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腧穴 Acupoint英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-25 08:39:14


腧穴 Acupoint英语短句 例句大全



1.Analysis on the research methods of acupoint speciality;浅析腧穴特异性的研究思路

2.Morphological Evidence of Some Prohibit-NeedlingAcupoints in Ancient Acupuncture Books;简析古代医籍中禁针慎针腧穴的形态学依据

3.Analysis of Nature ofAcupoint with Studying Canon of Internal Medicine读《内经》探析腧穴本质


1.A Thinking of How Raise Teaching Quality of the Points提高《腧穴学》教学质量的几点思考

2.Study of Acupuncture Action on Local and Central Modulating Mechanisms;针刺腧穴对局部及中枢作用机制的研究

3.Study on Acupint Compatibility of Primary Hypertension Treating by Acupuncture针刺治疗原发性高血压的腧穴配伍的探讨

4.Observation on the Penetration Acupuncture at the Head Acupoint of ShaoYang Meridian to Treat Migraine透刺少阳经头部腧穴治疗偏头痛疗效观察

5.Study on Body Surface Infrared Radiation Spectrum of Points of Patients with Hyperplasia of Mammary Gland乳腺增生患者腧穴体表红外辐射光谱探测

6.Editorial explanation on the state standard The Name and Location of Acupoints(,edition)版国家标准《腧穴名称与定位》编制说明

7.Prelection Design of "the Stomach Channel of Foot-Yangming and Commonly Used Acupoints"关于《足阳明胃经经络与腧穴》的说课设计

8.Thinking of discussion on chronologicaol order of acupuncture recorded in ancient medical literatures关于古医籍对腧穴干预次序论述的思考

9.The difference between taking middle finger as an identical unit and bone-length measurement in acupoint localization腧穴定位方法中指寸法与骨度分寸法的差异

10.The Curative Effect Comparison Appraises of Acupuncture Near and Far Acupoints on Acute Lumbar Muscle Sprain针刺远近端腧穴治疗急性腰扭伤疗效比较评价

11.Reform and Design of the Teaching Plan Concerning Acupuncture Techniques经络腧穴学实训教学方案的改革与设计

12.Clinical Effect of Acupoint Specificity and Acupuncture Manipulation腧穴特异性与针刺手法对临床疗效的影响

13.Observation on Therapeutic Effects of Embedding Thread on Chronic Lumbar Muscle Strain and the Studies of Specifities of Acupoints;穴位植线治疗腰肌劳损的疗效观察及腧穴特异性研究

14.The Clinical Pathology of Acupuncture Holographic Points and the Points Around Ear to Treat Sudden Hearing Loss Patients.;针刺全息穴及耳周腧穴治疗突发性聋的临床观察

15.Observation on the Therapeutic Effect of Acne Vulgaris Treated with Injecting Acupoint with Self-blood and Acupuncture on Ahshi-point腧穴自血疗法加针刺阿是穴治疗痤疮的疗效观察

16.Clinical Effective Evaluation of the Combination of Scalp Acupuncture and Sam Yang Acupoint and for Paralysis after Ischemic Stroke头穴配合三阳经腧穴针刺法治疗脑梗死后偏瘫的临床疗效评价

17.Specific Research of Acupoints to Examine the Efficacy of Pressure that Electric Acupuncture was Induced to Hypotension Rat of Acupuncturing it"s Shuigou,Neiguan and ZuSanLi电针低血压大鼠水沟、足三里、内关三穴升压效应的腧穴特异性研究

18.The Clinical Study of Electro-Nape-Acupuncture and Acupunture the Points Around Era Treat Sudden Deafness;电项针及耳周腧穴针刺治疗突发性聋的临床研究



1.Meridian Acupoints′ Selection in Acupuncture Treatment for Migraine:The Main Characters and Relevant Factors Analysis十四经腧穴在偏头痛治疗中的运用特点及相关因素分析

2.Model Study Between Meridian Acupoints and Anatomical of Relations经络腧穴与解剖学关系的模型研究

