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微血管 microvessel英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-16 00:45:32


微血管 microvessel英语短句 例句大全



1.Quantitative study on tumormicrovessels in rat lung carcinogenesis;大鼠肺癌癌变过程中癌组织内微血管的定量研究

2.Effects of bone marrow stromal cells on endothelial cells proliferation andmicrovessel formation in vitro;骨髓基质细胞对血管内皮细胞生长及微血管形成的影响

3.Clinical significance ofmicrovessel count in hepatocellular carcinoma;肝癌组织微血管计数的临床意义


1.microangiopathic hemolytic anemia微血管病性溶血性贫血

2.ataxic telangiectasia微血管扩张性运动失调

3.Microvascular Decompression For Tinnitus With Vasculocompression显微血管减压术治疗血管压迫性耳鸣

4.The Relationship between COX-2 and the Formation of Microvascular and Microlymphatic Vascular in Esophageal Carcinoma环氧化酶2与食管癌微血管及微淋巴管生成

5.The Effects of Coronary Microembolization on the Microvascular Function and Cytokine Secretion;冠状动脉微血管栓塞对微血管完整性及炎症因子的影响

6.Each villus is richly supplied with blood which passes through a network of tiny tubes called capillaries.血液流过称为微血管的毛细血管网,丰富地供应给每一根绒毛。

7.Anti-angiogenesis chemotherapy decrease murine sarcoma MVD and VEGF serum level抗血管生成化疗降低鼠肉瘤组织微血管密度及血清VEGF浓度

8.The Effect of the Vasomotion on the Mass Transfer in Microcirculation微血管自律运动对微循环物质交换的影响

9.Preliminary Study on Feature of the Bulbar Conjunctival Microvessel and Mechanism Eye-Signs in Blood Stasis Syndrom;血瘀证目征的球结膜微血管特点与机理初探

10.The Effect of Neutrophil Elastase on Brain Microvascular Endothelial Cells in Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury;NE对离体脑微血管内皮细胞缺血性损伤的作用

11.The Change of ADMA in Patients with Coronary Microvascular Spasm Angina;冠状微血管痉挛性心绞痛患者血中ADMA的变化

12.Study on the Correlationship Between Glycemic Excursions and Microvascular Complication in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes MellitusDM2患者血糖波动与微血管并发症的相关性研究

13.Myocardial Micro-Vessel Function Analysis in Hypertension Patients by Real-Time Myocardial Contrast Echocardiography实时心肌声学造影检测高血压心肌微血管功能

14.A Study of Microtubule, Tubulin and Tau Protein in Platelets of Patients with Alzheimer s Disease;Alzheimer病患者血小板微管、微管蛋白与tau蛋白的研究

15.Research on Active-Catheter Navigation in Minimally Invasive Vascular Surgery血管微创介入手术导管导航技术研究

16.Experimental Study of Venous Anastomosis with Titanium Microclips;微型钛血管吻合夹吻合静脉血管的实验研究

17.Experimental Study of Vascular Anastomosis with Titanium Microclips;微型钛血管吻合夹吻合血管的实验研究

18.Microenvironment Induce Neovascularization Process in Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells微环境影响血管内皮细胞形成新生血管的研究


microvasculature[英][,maikr?u"v?skjul?t??][美][,ma?kro"v?skj?l?,t??r, -t??]微血管

1.Morphological study onmicrovasculature of cerebellar dentate nuclei and medullae around nuclei of infants;幼儿小脑齿状核及周围髓质微血管的形态学观察

2.Morphology ofmicrovasculature of infant lateral geniculate body and visual cortex;幼儿外侧膝状体及视皮质微血管的形态学

3.SEM Observations on the Microvasculature of the Renal Glomerulus of Chrysolophus pictus and the Mouse;红腹锦鸡和小白鼠肾小球微血管铸型的扫描电镜观察


1.Relationship Between theMicrovessels LRP-1 Density in the Hippocampal CA1 and Cognitive Function Impairment in Aging Rats;老年大鼠认知功能与其脑微血管LRP-1表达相关性的初步研究

2.Study on reaction of astrocytes and its correlation with microvessels ofhuman brain and surrounding areas after cerebral infarction;人脑梗死周围组织星形胶质细胞反应与微血管相关性的研究

3.Experimental Study of Relation Between the Changes ofMicrovessels in Endplate and Intervertebral Disc Degeneration;椎间盘退变与终板内微血管形态改变的相关性研究


1.Positron emission tomography and microvascular research;正电子发射断层成像与微血管研究

2.An investigation of the pathology of the retinal microvascular network in rats with diabetes induced by streptozotocin;链脲佐菌素-糖尿病大鼠视网膜微血管病理改变

3.A study of intratendinious microvascular distribution of human achilles tendon by application of VEGF staining;VEGF染色在人体跟腱内微血管分布研究中的应用


1.Effect of NK1 Receptor Antagonist for ProtectingMicrangium in Scalding Rats;NK1受体拮抗剂对早期烫伤微血管的保护作用

2.Dynamic Observation of Acupuncture in Improving Function ofMicrangium s Endothelial Cell ICAM-1 of Focal Cerebral Ischemia Model;头针对局灶性脑缺血脑微血管内皮细胞ICAM-1影响的动态观察

3.Morphology study on the micrangium change of the brain aftercerebral lymphostasis in rats;大鼠脑淋巴引流阻断后大脑微血管改变的形态学研究


1.Primary culture and identifi cation of bovine retinalcapillary endothelial cells牛视网膜微血管内皮细胞的培养及鉴定

2.Measurements on the Normal Value of Capillary Refilling Time of the Experimental Animals;实验动物微血管再充盈时间正常值的测定

3.Measurements on the Normal Values of Capillary Refilling Time in Relation to Livestock and Poultry in Yunnan Province;云南家畜家禽微血管再充盈时间正常值的测定



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