失眠网 > 30个雅思口语考试中常用的动词词组


时间:2020-03-11 14:57:33



动词词组(phrasal verbs)是英语的重要组成部分,很多英语母语者会通过一个英语学习者对动词词组的掌握程度来判断此人的英语水平。

一个动词词组通常由一个动词和一个副词或介词(后接宾语)组成,如:grow apart、pass away、come across sb./sth. 等。如果介词后面需要添加的宾语是代词,则通常将这个代词放到动词和介词中间,如:give it up、call it off。但这条规则对于某些动词词组不适用,如:come across him、take after her 等。大家在学习中应该反复朗读背诵例句,提升语感,当说到某个地方时,才能自然正确地使用某一个动词词组。



1 back sb. up 支持某人

e.g. No matter what I do, my wife backs me up.

2 break up 分手

e.g. I’ve been pretty despondent lately because my boyfriend and I broke up two weeks ago.

词汇Key Words

despondent [dspndnt] adj. 沮丧的

3 call sth. off 取消某事

e.g. I was extremely shocked when Judy told me that she called off the wedding.

4 not care for sth. 不喜欢某事

e.g. I don’t care for cooking coz I find it really time-consuming.

5 cheer (sb.) up(使某人)高兴起来

e.g. I tried to cheer her up after her divorce.

6 come across 偶然遇到/ 碰到

e.g. It was surprising that I came across my primary school classmate in a city so far away from home.

7 run into sb. 偶然遇到某人

e.g. I ran into my ex-girlfriend yesterday. What a small world!

8 cut down on sth. 减少……

e.g. I’ve been putting on weight recently, so I really have to cut down on my calorie intake.

词汇Key Words

put on weight 增重,增肥

calorie intake 卡路里摄入量

9 not cut out to do sth. 不是……的材料,不具备……的素质和才能

e.g. I don’t think I’m cut out to be a teacher.

10 get along (with sb.) (和某人)相处得很好

e.g. We’ve been getting along ever since he moved in.

11 get together 聚会,小聚

e.g. I’m going to get together with my high school classmates next week.

12 go out with sb. (与某人)谈恋爱

e.g. My girlfriend and I have been going out for three years and I think it’s time to tie the knot.

词汇Key Words

tie the knot 结婚

13 give in (to sth.) 屈服,让步

e.g. Whenever my boss decides on something, there’s no way we can change his mind, so we always have to give in whether we like it or not.

词汇Key Words

there’s no way… ……是不可能的

change one’s mind 改变某人的主意

14 give (sth.) up 放弃(某事)

e.g. My dad always tells me that if I have my heart set on something, then no matter what happens,I should never give up.

词汇Key Words

have one’s heart set on 渴望/ 一心想要……

15 grow apart 逐渐疏远

e.g. Since I don’t see my relatives often, we’ve gradually grown apart over the years.

词汇Key Words

gradually [ɡrdl] adv. 逐渐地

over the years 这些年来

16 hang out 待着;玩(大部分中国考生都认为这个表达是“闲逛”的意思,其实不然。它的英文解释叫作to spend a lot of time in a place,也就是说,在家里也可以hang out,而无须go out)

e.g. My favourite room in my apartment is the living room where I often hang out with my parents.

17 let sb. down 令某人失望

e.g. I promised my parents that I wouldn’t let them down, so in the end, they said that they would support my decision to go and study in the UK.

18 look up to sb. 尊重/ 敬仰某人

e.g. My granddad is someone that I really look up to. He’s taught me a lot over the years.

19 look forward to sth. 期待

e.g. I plan to go to Fiji on holiday next month and I’m pretty looking forward to it.

词汇Key Words

go somewhere on holiday 去某地度假Fiji 斐济(太平洋岛国)

20 pass away 去世

e.g. This ring is extremely important to my family because it belonged to my grandmother. She passed away when I was ten.

21 run out of sth. 用完;耗尽

e.g. We realised that we were running out of time, so I said that we had to put a rush on it.

词汇Key Words

put a rush on sth. 赶快、抓紧做某事

22 set up 安排;策划;创立,建立

e.g. I would like to set up my own business after I graduate from college.

23 shop around (for sth.) 货比三家(之后买……)

e.g. What I love doing the most in my spare time is shopping around for some beautiful dresses.

24 show off 炫耀

e.g. I wouldn’t be friends with those who love showing off their possessions—watches, necklaces, cars, etc.

25 sleep in 睡懒觉

e.g. I usually sleep in on the weekend, but last Saturday, I got out of bed really early and went to the Military Museum.

词汇Key Words

get out of bed 起床(=get up)

26 take after sb.(长相、性格等)像某人

e.g. I take after my dad. We’re both very optimistic people.

词汇Key Words

optimistic [ptmstk] adj. 乐观的

27 think sth. over 认真思考,仔细考虑

e.g. In fact, I just got a job offer from an electronics company last week, but I’m not sure if I’ll take it. I have to think it over.

词汇Key Words

job offer 工作机会,工作邀请

electronics company 电子产品公司

28 try sth. out 尝试

e.g. While we were there, we tried out a lot of the local food.

29 work out 健身,锻炼身体

e.g. I work out at the gym three days a week and I’m much fitter than before.

词汇Key Words

fit [ft] adj. 健康的

30 wrap up (warm) 多穿衣服,穿得暖和

e.g. It’s freezing cold in the winter, so every time I go out, my mom tells me to wrap up warm.



