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口腔干燥 Xerostomia英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-02 15:35:08


口腔干燥 Xerostomia英语短句 例句大全



1.The Advancement of The Treatments toXerostomia Caused by Radiation of The tumours in Head and Neck;头颈部肿瘤放疗后口腔干燥治疗研究进展

2.The relationship between xerostomia and radiation dose of parotid in nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients with stereotactic radiotherapy;鼻咽癌立体定向适形放疗腮腺受照剂量与口腔干燥症的关系

3.Objective Most patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma would have xerostomia after radical radiation treatment.结论 鼻咽癌患者常规放射治疗所致口腔干燥随放疗后时间的延长而显著改善。


1.Over the following2 weeks the patient experienced increasing xerostomia and right parotid gland enlargement.周以后,患者口腔干燥加重,右侧腮腺肿大。

2.Over the following 2 weeks the patient experienced increasing xerostomia and right parotid gland enlargement.2周以后,患者口腔干燥加重,右侧腮腺肿大。

3.When your mouth gets dry, there isn"t enough saliva to wash away dead cells.当口腔变得干燥时,口中便没有足够的唾液将坏死细胞冲走。

4.jar-cleaning or drying machine广口瓶清洗或干燥机器

5.Keep your mouth wet, feet dry.口要湿润,脚要干燥。

6.Study of the Process Drying Lonicera Japonica by Microwave Source and Development of the Annular Microwave Tunnel Drier;金银花微波干燥工艺研究及环形隧道腔式微波干燥设备的研制

7.It was hot and Kiah began to feel thirsty.天气很热,凯感到口干舌燥。

8.I have had hot coppers this morning.今天早上我因饮酒过多而口干舌燥。

9.Study on Incision on the Surface Chinese Chestnut for Microwave Drying Technology板栗切口对微波干燥工艺的影响研究

10.chemical dehydrator化学干燥剂化学干燥器

partment dryer间格干燥器分室干燥器

12.primary drying zone(干燥器室的)第一干燥段

13.She tried in a vain attempt to whistle, but her lips were too cold and dry.她徒劳地试着吹口哨,但她的嘴唇太冷太干燥了。

14.He was so fagged out that his limBs were limp and his tongue and throat parched with thirst.他已筋疲力尽,踉跄地走着。嘴里口干舌燥。

15.He felt savage and thirsty and revengeful, annoyed with himself and with everyone else.他激愤,口干舌燥,渴望报仇,他恨自己,也恨一切人。

16.After you have been lecturing for an hour, you get thirsty and tired.你讲课1个小时以后,就会口干舌燥,感到疲倦。

17.You can’t beat a drink of Adam’s ale when your throat is dry and you are really thirsty.当你口干舌燥,实在渴时,再没有比喝水更好的了。

18.Clinical Study on Effect of Chinese Herbal Medicine Therapy to Xirostomia in Patients with Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma after Radiation Therapy;中医药治疗鼻咽癌放疗后口干燥症的疗效观察



1.Objective To observe the general status,subjective syndromes,objective signs and salivary secretion ofxerostomia patients for studying their correlations.目的观察口腔干燥症患者的临床表现及唾液分泌情况,了解唾液分泌减少与临床表征之间的相关关系。

3)Xerostomia/acup-mox ther口腔干燥/针灸疗法


1.Primary Effect of Submandibular Salivary Gland Transfer in Preventing Radiation-induced Xerostomia of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma;颌下腺移位术预防鼻咽癌放疗后口干燥症的近期效果

2.Clinical Analysis of Xerostomia in Patients with Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma after Radiation Therapy;鼻咽癌放疗后口干燥症的临床分析

3.ObjectiveTo compare the clinical efficacy of SS syrup, a Chinese medicine, and pilocarpine in treating patients withxerostomia.目的比较中药SS糖浆和匹鲁卡品治疗口干燥症的临床效果。

5)talk one"s tongue weary口干唇燥

6)dryer outlet干燥机出口


口腔干燥症口腔干燥症一种以口腔干燥为主要临床表现的疾病。表现有唾液减少、口干、味觉减退、舌及口角干燥碎裂疼痛,吞咽干食有困难。半数病人腮腺肿大,多为双侧对称性。部分病人伴有附近淋巴结肿大。有的病人亦可表现为咽喉干燥 ,声音嘶哑,呼吸道粘膜,皮肤及阴道干燥。此类病人在使用抗胆碱药后更可使症状加重。

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