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化学品 Chemical英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-08 23:39:17


化学品 Chemical英语短句 例句大全



1.Guideline for chemical hazards prevention and control in small and middle-scale enterprises;中小企业化学品职业危害预防控制指南

2.Study of Leakage and Diffusion Simulation of HazardChemical Substance;危险化学品泄漏扩散模拟的研究

3.Objective To make a rapid,accurate and easy evaluation on hazardous materials in water with the Hazard Evaluation System for SuddenChemical Poisoning Accidents in Guangdong,and to guide the management for the accident.结果该系统建立多种管理功能模块,当化学应急事故发生后,只要在地图上标出事故发生点、化学品名称及数量,即可迅速对受污染水体进行评估,指出污染范围和持续时间,并提出应急救援方案。


1.(34) Chemicals used to produce narcotics;(34)易制毒化学品;

2.New Product Development of Speciality and Performance Chemicals;专用化学品与功能化学品的新产品开发(英)

3.Develop a Brand Name for Our Biochemistry Course with a Top Quality;强化精品意识 打造生物化学品牌课程

modity Chemicals-Fine Chemicals-Specialty Chemicals;通用化学品—精细化学品—专用化学品:产业和技术导向的跨世纪转型

5.International Bulk Chemical Code国际散装化学品规范

6.Certificate of Fitness for Chemical Tankers化学品船的适装证书

7.British Agrochemicals Association英国农业化学品协会

8.hazardous chemical data manual危险化学品数据手册

9.Marine Chemical Association商船化学品运输协会

10.protective clothing for hazardous chemical operation危险化学品作业防护服

11.Synthetic Design of Fine Chemicals精细化学品合成设计

12.Synthesis & Application of Fine Chemicals精细化学品合成及应用

13.(a) Registration of Initial Imports of Chemical Products(a)化学品首次进口登记

14.carriage of dangerous chemical in bulk散装危险化学品运输

15.small-scale chemical recovery systems化学品小型回收系统

16.chemical proofing耐药品性,耐化学药品性

17.make-up of chemical loss化学药品补充[量]

18.Industry: food, beverages, textiles, chemicals, metal products.工业:食品,饮料,纺织,化学药品,金属制品。


chemical product化学品

1.Regulation—bottleneck and chance forchemical product"s development;法规——化学品发展的瓶颈与机遇

2.Material Safety Data Sheets(MSDS) are kinds of technical files attached to eachchemical product according to international conventions,and are valuable references in the research and development,production and management ofchemical products,especially for first aid of toxosis.根据国际惯例 ,“物质安全数据卡”是每一种化工产品必须具有的技术文件 ,对于化工产品的研究、开发、生产、经营 ,尤其是对于化学品中毒的紧急救治等 ,有重要的参考价值。

3)food chemicals食品化学品

4)chemical quality化学品质

1.Effect of instantaneous high pressure treatment onchemical quality of pear juice;瞬时高压作用对梨汁化学品质的影响

2.Physical quality of cathode copper effects on itschemical quality which determines its characteristics of processing.阴极铜的物理品质直接影响其化学品质,而阴极铜化学品质的高低决定了其加工性能的好坏。

3.The results showed that the output value and score of smoking quality of tobacco were significantly increased,the influence on yield andchemical quality of tobacco could not be observed obvio.结果表明:烤烟移栽前增施小麦秸秆(田烟:7500kg/hm2,地烟:6000kg/hm2),极显著地增加烟叶产值;评吸综合得分最高;对烤烟产量和烟叶化学品质无明显影响。

5)Quality chemistry品质化学


1.Realization of dynamic multi-column ComboBox inchemical management system;利用多列动态组合框实现化学药品信息管理

2.Lab management system was discussed,including instrument(equipment)management system,generalchemicals & dangerouschemical management system and safety management system etc.探讨了检验室的管理制度,包括仪器管理制度、化学药品及危险品管理制度、安全管理制度等内容,并提供了管理体系标准文件格式。

3.This article according to our practicality in Zhongkai Agrotechnical College s laboratory, discusses the problem on the joints of management in laboratory and puts forward some measures to strengthen the safe management ofchemical.本文结合我院实验室实际,针对实验室化学药品安全管理的各个环节中存在问题进行讨论,并提出加强药品管理的几点措施。



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