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风险价值VaR Value-at-risk英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-23 16:01:53


风险价值VaR Value-at-risk英语短句 例句大全



1.Applicaton of Mean Variance Change-point Model to Value-at-Risk;均值方差变点参数模型在风险价值VaR中的应用

2.Value-at-Risk(VaR) is a popular method to compute finance risk and it takes the loss of investors as the risk simply.由极值理论得到总体分布的尾部特征后,给一特定的尾部概率,就能得到风险价值VaR。


1.The Dynamic Bayesian Estimation of Variance for Value-at-Risk;基于贝叶斯方法的风险价值VaR的计算

2.The Analysis of Investment Risk on Real Estates in Wuhan--The Application of VaR;武汉房地产投资风险分析——风险价值VaR的应用

3.Applicaton of Mean Variance Change-point Model to Value-at-Risk;均值方差变点参数模型在风险价值VaR中的应用

4.A New Simple Linearity Weighted Method in the Limited Data on Value at Risk基于有限数据的风险价值VaR的线性加权方法

5.Value-at-Risk Based on Extreme Value Theory;基于极值理论的风险价值(VaR)研究

6.The Application of VaR in Risk Management of Life Insurance Company;风险价值方法(VaR)在寿险公司风险管理中的应用

7.Study on Financial Investment Based on the Technique of Value-at-risk;基于VaR(风险价值)的金融投资的研究

8.A Research on Commercial Bank"s Exchange Rate Risk Precaution Based on VaR基于风险价值(VaR)的商业银行汇率风险防范研究

9.Risk Analyses of BOT Project Investment and Finance Based on VaR基于风险价值VAR的BOT项目投融资风险分析

10.Studies on VaR and CVaR for High Frequency Data Based on Extreme Value Theory;极值理论在高频数据中的VaR和CVaR风险价值研究

11.Some New Methods on Value at Risk (VaR) in Money Market and Their Application;金融市场风险价值(VaR)的若干新方法及其应用

12.New Calculation Method and Application of Value-at-risk (VaR);一种新的风险价值(VaR)计算方法及其应用研究

13.Price Risk in Crude Oil Markets: A VaR Approach of EVT;基于极值理论的原油市场价格风险VaR的研究

14.The Empirical Analysis on the Stock Market Based on VAR Model;基于风险价值(VAR)模型在股市中的实证分析

15.Research on Coal Enterprise Value Chain Framework of Risk Analysis and Coal Market Risk on VaR煤炭企业价值链风险分析框架及市场风险VaR实证研究

16.The Application of Measuring the Financial Market Risk by Value at Risk in China;在险价值(VaR)方法在中国金融市场风险度量中的应用

17.To Evaluate VaR of China Stock Marketing Comparatively by Using GARCH Family Model and Comment;GARCH族模型计算中国股市在险价值(VaR)风险的比较研究与评述

18.VaR Based on EVT and Its Empirical Research on Shanghai-Shenzhen 300 Index基于极值理论的风险价值(VaR)方法及对沪深300指数的实证分析


Value at Risk风险价值VaR

1.Value at Risk is a new method to measure the financial market\"s risk,developing in response to the 20th century early 90\"s the financial disaster.本文系统阐述了风险价值VaR的定义,并总结了计算VaR的各种方法。

3)value at risk(VaR)风险价值(VaR)

4)VaR(Value at Risk)风险价值(VaR)


6)value at risk风险价值(VaR)



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