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气管插管条件 Tracheal intubating conditions英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-14 08:41:54


气管插管条件 Tracheal intubating conditions英语短句 例句大全

气管插管条件,Tracheal intubating conditions

1)Tracheal intubating conditions气管插管条件

1.Tracheal intubating conditions were scored by operator.目的对比不使用肌松剂的情况下,瑞芬太尼或芬太尼复合异丙酚麻醉诱导后对气管插管条件及血流动力学的影响。


1.The Clinical Study of Efficancy of AAI as a Tool for Predicting Acceptable Tracheal Intubation Condition;听觉诱发电位指数预测气管插管条件的临床研究

2.Tracheal Intubation Condition and Haemodynamics Induced by Remifentanil;瑞芬太尼麻醉诱导后气管插管条件及血流动力学变化的研究

3.A comparison for intubation condition of different target concentration of rocuronium in male patients不同靶浓度罗库溴铵TCI用于男性患者气管插管条件的比较

4.The Clinical Study of Intubating Conditions and Hemodynamic Changes After Anaesthesia Induction with Remifentanil and Propofol;瑞芬太尼复合异丙酚麻醉诱导后气管插管条件及血流动力学变化的临床研究

5.Clinical application about method of inserting gastric tube by guide wire in ICU patients with tracheal catheter导丝插胃管法在ICU气管插管患者中的应用

6.Clinical study on humidification of air passage by using new type trachea cannula in 35 patients新型气管插管气道湿化35例临床研究

7.General requirements of electric detonators for oil and gas wellGB/T13889-1992油气井用电雷管通用技术条件

8.A pin, also called a base pin, on a connector or plug.在接插件或插头上的一种插脚,也称管脚。

9.Study on Effect of Different Factors in Cutting Propagation of Ficus wightiana under Controlled Environment环境控制条件下不同因素对笔管榕扦插的影响研究

10.A tube was introduced into the patient"s windpipe.一根试管插入了病人的气管。

11.Clinical Study of Trachlight Guided IntubationTrachlight光索引导气管插管的临床研究

12.Application of light wand introducer in difficult airway光索导引器在困难气管插管中的应用

13.Study of the relationship between the stress response of laryngoscopy tracheal intubation and ABO blood group气管插管应激反应与ABO血型的关系

14.Guided Retrograde Tracheal Intubation:A Comparison of Three Techniques逆行性引导气管插管的三种方法比较

15.Nursing Cooperation in the General Anesthesia in Blind Nasotracheal Intubation经鼻盲探气管内插管全麻的护理配合

16.Root striking rate can be above80% in proper temperature and humidity conditions.扦插生根必须保持在一定的温度和湿度范围之内,条件适宜,管理得当,扦插生根率可达80%上。

17.We continue our discussion of airway management today. Proper endotracheal tube insertion is important to avoid mainstem bronchial intubation. Today"s questions concern proper positioning of an ETT within the trachea.恰当的气管内插管对避免主支气管插管非常重要,本周我们讨论ETT在气管内的恰当位置。

18.4) Insert the stilette to the very tip and send the tube further down the air way.(4)进管:插入的导丝可将导管送至支气管;


intubation condition插管条件

1.Objective:To compare the effect of three different priming doses and two different priming intervals with the standard intubating dose of cisatracurium on the onset time,intubation conditions and recovery time-course.目的:比较预注三种不同剂量顺式阿曲库铵和间隔两个不同预注间期对顺式阿曲库铵起效速度、插管条件和恢复时相的影响。

3)Endotracheal Intubation气管插管

1.Clinical Observation in Prevention of General AnestheticEndotracheal Intubation Reactions by Nicardipine Hydrochloride;盐酸尼卡地平用于全麻预防气管插管反应的临床观察

2.Application of GlideScope~ in anesthetic endotracheal intubation;GlideScope~视频喉镜在麻醉气管插管中的应用

3.Endotracheal intubation under fiberoptic bronchoscope through mouth in severe respiratory failure;纤支镜经口引导气管插管在危重呼吸衰竭救治中的应用价值

4)Tracheal intubation气管插管

1.Hemodynamic responses of esmolol to nasotracheal intubation with fiberbronchoscope;选择性β_1-肾上腺素能受体阻滞剂艾司洛尔对光导纤维支气管镜引导经鼻气管插管血流动力学的影响

2.Application of retrograde traction technology in tracheal intubation of the rats;逆行牵拉技术在大鼠气管插管中的应用

3.The observation of the effect and clinical value of target-controlled infusion of remifentanil in conscious tracheal intubation;靶控输注瑞芬太尼辅助气管插管的临床效果观察

5)Trachea intubation气管插管

1.Trachea intubation patient non-plan cupping factor analysis and countermeasure.;气管插管患者非计划拔管的因素分析及对策

parative study of different methods of sputum drainage by mechanical ventilation trachea intubation;机械通气气管插管吸痰方法探讨

3.The Experience of Emergency Trachea Intubation for Patients of Respiratory Function Failure (145 Cases);145例现场气管插管在急诊抢救中的应用体会


parison of Small-dose Remifentanyl and Sufentanil Blunting Cardiovascular Responses to Orotracheal Intubation in Children;小剂量瑞芬太尼和舒芬太尼预防小儿经口气管插管心血管反应的比较

2.Efficacy of Low-dose Succinylcholine in Oral Intubation;气管插管中小剂量琥珀胆碱的应用

3.Intubation scores and cardiovascular response during oralintubation with target controlled infusion of remifentanil;不同雷米芬太尼血浆靶控浓度实施气管插管的条件和心血管反应


气管插管气管插管tracheal cannula将气管导管通过声门插入气管,借助于气管导管便于人工呼吸、给氧、清除呼吸道分泌物。但留置时间不应过长,以免引起喉头损伤、水肿和坏死。气管插管易合并细菌感染,应注意感染预防和抗生素的合理应用。

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