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扎来普隆 zaleplon英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-16 08:05:29


扎来普隆 zaleplon英语短句 例句大全



1.Clinical Effect and Safeness of Zaleplon in the Treatment of Insomnia;扎来普隆治疗失眠症的临床疗效与安全性评价

2.Quantitation ofzaleplon tablets with HPLC;高效液相色谱法测定扎来普隆片剂含量

3.Efficacy and safety ofzaleplon in the treatment of insomnia;扎来普隆胶囊治疗失眠症的多中心随机双盲对照试验


1.Synthesis of New Sedative-Hypnotic Drug Zaleplon and Its Analogues;新型镇静催眠药扎来普隆及其类似物的合成

2.Exploration of Effect of Zaleplon for Secondary Insomnia which Results from Depression;扎来普隆对抑郁症所致的继发性失眠的疗效观察

3.Random Double-Blind Research of Zaleplon in Clinical Treatment of Long-term Insomnia;扎来普隆对长期失眠症的临床疗效的双盲双模拟对照研究

4.The efficacy of Zaleplon on insomnia compared with Estazolam扎来普隆胶囊与艾司唑仑片对比治疗失眠症的临床疗效观察

5.Effects of Triazolam and Zaleplon on Polysomnographic Examination and Cognitive Function;三唑仑、扎莱普隆对睡眠脑电及认知功能的影响

6.Tradition and Innovation:A Comparative Study of Proust and Balzac双峰并峙 继往开来——普鲁斯特与巴尔扎克

7.Tradition and Innovation:A Comparative Study of Proust and Balzac;双峰并峙 继往开来——普鲁斯特与巴尔扎克

8.The stillness consequent on the cessation of the rumbling and labouring of the coach, added to the stillness of he night made it very quiet indeed.邮车的挣扎和隆隆声停止了,随之而来的沉寂使夜显得分外安谧平静,寂无声息。

9."Kilimanjaro is the number one foreign currency earner for the government of Tanzania," said Thompson.汤普逊还说:"乞力马扎罗的旅游资源是坦桑尼亚政府最主要的外汇来源。

10.The prisoner was safely strapped up.囚犯被扎扎实实地捆绑起来。

11.His head was in such a whirl that it was beyond him to make up his mind.他心里乱扎扎地作不起主意来。

12.Gunfire banged in the distance.远处传来了隆隆枪炮声。

13.Let me help you. I have a bandage for your elbow.让我来帮你包扎一下。

14.He bound the sticks together.他把树枝捆扎起来。

15.The wound was taped up.伤口用绷带包扎起来。

16.AKPLOGAN, Richard Zacharie里夏尔·扎夏里·阿克普洛冈

17.To make it short in a way, this is going to be my last Monza race that I"m going to do.简单地说来,这是我最后一次参加蒙扎(扎新闻,蒙扎说吧)的比赛。

18.1∶250 000 Lhunze and Zara Sheets in Xizang1∶25万隆子县幅、扎日区幅地质调查成果与进展


zaleplon tablets扎来普隆片

1.Determination of the content inzaleplon tablets by ultraviolet spectrophotometry determination;扎来普隆片剂药物含量的紫外分光光度法测定

3)zaleplon capsules扎来普隆胶囊

1.Determingzaleplon capsules assay by using ultraviolet absorption sepetrophotometry;紫外分光光度法测定扎来普隆胶囊含量

4)Zaleplon sublingual spray扎来普隆舌下喷雾剂


1.Quantitation of zaleplon capsules by HPLC;高效液相色谱法测定扎莱普隆胶囊的含量

2.Electrochemical characteristics of zaleplon in a micellar solution;胶束溶液中扎莱普隆的电化学特性研究

3.The structures of several drugs, namely Lorartadine, Etodolac, Formoterol Fumarate andZaleplon, were elucidated by 1D NMR and 2D NMR techniques (gCOSY, gNOESY, gHSQC, gNMBC).应用 1DNMR和脉冲梯度场 2DNMR技术 ( gCOSY ,gNOESY ,gHSQC ,gHMBC)深入研究了氯雷他定 (Loratadine)、依托度酸 (Etodolac)、福莫特罗 (Formoterol)和扎莱普隆 (Zale plon)的结构 ,对它们的1 H和1 3CNMR化学位移进行了全归




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