失眠网 > 我想为祖国做贡献(I Want to Do Something for My H.)_550字_英语作文

我想为祖国做贡献(I Want to Do Something for My H.)_550字_英语作文

时间:2021-09-24 13:38:00


我想为祖国做贡献(I Want to Do Something for My H.)_550字_英语作文

I love sports very much. I am the master-sportsman in my school. I am good at running especially. Having heard that the Olympics will be held in Beijing, I can't describe my happiness with any words. I want to do something for the Games. So I begin to save all my pocket money.

I make up my mind to contribute this money to the Beijing Olympics Committee.Though it is not worth much, I think it can help. I believe there will be more and more people who want to do the same as I do.

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