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朱译本 Zhus translation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-25 12:35:11


朱译本 Zhus translation英语短句 例句大全

朱译本,Zhu"s translation

1)Zhu"s translation朱译本

2)Shakespeare"s plays translated by Zhu Shenghao朱译莎剧

3)the work by Zhu Ding-chen朱鼎臣本



1.The author discusses the main cultural elements patronage,ideology,poetics in the process ofversion forming.本文从赞助人、意识形态和诗学三方面透视了文化在外语译本形成过程中的重要作用,以此阐释社会文化因素在外语翻译中的深层蕴含和功能。

2.The Dream of Red Mansion is one of the four famous literary works in China and it has manyversions.《红楼梦》是中国古典文学四大名著之一,它有较多的英译本。

3.Therefore,it is inevitable that theversion is diverse.语言具有多义性,而诗歌的语言具有其自身的特色,这必然导致译本的多样化。


1.translation Chinese translation of Das Capita《资本论》的汉译本

2.The Errors and The Pretermissions in The Translation of Moby-Dick, or, The Whale, by Ji Xusheng;《白鲸》姬旭升译本中的错译和漏译

3.A Comparative Study on the English Translation of the Official Titles in San Guo Yan Yi of Roberts" and Taylor"s Versions《三国演义》罗译本与泰译本中职官名称英译研究

4.uncut versions,editions,showings全译本、全版本、 全片放映.

5.Two official copies of transcripts( in Chinese or in English) from the applicants" home institution.全部成绩单英译本或中译本各二份。

6.an official transcript of academic records in Chinese or English该学程之全部成绩单英译本或中译本

7.The book was translated into many versions and sold all over the world.这本书被译成多种译本并行销全球。

8.A Study of the English Versions of Hau Kiou Choaan:Focusing Upon Percy"s Version and Davis" Version《好逑传》英译本版本研究——以帕西译本和德庇时译本为中心

9.The Site Struggle in Gender: A Comparative Study on Chinese Versions of Wuthering Heights by Female Translator and Male Translator;性别斗争之场:《呼啸山庄》女性译家译本与男性译家译本对比研究

10.On the Subjectivity of the Translator in Literary Translation by Analyzing Two Chinese Versions of Gone with the Wind从《飘》的两个中译本论文学翻译中译者的主体性

11.A Comparative Study of Two English Versions of Hong Lou Meng from the Perspective of Translator s Subjectivity;从译者主体性看《红楼梦》两英译本的翻译

12.Literal Translation and Free Translation: an Examination from the Perspective of Artistic Conception Transmitted in the Two Versions of Tess;从《苔丝》中译本意境的传达谈直译与意译

13.Poetry Translation Features of Two English Versions of A Dream of Red Mansions Based on Analysis of Perception of The Transience of Flowers;从《虚花悟》英译看《红楼梦》两译本的诗歌翻译特色

14.On Cultural Mistranslation And the Subjectivity of the Translator;文化误译与译者主体性——兼评小说《浮躁》英译本

15.In-translating and Out-translating: A Contrastive Study of Two English Versions of Chaguan译入与译出——《茶馆》两个英译本的对比研究

16.A Contrastive Analysis of the Two English Versions of Luotuo Xiangzi from the Perspective of Cultranslation从文化翻译观看《骆驼祥子》两个英译本的翻译

17.A Study of Untranslatability in C-E Translation Viewed from the Two English Versions of Hong Lou Meng从红楼梦两个英译本看中英翻译的不可译性

18.English version of this AGREEMENT prevails in case of language differences between this AGREEMENT and its Russian version.此协议的英文译本和俄文译本之间如因语言差异,以英文译本为准。


Shakespeare"s plays translated by Zhu Shenghao朱译莎剧

3)the work by Zhu Ding-chen朱鼎臣本



1.The author discusses the main cultural elements patronage,ideology,poetics in the process ofversion forming.本文从赞助人、意识形态和诗学三方面透视了文化在外语译本形成过程中的重要作用,以此阐释社会文化因素在外语翻译中的深层蕴含和功能。

2.The Dream of Red Mansion is one of the four famous literary works in China and it has manyversions.《红楼梦》是中国古典文学四大名著之一,它有较多的英译本。

3.Therefore,it is inevitable that theversion is diverse.语言具有多义性,而诗歌的语言具有其自身的特色,这必然导致译本的多样化。

6)Translation version译本

1.There have been more than ten translation versions of the masterpiece The Scarlet Letter up to now and different versions have appeared in different times,which indicates the necessity and feasibility of retranslation.名著《红字》迄今为止已有10多个译本出现,且不同时代有不同译本,说明其复译的必要性和可行性。



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