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非那根 Phenergan英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-31 06:04:09


非那根 Phenergan英语短句 例句大全



1.Objective To assess the curative effect ofPhenergan(Promethazine Hydrochloride injection) patients with Vertigo.目的评价非那根治疗眩晕症的疗效。

2.ThePhenergan whose label had been approved by FDA caused a patient amputated.文章就非那根案例,围绕美国食品药品管理局(FDA)与州侵权法庭的法律优先适用和政府监管与侵权救济的问题展开讨论。


bined use of Smecta,live bacillus subtilis and eterococcus faecium granule with multivitamines,phenergan and 654-2 for treatment of child with diarrhoea思密达、妈咪嗳、非那根及654-2联用治疗小儿腹泻

2.Clinical Effect of Inhalation of Combivent and Acupuncture Points Injected with Phynegan on Bronchiolitis可必特气泵吸入和非那根定喘穴封闭治疗毛细支气管炎疗效观察

3.Objective:To observe the effects of pethidine,phenergan and granisetron in the prevention of shivering during operation after epidural anesthesia.目的:观察哌替啶、非那根、格拉司琼预防硬膜外麻醉期间寒战反应的临床表现。

4.She regarded it as extraordinary that anything good could come from that source.她认为从那个根源可以产生好的事情出来,并非寻常的现象。

5.But the unchosen husband still smarts.但是那个当初并非她自己选择的丈夫仍然是哈瓦心里的一根刺。

6.This wire connects with that one.这根电线与那根连接。

7.The dog sniffed at the bone.那只狗呼呼地那根骨头。

8.However, Dr. Zhu Yuchao from Auknagon University in Canada"s British Colombia Province expressed different opinions.但是,加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省奥克那根大学朱玉朝博士却有着非常不同的看法。

9.He began to shake Logan in a kind of final attempt to shake the ten thousand dollars out of him他开始摇撼洛根,仿佛就是最后一招了,非从他的身上摇出那一万元来不可。

10.Today, someone told me about some fires in the new forest here in Africa; but Gog doesn"t want to hear about those fires.今天有人告诉我非洲那些幼林失火了,可是高格根本不想听火灾的事。

11.We survived under extremely difficult circumstances in the anti-Japanese base areas at that time.包括那时我们的各个抗日根据地,在非常困难的条件下,我们都能够生存。

12.Those things which rarely happen are not to be taken into account in the transaction of business without sufficient reason.在处理事物时,除非有足够的根据,否则就不应当去考虑那些罕有发生的事情。

13.On the nonbreathing worlds the animal species are radically unlike those found on the atmospheric planets.在非呼吸者世界的动物种类根本上不同于那些大气行星设计的动物。

14.as like as chalk and cheese根本不同,似是而非

15.This wire is three times the length of that one .这根金属线的长度是那根的3倍。

16.He sawed the branch in half.他把那根树枝锯成两半。

17.We dug the tree up by the roots我们把那棵树连根挖起。

18.That excuse simply doesn"t hold water.那个借口根本站不住脚。



1.Curative effect of promethazine on rotavirus enteritis in infants;非那根辅助治疗婴幼儿轮状病毒性肠炎的临床疗效观察

3)Syrupus Promethalini Hydrochloridi非那根糖浆

4)syrupus phenergani tussis非那根止咳糖浆

5)Gennaren formation根那仁组

1.In this paper, the relationships among the Hongguleleng, Hebukehe, Gennaren and Heishantou formations are mainly discussed, and it is proposed that using the Heishantou formation substitutes for the Hebukehe andGennaren formations.在前人研究基础上,讨论了新疆北部泥盆系与石炭系界线和石炭系内部界线,认为也列莫顿组、白鱼山组和哈拉阿拉特组等是跨上、下石炭统的地层单元;重点讨论了洪古勒楞组、和布克河组、根那仁组、黑山头组的相互关系,提出用黑山头组替代和布克河组、根那仁组。


1.Novel Synthesis and Spectral Characterization ofNelfinavir;奈非那韦的新法合成及其光谱表征

2.As the anti-HIV-1 agents call trigger mechanisms involved in chemoresistance,to test whether prolonged in vitro treatment of Jurkat cell s with nelfinavir alters sensitivity of lymphoma cells to antitumor agents used fo r AIDS-associated maliglancies.目的体外研究奈非那韦耐性细胞株对其它抗艾滋病药及抗癌药的反应及与细胞凋亡的关系。


非那根 分子式C17H20N2S,分子量284.41。又称非那根,白色晶体。熔点60℃。在空气中长期放置会变蓝。其盐酸盐是白色或微黄色晶体,在空气中久置变色。熔点230~232℃。易溶于水,溶于乙醇和氯仿,几乎不溶于乙醚、丙酮、乙酸乙酯等。用于防治过敏性疾病和晕动病以及过敏性支气管哮喘等。可由二甲胺基丙基卤与吩噻嗪合成。

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