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大气化学模式 WRF-Chem英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-26 00:46:20


大气化学模式 WRF-Chem英语短句 例句大全



1.The Weather Research and Forecast(WRF) chemistry model(WRF-Chem) was used to investigate the contribution of modified industrial emission sources to local air pollution with the two inventory data sets.利用在线大气化学模式(WRF-Chem)分别对2个工业排放清单进行数值模拟,结果表明:ρ(SO2),ρ(NOx)变化趋势与污染源排放的变化有较好的对应关系,ρ(SO2)在东莞、广州和佛山增加最多,最大增值分别为180,150和150μg/m3;ρ(NOx)增加最多的地区也在东莞、广州和佛山,最大增值分别为60,30和30μg/m3。

2)atmospheric chemical model大气化学模式

1.If Gear type method is employed toatmospheric chemical model, chemical kinetic model and sensitivity analysis, the prediction matrix is an unsymmetric matrix.若用吉尔型法求解大气化学模式、动力学模式和灵敏度分析时,预估矩阵是不对称矩阵。

2.The model system of regional climate model linked withatmospheric chemical model is applied to simulate the response of variation of the vertical distribution of the tropospheric ozone to the intensity of emission from biomass burning in South Asia.采用区域气候模式与大气化学模式相连接的模式系统,模拟研究了对流层垂直臭氧分布变化量对东南亚生物质燃烧排放源强变化的响应程度。


1.Coupling of a Global 3D Atmospheric Chemistry Transport Model with an Atmospheric General Circulation Model and Its Applications;全球三维大气化学模式和全球大气环流模式的耦合研究及应用

2.Kinetics of Coal Gasification at High Temperature and Modeling of Two-stage Entrained Flow Coal Gasifier;高温煤气化动力学及两段式气化炉的模型研究

3.A Probe into Schema Model for College English Grammar Teaching;大学英语语法教学的图式化模式探讨

4.Bio-indicators for air quality assessment.大气质量评价的生物学指标模式初探

5.Integrated Teaching Model on Technical Course of Electrical Controlling;“电气控制技术”课程一体化教学模式

6.An Explorative Study of Culture Teaching Model in College English Teaching;大学英语教学中的文化教学模式探讨

7.The Teaching Mode Will Be Optimized In English Listening Teaching;在大学英语听力教学中优化教学模式

8.Seasonal Variations of Tropospheric NO_2 over Megalopolis in Eastern China Using Satellite Remote-Sensing Data and Chemistry-Transport Model利用卫星数据和全球大气化学传输模式研究中国东部大城市对流层NO_2季节变化原因

9.atmospheric transport-chemistry model大气输运和化学反应模型

10.Optimization Design to Industrialization Pattern of Science and Technology in Technology University;理工科大学科技产业化模式优化设计

11.Seeking Opened Teaching Mode of Basic Chemistry Experimentation;大学基础化学实验开放式教学模式初探

12.“Making a Thorough Inquiry-instucting” and Teachin Method inUniversity Chemistry Experiment Teaching;“探究-点拨式”大学化学设计性实验教学模式建构

13.Inspiration from Stanford University?s Integrated System of Production, Teaching and Research斯坦福大学产学研一体化模式的启示

14.A Study of Graduate Instructional Model for Chemistry Discipline in Ningbo University;宁波大学化学类研究生培养模式探究

15.Philosophic Thought of Undergraduate Psychological Quality Optimization Pattern;大学生心理素质优化模式的哲学思考

16.The Cognition and Practice Of Specialized Teaching Mode on College English;大学外语专业化教学模式认知与实践

17.The Cultural Context Model in College English Teaching;大学英语中的文化语境教学模式初探

18.Study of College Physical Education s Teaching Model of Principal and Subordinate System;大学体育主从一体化教学模式的研究


atmospheric chemical model大气化学模式

1.If Gear type method is employed toatmospheric chemical model, chemical kinetic model and sensitivity analysis, the prediction matrix is an unsymmetric matrix.若用吉尔型法求解大气化学模式、动力学模式和灵敏度分析时,预估矩阵是不对称矩阵。

2.The model system of regional climate model linked withatmospheric chemical model is applied to simulate the response of variation of the vertical distribution of the tropospheric ozone to the intensity of emission from biomass burning in South Asia.采用区域气候模式与大气化学模式相连接的模式系统,模拟研究了对流层垂直臭氧分布变化量对东南亚生物质燃烧排放源强变化的响应程度。

3)atmospheric chemistry model大气化学模式

1.A coupling model of regional climate model andatmospheric chemistry model has been used to simulate the distribution and the seasonal variation of SO 2 and sulfate aerosol in China area.在区域气候模式的基础上连接大气化学模式 ,利用耦合的模式系统模拟了中国地区大气二氧化硫和硫酸盐分布和季节变化 ,发现大气中二氧化硫在冬春季大 ,夏秋季小 。

2.The numerical integration of nonlinear systems of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) is a major problem toatmospheric chemistry models.大气化学模式计算的一个重要研究热点是如何快速、精确地对相互关联的非线性常微分方程组(ODEs) 进行数值积分求解。

3.A coupling model of regional climate model andatmospheric chemistry model has been used to simulate increments of tropospheric ozone, radiation and climate effects of ozone which are caused by anthropogenic emission over China and the Indo-China Peninsula.利用双向耦合的区域气候模式和大气化学模式系统,研究了中国与邻近地区人为污染排放引起对流层臭氧变化和产生的辐射强迫。

4)atmospheric photochemical model大气光化学模式

5)atmospheric chemistry module MECCA大气化学模式MECCA


1.An off-line coupling model system consisting of a global three-dimensional atmospheric chemistry transport modelMOZART-2 and a global three-dimensional atmospheric circulation model CAM2 is newly set up and applied to simulate tropospheric ozone over Europe.运用新建立的全球三维大气化学模式MOZART-2与全球三维大气环流模式CAM2的离线耦合模式系统对欧洲地区地面和对流层O3浓度(注:本文中浓度均指体积分数)进行了数值模拟,并将模拟结果分别与欧洲两个站点的地面观测资料和四个站点的O3探空观测资料进行了对比分析。



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