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武德教育 education of Wushu morality英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-12 18:16:30


武德教育 education of Wushu morality英语短句 例句大全

武德教育,education of Wushu morality

1)education of Wushu morality武德教育

1.The teachers should strengthen theeducation of Wushu morality to the students and the training in basic skills,make a serious study of the difficult points of teaching materials,adopt various teaching techniques and make the students master"three-basic" of Wushu and series drills.教师在教学中应加强对学生武德教育和武术基本功训练 ,认真分析教材难点 ,采取多种教学方法 ,使学生能较快掌握武术“三基”和套路练习 ,增强体质 ,培养意志 ,提高竞争意识 ,养成自觉锻炼身体的习惯 ,达到终身受益的目的 。


1.A Study about Wude s Education in the Sphere of Wushu s Teaching in Normal Schools;师范院校武术教学中的武德教育研究

2.University Martial Arts Specialized Wu De Educates with West Point the Moral Education Comparison Studies;高校武术专业武德教育与西点军校德育教育的比较研究

3.A Survey and Analysis of Martial Arts Morality in Martial Arts Classes of Some Fujian Universities福建省部分高校武术课武德教育的调查分析

4.On the Education of Wushu Virtue for College Students and the Construction of Harmonious Society;论大学生武德教育与和谐社会的构建

5.The Study on Virtue of Wushu and the Spiritual and Cultural in Campus of University;普通高校武德教育与校园精神文化安全研究

6.General Analysis on the Present Situation of Virtue Education of Martial Arts in Colleges of Northwestern China;西北地区普通高校体育课程中武德教育现状浅析

7.On building instructive system of Martial Virtues of Sanshou;论散打运动“武德”教育体系的构建

8.The Enlightenments of the Traditional Moral Standards of the PLA to Wards the Modern College Education of the Armed Policeman Force;传统军人道德对当代武警院校教育的启示

9.Research on the Modern Teaching Function and Influencing of Traditional Martial Arts对传统武德的现代教育功能及社会影响力研究

10.Reformation of Modern Wushu Education from the Substance and Moral Core of Wushu"s Ethics从武德的实质和精神内核探析当代武术教育改革

11.On the Feasibility of the Mentality of Wushu Morality Blending in Police Mentality Education System;武德思想融入警察思想和职业道德教育体系的可行性探索

12.On the Influence of Wushu Ethics on Students in Wushu Teaching at School;论学校武术教学中武德对学生的影响

13."Sun Zi: The Art of War" and Martial Arts Trainer s Military Morality;《孙子兵法》与武术教练员的武德修养

14.Study on the Agreement of Traditional Wushu Morals and Socialism Viewpoint on Honor and Disgrace--A New Thought about Contemporary Undergraduate Moral Education传统武德与当代社会主义荣辱观的契合性研究——当代大学生德育教育新思路

15.On the Grade Teaching Mode of Wushu Education in Primary Schools小学武术教育:武术分级教学模式构想

16.Moral Education,Civic Education,Civic Moral Education;道德教育、公民教育和公民道德教育

17.Psychology is not ethics: a defense of ethical theory;心理教育≠道德教育:一种德育学辩护

18.Legal Education Isn t Equal to Moral Education: One Defence of Ethics;法制教育≠道德教育:一种德育学辩护


Takenori Education of Young People论青少年武德教育

3)martial arts education武术教育

1.It is concluded that the combination of modern sports andmartial arts education can help to promote the students over—all qualities and the linking to health and pleasure sports education.在学校体育教学中将现代竞技体育与武术教育相结合,有利于提高学生综合素质能力,促进与健康、休闲体育教育接轨。

2.It is concluded that the combination of modern sports andmartial arts education can help to promote the students over-all qualities and the linking to health and pleasure sports education.如能在学校体育教学中将现代竞技体育与武术教育相结合,将有利于提高学生的综合素质能力以及终身体育锻炼的意识。

3.By experiment and survey analysis,the paper conducts a comparative study of the study of the teaching experiment before and after the reform on optional courses ofmartial arts education in Shanxi University of Technology.旨在为当前学术界关注的、关于学校武术教育应该由谁教、教什么、如何教等相关问题提出新的见解。

4)Wushu education武术教育

1.An Analysis of the Cultural Factors in Wushu Education;武术教育中的文化因素剖析

2.The "cultural awareness" must be sharpened for rebuilding the schoolWushu education system重构学校武术教育体系必须强化“文化意识”

3.The "awareness of traditional Chinese culture" must be intensified for rebuilding the scholasticWushu education system重构学校武术教育体系必须强化“国学意识”

5)the education of armed police forces武警教育

6)Wuhan education武汉教育

1.He had set up many kinds of new-style schools, and contributed much to Chinese andWuhan education in modern times in the structure, institution and idea of education.张之洞不仅是中国近代著名的实业家,同时也是中国近代杰出的教育家,更是武汉教育近代化的先驱。



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