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糅合 mixture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-07 20:35:10


糅合 mixture英语短句 例句大全



1.Themixture of the sentence pattern always takes place in the same category,to meet the need of emphasis of pragmatics.《祖堂集》中比拟句式、判断句式、疑问句式、感叹句式等均存在糅合现象。


1.They sing a combined folk song:他们将两首民歌糅合到一起演唱:

2.The Combination of the Law,Morality,and Customs in Huainanzi;试论《淮南子》对“法”、“德”、“风俗”的糅合

3.Eight Note Scale --A Mixture of Traditional and non-Traditional Elements;八音音阶——传统与非传统因素的糅合

4.The generative mechanism of sentences like"Wangmian died father"(王冕死了父亲):Sentence generation by blending in Chinese;“王冕死了父亲”的生成方式——兼说汉语“糅合”造句

5.A Study of Blending of Varied Aesthetic Conceptions --A Comment on Zhang Kangkang s Novel A Trouble-making Woman;多种审美旨趣的糅合——评张抗抗长篇小说《作女》

6.The team tried hard to mix fresh news and comment only to find they were mixing oil and water.该组竭力想把最新消息和评论糅合在一起,不料发现它们彼皮格格不入。

7.Deep purple cocktail dress marries the femininity of a qipao to the sleek lines of a strapless bodice.这件深紫色晚装礼服完美糅合了旗袍温柔的女性特质,和无带式胸衣设计的圆润线条。

8.His last book is a bold, at times surrealistic mixture of fact and fancy.他最后一本书以大胆的、时而超现实的手法将事实和幻想糅合在一起。

9.We will also look to strengthen Hong Kong s own unique culture which embodies a successful blend of the best of the East and West.另一方面,香港独特之处,正正是糅合了东西文化精粹,我们会继续发扬这个特色。

10.Many of our everyday memories aren"t so much lost or thrown away, as merged.许多日常生活记忆与其说是遗忘或抹去了,不如说是被糅合在一起了。

11.These two attitudes constitute two kinds of fundamental modes of the Buddhist influences on the Chinese literary intelligentsia.韩愈等人的融释入儒与柳宗元等人的糅合儒释,构成了佛学对中国士大夫影响的两种基本形式。

12.There have been several years since the Cultural TV Programme appears on Chinese TV screen.文化栏目在中国的电视荧屏上已出现多年,是传统文化及电视文化糅合的产物。

13.His voice rose above all the others, blending with that of the lucid horn.他的歌声腾越于所有其他人的歌声之上,和清澈的铜号声糅合在一起。

14.Ishmael Reed, however, sees this mixing of customs as neither new nor a threat.伊什梅尔·里德却认为,这种不同习俗的糅合既不是新事物,也不是什么威胁。

15.His great achievement lies in his efforts to blend Celtic and English cultures together and in his imagery of mythological poetic world.他的功绩在于他把凯尔特文化和英国文化糅合进他的充满幻想的神话般的诗歌世界之中。

16.The analysis of the behavior of government regulation in the context of bounded rationality constraint;基于电信产业的政府管制行为分析——一个糅合有限理性和偏好的理解视角

17.To Differentiate and Analyze Ancient Chinese History Biography Factual Records--The Reclassification of Things:Strength of the Combination of Miscellaneous Combination;中国古代史传“实录”观辨析——所叙之事:“虚实杂糅的结合物”

18.Explanatary Notes about《楚辞》;《楚辞》释词——“芳与泽其杂糅兮”注考



1.The generative mechanism of sentences like"Wangmian died father"(王冕死了父亲):Sentence generation byblending in Chinese;“王冕死了父亲”的生成方式——兼说汉语“糅合”造句

2.Instead of resorting to syntactic movement and derivation, we hold that the generation of these sentences is through analogy and compounding, particularly, through a process called "analogicalblending".本文论证这类句子的生成方式不是派生而是复合,不是移位而是类推,类推是通过两种表达式的糅合来实现的。


4)combine Buddhism with Confucianism糅合儒释

5)marvelous combination奇妙糅合

6)analogical blending类推糅合

1.Contrary to Huang\"s()generative analysis,Shen()proposes an \"analogical blending\" explanation.沈家煊()等提出了不同的看法,认为"他的老师当得好"句式通过"类推糅合"的方法产生。



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