]$ vi /tmp/initPROD2.ora249 250 PROD2.__db_cache_size=423624704251 PROD2.__java_pool_size=4194304252 PROD2.__large_pool_size=4194304253 PROD2.__oracle_base='/u01/app/oracle'#ORACLE_BASE set from environment254 PROD2.__pga_aggregate_target=43312255 PROD2.__sga_target=641728512256 PROD2.__shared_io_pool_size=0257 PROD2.__shared_pool_size=26592258 PROD2.__streams_pool_size=0259 *.compatible='11.2.0'260 *.control_files='/u01/app/oracle/oradata/PROD2/controlfile/o1_mf_dz7vfyxr_.ctl','/u01/app/oracle/oradata/PROD2/controlfile/control02.ctl'261 *.db_create_file_dest='/u01/app/oracle/oradata'262 *.db_domain=''263 *.db_name='PROD2'264 *.job_queue_processes=200265 *.memory_target=500M266 *.processes=250267 *.sessions=500268 *.utl_file_dir='/home/oracle','/home/oracle/temp','/home/oracle/scripts'269 ~270 ~271 272 "/tmp/initPROD2.ora" 19L, 735C written273 [oracle@oracle ~]$ system / as system274 -bash: system: command not found275 [oracle@oracle ~]$ sqlplus / as sysdba;276 277 SQL*Plus: Release Production on Mon Oct 30 22:24:57 278 279 Copyright (c) 1982, , Oracle. All rights reserved.280 281 Connected to an idle instance.282 283 SQL> startup mount pfile='/tmp/initPROD2.ora'284 ;285 ORACLE instance started.286 287 Total System Global Area 523108352 bytes288 Fixed Size 1346052 bytes289 Variable Size 322962940 bytes290 Database Buffers192937984 bytes291 Redo Buffers5861376 bytes292 Database mounted.293 SQL> SP2-0223: No lines in SQL buffer.294 SQL> create spfile from pfile='/tmp/initPROD2.ora';295 296 File created.297 298 SQL> shutdown immediate;299 ORA-01109: database not open300 301 302 Database dismounted.303 ORACLE instance shut down.304 SQL> startup305 ORACLE instance started.306 307 Total System Global Area 523108352 bytes308 Fixed Size 1346052 bytes309 Variable Size 322962940 bytes310 Database Buffers192937984 bytes311 Redo Buffers5861376 bytes312 Database mounted.313 Database opened.314 SQL> show parameter memory_target315 316 NAME TYPE VALUE317 ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------318 memory_target big integer 500M319 SQL>320 SQL>321 322 323 324 325 326 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------327 --[103]--

