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英雄/模范 hero/model英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-11 16:29:12


英雄/模范 hero/model英语短句 例句大全



2)heros and models英雄模范

1.On the problems of reportingheros and models;浅谈对英雄模范人物的宣传报道

3)hero pattern英雄模式

1.This thesis is intended to discuss thehero pattern of Christian spirits,the aesthetics pattern of Greek mythology and the modernistic recreation of myths and legends in her works through myth-archetype criticism.以神话—原型批评理论探讨了其作品基督精神的英雄模式,希腊神话的美学模式,和对神话传说进行再创作的现代主义风格。


1.Re-interpretation of the Hero Models in the Narrative Structure of Revolutionary Model Operas;重释革命样板戏叙事结构中的英雄模式

2.In addition, on Heroic difficulty the chest now contains a Badge of Justice for each player present.同时,英雄模式下箱子里也能开出[公正徽章],每人1个。

3.Heroes and Their Journey ──on the Pattern of Mythology of Tony marrison s Song of Solomon;英雄与英雄之旅──评托尼·莫里森的《所罗门之歌)的神话模式

4.He is a hero of the mould of Tung Tsun-jui.他是董存瑞式的英雄。

5.fabulous heroes, monsters, etc传奇式的英雄、 妖怪等.

6.Revolutionary Narration and Traditional Patterns in the Revolutionary Hero Legend Novels;革命书写超越中的羁绊——十七年革命英雄传奇小说中的模式化叙事

7.Writing an ideal filter--On the novel s hero mold 17 years old models;过滤理想的书写——论十七年军旅小说的英雄塑造模式

8.On Genre Juxtaposition and Textual Dialogues in A Tale of Orchid Dream;对“英雄儿女”模式的翻案——论《兰花梦奇传》的混类现象和文本对话

9."Two Beauties, One Husband" and its Cultural connotation in PiPaIi and The Biographies of Heroic Youth;从《琵琶记》和《儿女英雄传》看“双美一夫”模式及其文化意蕴

10.The Crisscross and Variations in Political Ethic and Life Ethic --A Narrative Model in Hero Narration of Reform Novels;政治伦理与生命伦理的交错变奏——改革小说英雄叙事模式之一种

11.Heroic conduct or behavior.英雄行为,大无畏精神英雄式的举止或行为

12.A Pathetic Song of Romantic Heroes-On Spiritual Essence of Byronic Heroes;浪漫英雄的悲歌——论拜伦式英雄的精神实质

13.Shi Tianxiong: A Holy. Hero--One of the Character Reviews in The Age of Hero by Liu Jianwei;史天雄:圣子式的英雄——柳建伟的《英雄时代》人物丛论之一

14.Byronic Hero And Hemingway Hero--The Hero Model of the British and American Literature from 19~(th) to 20~(th) Century拜伦式英雄与海明威式英雄——19至20世纪英美文学的个人主义英雄范型

15.The Byronic Hero and Hemingway Hero are both Heroes,they both dare to fight for the ideals of human beings and themselves,and never gives up.拜伦式英雄与海明威式英雄都是英雄,都敢于为人类的和个人的理想而战,并坚持不懈。

16.Lu Chengwei:A Satan-like Hero--On the Characters in The Age of Hero by Liu Jianwei;陆承伟:撒旦式的“英雄”——柳建伟的《英雄时代》人物丛论之二

17.Development of Heroism --A Comparative Study of Hemingway Code Heroes and Liangshan Heroes;英雄主义的演变——海明威式英雄与水泊梁山好汉的比较研究

18.He is a fabulous t color=# cc0066>hero in that book.在那本书中他是个传奇式的英雄。


heros and models英雄模范

1.On the problems of reportingheros and models;浅谈对英雄模范人物的宣传报道

3)hero pattern英雄模式

1.This thesis is intended to discuss thehero pattern of Christian spirits,the aesthetics pattern of Greek mythology and the modernistic recreation of myths and legends in her works through myth-archetype criticism.以神话—原型批评理论探讨了其作品基督精神的英雄模式,希腊神话的美学模式,和对神话传说进行再创作的现代主义风格。

4)model worker and hero劳模英雄

5)the "hero-lover" model"英雄儿女"模式

6)hero tale model英雄故事模式

1.The True Story of Ah Q is,in its surface narrative structure,an ironic imitation of the age-old legendaryhero tale model in ancient China,the main episodes of which is composed of such aspects as "born poor but ambitious since teenage,undergoing frustrations and hardships,rising to the call of the times and ending up triumphant".《阿Q正传》表层叙事结构是对中国古代源远流长的史传英雄故事模式的讽刺性模仿,这个英雄故事模式主要由“出生寒微但少有大志———历经挫折磨难困苦———风云际会乘势而起———终于建立丰功伟绩”这几个基本环节构成,它们在《阿Q正传》中被作了贬低化、滑稽化处理,结果使得英雄豪杰的正剧或悲剧变成了小丑的滑稽性喜剧。



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