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女性 Female英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-26 21:02:33


女性 Female英语短句 例句大全



1.Analyzing the Change ofFemale Bathing Cloth Form in History and its Development Trend in the Future;女性泳装的历史形态演变及其发展趋势分析

2.Adult female urethral mucosa prolapse report of 18 cases;成年女性尿道粘膜脱垂18例报告

3.Application of image examination to the diagnosis of anomaly of genital organs in female;影像学检查在女性生殖器畸形诊断中的应用价值


1.A female servant, such as a maid.女侍,女仆女性仆人,如一女佣

2.womanly qualities, virtues女性的特性、 美德.

3.Lesbian love(女性间的)同性爱

4.Nv Wa and Female: The Influence to the Female s Core Status of the NvWa Faith;女性与女娲:女娲信仰对女性主体地位的凸显

5.Female Woman Writer Women--On Zhang Ailing’s Female Awareness;女人 女作家女性——浅谈张爱玲的女性意识

6.Images of New Women in Ding Ling s Novels--From Daughter to Women;丁玲小说的新女性形象——从“女儿”到“女人”

7.The Weak Feminism: The Rhetoric Analyse of "Superwoman"、"Female Doctor"、"Super Girl"女性义弱化:“女强人”、“女博士”、“超女”的修辞分析

8.Some Female Characters in Pilgrimage to the West女神、女人、女妖——《西游记》中的女性形象系列探析

9.Feminism, Post-feminism and the Female Image in Advertisement;女性主义、后女性主义与广告中的女性形象

10.Embarrassment of Modern Females-Su Qing’s Female Writing and Female Life;现代女性的尴尬:苏青的女性书写与女性人生

11.the weaker vessel较弱的人((指女性))

12.introduce semen into (a female).使精子进入(女性)。

13."A female"s liable to have a lot of fat about her."“女性的脂肪太多”

14.The Growth of Women, Feminist Narration, Feminist Position:The Significance of the Text on the Growth of Women女性成长女性叙事女性立场——女性成长文本的意义

15.The Women Consciousness in Women s Writting;女性文学之女性意识——《长恨歌》、《上海女性》女性生命意识解读

16.The Growth of Women, Feminist Narration, Feminist Position:The Significance of the Text on the Growth of Women;女性成长女性叙事女性立场——女性成长文本的意义

17.Excessive sexual desire in a female.女性色情狂女性过多的性欲

18.To give a feminine appearance or character to.使女性化给予…女性的外表或性格



1.The Analysis of Women Lipid and Lipoprotein Levels with Age;女性血脂及脂蛋白水平与年龄关系分析

2.Effects of lying and sitting positions on ultrasound urodynamic parameters inwomen with incontinence;体位对女性尿失禁B超影像尿动力检查的影响

3.Investigation onwomen using urine LH test-paper;应用尿排卵试纸对女性人群的调查


1.Study on Serum Levels of Six Kinds of Sex Hormones in the Follicular Phase of Menstrual Cycle inWoman with acne vulgaris;女性痤疮患者卵泡期血清六项性激素水平的测定

2.Analysis of HIV/AIDS surveillance among woman druggers in Urumqi;乌鲁木齐市女性吸毒者艾滋病监测分析

3.Analysis of affection factors of coronary heart disease in woman;女性冠心病影响因素分析


1.Development of herb-tea drink forfeminine health;女性花草保健功能茶的研制

2.Gazing at The Beautiful Woman——The Feminine s Difficult Position in The Beautiful Woman;“凝视”之下的红颜——《红颜》中的女性困境

3.The Analysis of explanation of thefeminine in music;浅谈女性在音乐中重获诠释


1.The Reflection of Fuzzy Speech onFemales;模糊言语对女性性别角色的折射

2.An Analysis on the Phenomenon of the Rural AreaFemales Participating in Illegal Mark Six;农村女性参与“六合彩”现象探析

3.An Ecocritical Reading of the Relationship betweenFemales and Nature in Wordsworth"s Poetry生态批评解读华诗中自然与女性的关系


1.The researches onfeminies of Tang Dynasty, from their internalitiy to semblance, were frequently seen on some monographs and papers.其包容并蓄的宏伟气度,几乎涵盖了社会生活的方方面面,连女性妆饰文化也不例外。

2.Studying it from the archetypal perspective, however, we can find that water archetype only has three kinds of basic symbolic meanings:feminie, life and Tao, which intertwine and construct the broad and profound metaphorical world of water a.但从原型的角度去考察,最基本的象征意义只有女性意义、生命意义和道的意义。


女性1.人类两种性别之一,与男性相对。常用为妇女的通称。 2.女子的性格﹑性情。

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