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王玉珍 Wang Yuzhen英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-26 18:19:05


王玉珍 Wang Yuzhen英语短句 例句大全

王玉珍,Wang Yuzhen

1)Wang Yuzhen王玉珍

1.This paper takes a research onWang Yuzhen and Liu Danli who are the players of Han Yin in the opera "Defencers of Hong Lake".文章以歌剧《洪湖赤卫队》中韩英这一角色的扮演者王玉珍与刘丹丽为研究对象,试图通过这两位歌唱家对韩英这一角色的成功演绎,来总结其艺术上成功的经验。

2.Wang yuzhen is a famous vocalist and artist of Chinese opera performance in China who makes a grand contribution to the music of our nation.王玉珍是我国著名的歌唱家和歌剧表演艺术家,为我国的歌唱事业作出了卓越的贡献。

2)jade mouth-filler玉珍


1.Meticulously Nyuk Tsin counted off.玉珍早就严阵以待。

2.In 1951 Nyuk Tsin engineered her last big coup for the Kee Hui.1951年玉珍又指挥姬氏会办了一件大事。

3.The coup which Nyuk Tsin had engineered had one unexpected result.玉珍策划的这场行动带来了一个意外收获。

4.Consensus of Justice by the Civil:Analysis of the "Estate Inheritance Case of Ye Yuzhen"公正观念的民间认同 “叶玉珍”财产继承案分析

5.a precious transparent stone of rich blue corundum valued as a gemstone.一种珍贵的透明蓝色刚玉,用作宝石。

6.His marrow turned to jade and pearls.他的骨髓变成了玉石和珍珠。

7.From its purity, you know this is a very precious piece of jade.从成色上看, 这是一块非常珍贵的美玉。

8.This jade is really a precious collectors item.这件玉器真是难得一见的珍贵藏品呀!

9.Rare Gardening Trees--Four Lecythidaceae Plant Species珍奇的庭园树木——4种外来玉蕊科植物

10.Jade items are precious and rare treasures of China.玉石经过加工,可以成为价值连城的珍宝,

11.A dealer in precious or semiprecious stones.玉石商做珍贵的宝石或准宝石生意的人

12.Since the dawn of Chinese civilization, jade has been a highly treasured object.从中华文明起源开始, 玉就成了人们珍爱的物什。

13.as well as numerous imperial robes and ornaments; textiles; and furniture.可谓金翠珠玉,奇珍异宝,天下财富,尽聚于此。

14.Jade is a rare colorful and hard stone,and it is usually polished and carved to make jade ware.玉,是指色彩美丽,质地坚硬而不多见的珍稀的石头。用玉雕琢成的工艺制品称之为玉器。

15.According to historical documents, in He Ls tomb the casket was protected by a triplicate outer coffin of bronze and the vault was filled with quicksilver and ornamented with gem-inlaid golden images of birds据记载,阖闾墓“铜椁三重,倾水银为池,黄金珍玉为凫雁”。

16."He made Jia zhen lead the way and, leaning on Baoyu"s shoulder, followed him up through the boulders. ""说毕,命贾珍在前引导,自己扶了宝玉,逶迤进入山口."

17."Pure wine costs, for the golden cup, ten thousand coppers a flagon, And a jade plate of dainty food calls for million coins. I fling aside my chop-sticks and cup, I cannot eat nor drink...I pull out my dagger, I peer four ways in vain."金樽清酒斗十千,玉盘珍羞值万钱,停杯投箸不能食,拔剑四顾心茫然

18.It was as if he had displayed his treasure for a moment and then quickly locked it away in its casket again. When she had gone, he turned to Li Yu-ting:仿佛拿珍贵的珠宝在人面前夸耀一番,便又什袭藏好了似的,赵伯韬这才转脸对李玉亭说:


jade mouth-filler玉珍


1.Study ofHaizhenyuye(HY)Antatgonise Against the Mutation Effect Caused by Cyclophosphamida;海珍玉液拮抗环磷酰胺诱发的遗传损伤效应


5)Zhang Zhe Yu张珍玉

6)Ming Yuzhen明玉珍

1.Ming Yuzhen and the History of the Great Xia;明玉珍及其大夏国本末(上)



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