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经济主义 economism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-29 13:55:05


经济主义 economism英语短句 例句大全



1.Innovation theory of Schumpeter believes that the only meaning of innovation is those profitable activities made by entrepreneurs,which is also deemed as an innovation view is an extension toeconomism innovation view.熊彼特的创新理论认为,只有企业家的盈利活动才是创新,是经济主义创新观。

2.Theeconomism value idea which lay stress on unduly economic interest in Western traditional reason management theory is challenged more and more in real life.西方传统理性管理理论中过于注重经济利益的经济主义价值理念在现实中受到了愈来愈多的冲击。

2)new democratic economy新民主主义经济

1.The Paper briefly narrates the basic contents of the policies of thenew democratic economy in common program.本文初步解读和简要概述了《共同纲领》中新民主主义经济方针的基本内容和历史针对性。


1.A Comparison Study on the Economic System Under the Theory of Three New Principlesof the People and the Economic System Under Theory of New Democracy;新三民主义与新民主主义经济结构论之比较

2.Creative View to Formation of New Democratic Economic from Zhang Wentian张闻天对新民主主义经济形态的创见

3.And the politics of New Democracy are the concentrated expression of the economy of New Democracy.而新民主主义的政治,就是这种新民主主义经济的集中的表现。

4.A Study of Liu Shaoqi s Economic Thought on New Democracy before and after the Establishment of PRC;建国前后刘少奇新民主主义经济思想研究

5.Study on Mao Zedong s New Democratic Economic Ideology and Its Evolution;毛泽东新民主主义经济思想及其嬗变研究

6.Reasons and Influences of Evolution in Mao Ze-dong’s New Democratic Economic Ideology;毛泽东新民主主义经济思想嬗变的原因及影响

7.On the Development of New Democracy Economy in the Anti-Japanese Base Area;试论抗日根据地新民主主义经济的发展

8.A Review on Liu Shaogis Economics Thoughts about New Nationalism;关于刘少奇新民主主义经济思想的评述

9.On the Development of the Idea of the New-democratic Economic Structure;新民主主义经济结构构想的发展历程简论

10.The Proposal and Meaning of Five Concrete Economic Modes in New-democratic Economy Pattern新民主主义经济形态五种具体经济构成的首次提出及现实意义

11.On the Inheritance and Development of the Theory of New-democratic Society by DENG Xiao-ping s Economic Theory;试论邓小平经济理论对新民主主义经济纲领的继承与发展


13.Such is the economy of New Democracy.这样的经济,就是新民主主义的经济。

14.These constitute the whole of the new-democratic national economy.这些,就是新民主主义的全部国民经济。

15.three general economic programmes for the Chinese new-democracy新民主主义三大经济纲领

16.Economic Explanation of Accelerated Transition from New Democracy to Socialism;新民主主义加速过渡到社会主义的经济学解释

17.The Foreign Economic Relations of China During New Democratic Society;新民主主义社会时期新中国对外经济关系

18.These are the three major economic policies of the new-democratic revolution.这就是新民主主义革命的三大经济纲领。


new democratic economy新民主主义经济

1.The Paper briefly narrates the basic contents of the policies of thenew democratic economy in common program.本文初步解读和简要概述了《共同纲领》中新民主主义经济方针的基本内容和历史针对性。

3)educational economism教育经济主义

1.This thesis introduces the development ofeducational economism thoughts and their basic views,then evaluates their positive and negative aspects.介绍中国教育经济主义思潮的发展、基本观点 ,评价教育经济主义思潮的积极因素和不足 ,阐述在中国教育经济主义思潮影响下的中国高等教育改革。

2.The thoughts ofeducational economism is the most effective and basic ideological trend in the educational thoughts of modern time.教育经济主义思潮是现代世界教育思潮中最基本的和最具影响力的思潮 ,其对我国教育产生了日益深远的影响。

4)socialist economy社会主义经济

1.The driving force for the development ofsocialist economy results from workers enthusiasm,initiative and creativity,which is a natural product of their full realization of continuous seeking for profits.社会主义经济发展的动力来自劳动者的积极性、主动性和创造性。

2.Russia employed the shock therapy to accomplish the transformation fromsocialist economy to capitalist economy.苏联解体以后,俄罗斯用"休克疗法"来完成社会主义经济向资本主义经济的过渡。

3.Socialist economy with Chinese characteristics is not totally equal tosocialist economy.“非公有制经济是社会主义市场经济的重要组成部分” ,不等于非公有制经济是“社会主义经济”的重要组成部分。

5)Capitalist economy资本主义经济

1.utilizing the achievement of capitalist economy in the period of the New Democratic Revolution is an important part of Mao Zedong s whole economic ideotogy.在新民主主义革命时期,利用资本主义经济的已有成果,是毛泽东整个经济思想体系的一个重要组成部分。

2.China s traditional economic theories have been accompanied by a universal bias-the belief that factors of public ownership never see their presence in capitalist economy.在我国传统的经济学理论中 ,存在着一条“原理” ,即认为资本主义经济中不可能产生公有制因素。

3.During the central government in the Soviet Areas, ZHANG Wen tian clearly stated the capitalist economy should be availed and developed by confirming the unavoidence of it, but it should be restricted for the future of socialism.中央苏区时 ,张闻天明确指出资本主义经济存在的不可避免性 ,应该加以利用和发展 ,但为了社会主义的前途 ,又须进行必要的限制。

6)economic imperialism经济学帝国主义

1.Some of the factors,such as growth theory,economic imperialism,science policy and the issues on scientific rationality,have contributed to the economic turn.科学的经济功能的增强与增长理论的诞生、经济学帝国主义、科学政策的演变与争论和当代科学哲学面临挑战及困难等因素促成了这一转向。

2.Since 1990s,economic imperialism has won the favor of the review committee of Nobel Prize.20世纪90年代以来,诺贝尔经济学奖青睐经济学帝国主义。

3.On this background, economists, aiming at more academic success, lead the framework of maximization of utility into non-economic field, which results ineconomic imperialism.以此为背景,追求事业成功的经济学家将理性选择框架推向非经济领域,形成经济学帝国主义。



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