1 #3.创建和管理临时,永久和撤销表空间 2 # 3. Create and manage temporary, permanent, and undo tablespaces 3 # #3.1创建一个包含两个临时表空间的临时表空间组,以支持批处理 创建大型索引和分析表格,使用以下规格: 4 # 3.1 Create a temporary tablespace group that contains two temporary tablespaces to support batch processing, the creation of large indexes,and analyzing tables, Use the following specifications: 5 # #3.1.1临时表空间组名为TEMP_GRP,包含临时表空间TEMP和TEMP2。 6 # 3.1.1 Temporary tablespace group named TEMP_GRP containing temporary tablespaces TEMP and TEMP2. 7 # #3.1.2使TEMP_GRP成为所有新用户的默认临时表空间。 8 # 3.1.2 Make TEMP_GRP the default temporary tablespace for all new users. 9 # #3.1.3将默认临时表空间更改为TEMP。 10 # 3.1.3 Change back the default temporary tablespace to TEMP. 11 # #3.1.4将临时表空间TEMP扩展到200MB,然后将其大小减小到100MB。 12 # 3.1.4 Extend the temporary tablespace TEMP to 200MB, then cut its size to 100MB. 13 # #3.1.5使用语句检查临时用法:select a.object_id from dba_objects a,dba_objects b order by object_id; 14 # 3.1.5 Check the temporary usage with the statement: select a.object_id from dba_objects a,dba_objects b order by object_id; 15 # #3.1.6将临时表空间剪切到最小大小。 16 # 3.1.6 Cut the temporary tablespace to the minimum size. 17 # #3.2创建以下永久表空间来存储样本测试数据。使用以下规格: 18 # 3.2 Create the following permanent tablespace to store sample test data. Use the following specifications: 19 # #3.2.1表空间TEST01,初始数据文件大小为100MB 20 # 3.2.1 Tablespace TEST01, initial datafile size 100MB 21 # #3.2.2表空间TEST02,初始数据文件大小为100MB,初始扩展大小为1MB,下一个扩展区大小为1MB) 22 # 3.2.2 Tablespace TEST02, initial datafile size 100MB, Initial extent size of 1MB, next extent size of 1MB) 23 # #3.2.3表空间TEST03,初始数据文件大小为100MB,带freelist的段管理 24 # 3.2.3 Tablespace TEST03, initial datafile size 100MB, segment management with freelist 25 # #3.2.4表空间TEST04,初始数据文件大小为100MB,下一个扩展大小为100MB,最大大小为2G 26 # 3.2.4 Tablespace TEST04, initial datafile size 100MB, next extent size of 100MB with maximum size of 2G 27 # #3.2.5具有OMF位置的表空间TEST05 28 # 3.2.5 Tablespace TEST05 with the OMF location 29 # #3.2.6具有OMF位置的表空间TEST06,16k块大小。 30 # 3.2.6 Tablespace TEST06 with the OMF location, 16k blocksize. 31 # #3.2.7表空间TEST07 for bigfile,初始数据文件大小为100MB,文件预期增长到4TB 32 # 3.2.7 Tablespace TEST07 for bigfile, initial datafile size 100MB with the file expected to grow to 4TB 33 # #3.2.8检查上述表空间:名称,数据文件名,块大小,extent_management,段空间管理,分配类型,bigfile 34 # 3.2.8 Check the above tablespaces: name, datafile name, block size, extent_management, segment space management, allocation type, bigfile 35 # #3.2.9在表空间TEST01中创建2个表:TEST_PCTFREE_0和TEST_PCTFREE_50。将dba_objects记录插入到它们中;检查2个表:记录数,块,平均空间和空格。 36 # 3.2.9 Create 2 tables in tablespace TEST01: TEST_PCTFREE_0 and TEST_PCTFREE_50.Insert the dba_objects records to both of them; Check the 2 tables: number of records, blocks, avg space and pct free. 37 # #3.2.10删除上述表空间并清除环境设置(缓存大小,OMF路径) 38 # 3.2.10 Drop the above tablespaces and clear the environment settings (cache size, OMF path) 39 # #3.3在数据库中设置自动撤销管理,支持以下要求: 40 # 3.3 Set up automatic undo management in the database to support the following requirements: 41 # #3.3.1避免ORA-01555对于平均5个小时的查询,快照太旧错误。 42 # 3.3.1 Avoid ORA-01555 Snapshot too old errors for queries running up to 5 hours on average. 43 # #3.3.2检查不同状态的UNDO的使用情况。 44 # 3.3.2 Check the usage of UNDO with different status. 45 # #3.3.3将UNDO更改为tablespace undotbs2,然后更改为tablespace undotbs1。 46 # 3.3.3 Change the UNDO to tablespace undotbs2, then change back to tablespace undotbs1. 47 # #3.3.4向表空间undotbs1添加一个新的datafile undotbs02.dbf(size = 100MB,扩展大小为10MB),然后删除新的撤消数据文件。 48 # 3.3.4 Add a new datafile undotbs02.dbf (size=100MB, extent size of 10MB) to tablespace undotbs1, then drop the new undo datafile. 49 # #3.4检查所有表空间(永久,临时)及其数据文件:文件#,文件名,表空间名称 50 # 3.4 Check all the tablespaces (permanent, temporary) and their datafiles: file#,file name,tablespace name 51 # --[104]--

------103 表空间建立:

1 #3.创建和管理临时,永久和撤销表空间 2 # 3. Create and manage temporary, permanent, and undo tablespaces

1: 在文档位置:

Concepts ->12 Logical Storage Structures

 Administrator's Guide ->14 Managing Tablespaces

 Administrator's Guide ->16 Managing Undo



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