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怀孕期 Pregnancy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-06 12:23:41


怀孕期 Pregnancy英语短句 例句大全



1.Studies on effects of GSH-Px,CuZn-SOD and T-SOD in serum of different kinds of sheep in pregnancy which were added selenium in the identical condition of feeding management.以处于怀孕期的90只蒙古羊、道赛特羊和萨福克羊作为研究对象,通过可见光分光光度法测定GSH-Px、CuZn-SOD和T-SOD活性。

2.Studies on effects of selenium,copper,zinc in serum of different kinds of sheep in pregnancy which were added selenium in the identical condition of feeding management.以处于怀孕期的85只蒙古羊、道赛特羊和萨福克羊为研究对象,通过荧光分光光度法测定Se含量、原子吸收法测定Cu、Zn含量。


1.Elephants have a gestation period of about 624 days.象的怀孕期大约为624日.

2.Going Through Pregnancy Alone一个人渡过怀孕期。

3.characterized by convulsions and possibly coma during or immediately after pregnancy.在怀孕期间惊厥或昏迷。

4.Ectopic pregnancy also is to should have be pregnant show, it is its dispute is pregnant normally only, for instance upset stomach, during be pregnant, haemorrhage is waited a moment.宫外孕也是要有怀孕显示的,只是它是非正常怀孕,比如肚子痛,怀孕期间出血等等。

5.Drugs which have such a high risk of causing permanent damage to the fetus that they should not be used in pregnancy or when there is a possibility of pregnancy.药物能对胎儿产生永久性损害,不应在怀孕期间或可能怀孕时使用。

6.My wife has been a little touchy during her pregnancy.我妻子怀孕期间一直有点神经过敏。

7.She suffered a lot from morning sickness during her pregnancy.她在怀孕期间害喜的现象很严重。

8.TVG: You went through most of your pregnancy on camera.TVG ︰你在怀孕期间几乎都在摄影机前?

9.Smoking during pregnancy can endanger the baby.妇女怀孕期间吸烟会损害婴儿的健康。

10.The fixation of the stapes may progress rapidly during pregnancy.在怀孕期镫骨固定可能迅速发展。

11.While she was pregnant, her husband waited on her hand and foot.怀孕期间,他丈夫服侍她十分周到。

12.Heavy drinking during pregnancy can also affect the development of the baby‘ s brain.怀孕期间过量饮酒还会影响胎儿的脑部发育。

13.Having an outbreak during pregnancy should not cause abortion or birth deformities.在怀孕期间的复发不会引起流产或胎儿畸形。

14.It is important to avoid contracting herpes during pregnancy.重要的是避免与伴侣有性接触,在怀孕期间.

15.Is it dangerous to get more than a moderate amount of caffeine during pregnancy?怀孕期间摄入过量的咖啡因是否有危险?

16.However, morning sickness and fatigue can put a damper on anyone"s libido.虽然,在怀孕的不同阶段,关于怀孕期间安全的性爱的许多问题和忧虑都会被涉及到。

17.Direct sex discrimination means being treated less favourably because of one"s sex, marital status, pregnancy or the potential to become pregnant.性别歧视是因为一个人的性别,婚姻状况,怀孕期间,或将要怀孕而被视为不合适人选。

18.Some children wean on their own during pregnancy. Others who wean during pregnancy want to nurse again once the baby is born.在母亲怀孕期间,一些宝宝会自动离乳,一些在怀孕时断奶的宝宝当新生儿出生后又会要吸奶。



3)Early pregnancy怀孕早期

1.Expression of IFN-γ immunoreactivity on HPG axis of dairy goat during early pregnancy;IFN-γ在怀孕早期山羊下丘脑-垂体-性腺轴的表达

4)gestation time怀孕期间

5)Pregnancy-associated sleep disorder怀孕期睡眠障碍

6)The breasts swell during pregnancy.怀孕期乳房发胀.


怀孕期心理变化怀孕期心理变化mental change in pregnancy怀孕期心理变化(m ental ehange in preg-nancy)怀孕历时九个月,通常把每三个月作为一个阶段。(1)怀孕的头三个月,这个阶段开始出现各种怀孕征兆,是孕妇较易于产生心理波动的时期,即使是那些期望怀孕,为怀孕感到欢喜的女性也很难总是保持心理的平静和愉快。(2)怀孕的中间三个月的孕妇的身形开始发生较大改变,此时的心理体验与她们对怀孕的态度有关。想要孩子的孕妇对身形改变有愉悦感,对感到胎动洋洋得意;而不打算要孩子的孕妇则为身形改变懊恼不己。(3)怀孕的末三个月胎儿生长迅速,常踢打翻身。孕妇主要是想像和猜测孩子的性别、长相、健康,惧怕临产、分娩。初次怀孕的女性还对将要做母亲而激动不安、心中茫然。(陈若莉撰茜香嘉高玉样审)

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