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难点 difficulty英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-30 21:07:41


难点 difficulty英语短句 例句大全



1.Thedifficulty and countermeasures in safe production and management of architecture construction enterprise;建筑施工企业安全生产管理中的难点及对策

2.Exploration of technicaldifficulty in the design and construction of Nanchang Shengmi major bridge;南昌生米大桥设计与施工技术难点探讨

3.Preparationdifficulty of ropeway bridge for Shuhe hydropower project on Hanjiang River and its solution;蜀河水电站索道桥概预算编制难点及解决方法


1.Analysis on the Difficulties with System Reform in State-Owned Medium and Small Sized Enterprises;国有中、小型困难企业改制难点分析

2.The teacher explained the difficult points over and over again.老师反复解释难点。

3.Concerning about Chinese Rural Special Education:on the Focused,Heated,Difficult and Ignored Issues关注中国农村特殊教育:重点、热点、难点、盲点

4.Let"s try to clear up our difficult and doubtful points.让我们设法把难点和疑点解决一下。

5.Let"s try to clear up our diffcult and doubtful points.让我们设法把难点和疑点解决下下。

6.An Exploration of the Difficulties in Beginning-level Japanese Teaching;日语专业“零起点”基础教学难点浅探

7.The goal,key and Difficulty of the Following Countryside Comprehensive Reform in China;我国农村综合改革的目标、重点和难点

8.The Analysis on Focal & Difficult Points of Applying the Gauss s Formula;应用Gauss公式重点、难点解析

9.To Build a Well - Off Society in an All - Round Way: Its Major and Difficult Points;试谈全面建设小康社会的重点与难点

10.On Difficulties and Hotspots of Physical Education in Colleges and Universities in New Area;论新时期大学体育教育的难点与热点

11.A Summary of the Research on Some Difficult and Hot Problems in Ecoethics;生态伦理学热点、难点问题研究综述

12.She did not in the least miss him.她对他一点也不觉得难舍难分。

13.For once, I can get off work early .难得我可以早一点下班。

14.This is not difficult to do.做到这一点并不难,

15.Can"t you walk a little faster?难道你不能走得快点吗?

16.refractory compound难熔[高熔点]化合物

17.Hard. I like a challenge.难的。我喜欢来点挑战。

18.lacking in impressiveness.缺少令人难忘的特点。



1.Difficulties encountered and countermeasures adopted on river-crossing section for a shield driving from Luntou to Daxuecheng;仑-大区间隧道过河段盾构掘进难点及措施

2.Difficulties and Recommendations on the Campus Network Management;校园网络管理难点及对策研究

3.Difficulties of Old Single Men s Remarriage and the Countermeasures;试谈单身老人再婚的难点与对策

3)Difficult point难点

1.Difficult point and countermeasure that green GDP counts;绿色GDP统计的难点及对策探微

2.A discussion on focal points and difficult points of distance jump and methods of its training;三级跳远技术的重点、难点及其练习手段

3.Optimal design of teaching method in breaking through difficult points of long jump techniques;跳远技术难点突破的教学手段优化设计与实践

4)difficult points难点

1.On Important &difficult points of sign Design;论标志设计的重点与难点

2.Analysis on main anddifficult points in classroom instruction;课堂教学中重点与难点的分析

3.Discussion ondifficult points for preparing budget for frontierhighway maintenance;做好边防公路养护工程预算的难点


1.Problems and Methods in the Practical Teaching of Baseic Nursing Subject;护理学基础实践教学的难点及其对策

2.Theproblems and Countermeasures Concerning Ideological and Political works among College Students in New Period;新时期大学生思想政治工作的难点与对策

3.Key Problems Analysis and Countermeasures of Vacuum Sealed Molding Casting Al-Si Alloy铸造铝硅合金真空密封造型工艺难点分析


1.Information Under the Condition of Interior of Their FlatsDifficulties in the Audit and Audit of Computerized Steps信息化条件下单位内部审计的难点及审计电算化步骤

2.Discussion onDifficulties in Promotion of Roof Greening推广屋顶绿化的几个难点探讨

3.This paper analyzes the design of commercial pedestrian street of fire difficult,the distinction between the form of a commercial pedestrian street,take appropriate fire safety measures.分析商业步行街防火设计难点,提出区分商业步行街的形式,采取针对性的防火措施。



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