3.Objective: To sum up the data about the indication of thepoints of Stomach Meridian of Foot-Yangming in ancient and modern literature and calculate the indication frequency to conclude the high-frequency indication of thepoints of Stomach Meridian of Foot-Yangming.目的:归纳古代文献与现代文献中有关足阳明胃经各腧穴的相关论述,统计主治症频次,总结足阳明胃经各腧穴的高频次主治症。


1.To expressacupoints,《Plain Questions》 employs “shu”(俞),《pivot》 uses “shu”(输),and “shu”(腧),which have the similar usages.《素问》用“俞” ,《灵枢》用“输”与“腧”表示腧穴 ,三字用法基本相同。

2.From the acupoint that is visualization of functional brain imaging of acupuncturing effects , fMRI technology is adopted to acupuncture inacupoints ( QUECHI, HEGU and ZUSANLI) that are usually chosen in cerebral stroke, and the differences among different brain cortical activation are compared.本文采用fMRI技术,从腧穴针刺效应的脑功能成像可视化角度,选择脑中风常用穴曲池、合谷、足三里进行针刺,比较各自脑激活区反应的差异,旨在明确腧穴、穴组与脑皮层兴奋的相关性,为针灸临床选穴提供基于fMRI技术的实验理论依据。

3.Acupoints compatibility is the key to acupuncture prescription,directly related to the therapeutic effect.腧穴的配伍是针灸处方的关键,直接关系到治疗效果。

4)Point anatomy腧穴解剖

5)Acupoint Science腧穴学


1.Clinical Research on the Warm the Kidney Resoive Phiegm Activate the Blood External AppliedXinshu in Treating Coronary Heart Disease with Angina Pectoris;温肾化痰活血法心腧穴位外治治疗冠心病心绞痛观察


腧穴腧穴脏腑经络之气输注于体表的部位,也是针灸、推拿等疗法主要的施术部位。又称孔穴、穴位等。分类分布于人体的腧穴很多,大体可分为3类:①经穴。又称十四经穴。分布于十二经脉和任、督二脉上的腧穴,是全身腧穴的主要部分。②奇穴。又称经外奇穴。凡有一定的穴名,又有明确的部位及治疗作用,但尚未归入十四经脉系统的腧穴,称为奇穴。③阿是穴。又称压痛点。它既无具体的名称,又无固定的位置,是以压痛点或其他反应点作为腧穴用以治疗的。腧穴虽有分类,但它们之间又相互联系,构成了腧穴体系(表1)。表1 常用针炙腧穴定位人体腧穴各有自己的位置。腧穴定位的准确与否,可直接影响治疗效果。现代临床常用的腧穴定位与取穴法有骨度折量法、体表标志法和手指比量法。骨度折量法是将人体的各个部位分成若干等分折量取穴的方法,每一等分作为一寸(表2)。体表标志法是以人体各种体表解剖标志作为取穴的依据。如两眉之间取印堂穴,两乳之间的中点取膻中穴等。手指比量法是以手指的宽度为标准,作为取穴的尺寸。如中指中节两端横纹头之间为1寸,称中指同身寸。拇指指关节的横度为1寸,称拇指同身寸。将食指、中指、无名指和小指并拢,以中指中节横纹处为3寸,称一夫法。表2 针炙常用骨度分寸作用腧穴的主要生理功能是输注脏腑经络气血,沟通体表与体内脏腑的联系。临床上腧穴有诊断疾病和治疗疾病的作用。由于腧穴有沟通表里的作用,内在脏腑气血的病理变化可以反应于体表腧穴,相应的腧穴会出现压痛、酸楚、麻木、结节、肿胀、变色、丘疹、凹陷等反应。因此,利用腧穴的这些病理反应可以帮助诊断疾病。腧穴更重要的作用是治疗疾病,通过针灸、推拿等刺激相应腧穴,可以疏通经络,调节脏腑气血,达到治病的目的。腧穴不仅能治疗该穴所在部位及邻近组织、器官的局部病证,而且能治疗本经循行所及的远隔部位的组织、器官、脏腑的病证。此外,某些腧穴还有特殊的治疗作用,可专治某病。如至阴穴可矫正胎位,治疗胎位不正。

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