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本间久雄 Hisao Honma英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-23 01:56:02


本间久雄 Hisao Honma英语短句 例句大全

本间久雄,Hisao Honma

1)Hisao Honma本间久雄

1.Western Origins ofHisao Honma"s Introduction to Literature:A Case Study of West-East Theory Travel in Early 20th Century文学理论的西学东渐——本间久雄《文学概论》的西学渊源考


1.Western Origins of Hisao Honma"s Introduction to Literature:A Case Study of West-East Theory Travel in Early 20th Century文学理论的西学东渐——本间久雄《文学概论》的西学渊源考

2.Translation of Foreign Literary Theories and its Influences onChinese Version of Literary Principles and Criticism --Reviewing on Literary Principles and Criticism by Kuohonma;外来文论的译介及其对中国文论的影响——从本间久雄的《新文学概论》译本谈起

3.With advanced production equipment, powerful technology force and strong development ability of the products, our factory produces the series products with handsome appearance, durable in use and high polished.本厂生产设备先进,技术力量雄厚,产品开发能力强,造型美观、经久耐用,光洁度高。

4.How long will it take you to make a contribution to this company?你需要多久时间,才能对本公司做出贡献?

5.The Prime Minister is convinced that there will soon be a sea change in the relations between the two countries.首相相信两国间的关系不久将会有根本的变化。

6.Before long it published, all sorts of hand-written copies and prints were gone around among folks, even the palace wasn"t exception.成书不久,各种手抄本和印本很快在民间流传开来,连皇宫也不例外。

7.A male salmon or sea trout during or shortly after the spawning season.在产卵期间或期后的雄鲑或雄鳟

8.We should not call one a hero that is none.本来不是英雄的,就不应当说成是英雄。

9.On the Mock-Heroic Style in Absalom, Absalom!;戏谑英雄萨德本:南方英雄主义的祭杀

10.Neuroprotective Effect and Therapeutical Time Window of Z-Ligustilide Against Permanent Focal Ischemic Damage in Rats;藁本内酯对永久性脑缺血大鼠的保护作用及治疗时间窗的研究

11.the heroes of Greek legend希腊民间传说的英雄.

12.That is the test of a real hero.这是真正英雄的本色。

13.Cowards are not made of the same metal as heroes.懦夫与英雄本质不同。

14.the unlaureled heroism of endurance- Francis Parkman.未授予荣誉的持久的英雄品质-弗朗西斯·帕克曼。

15.The Great wall is known for its long history and its magnificence.长城以其悠久的历史和其雄伟壮丽而著名。

16.The Environmental Estrogen Effect of Monocrotophos on Male Goldfish, Carassius Auratus;久效磷对雄性金鱼环境雌激素效应研究

17.I can"t see why she shouldn"t live till200," Australian conservationist and television celebrity Steve Irwin, who owns Australia Zoo north of the city of Brisbane, told Guinness World Records.在一个多世纪的时间里,原本为雌性的哈里特曾被认为是一只雄性陆龟,并被人们称为“哈里”。

18.The affinity between male and female animals is purely sensual, or animalistic.雄性动物与雌性动物之间的关系只是性与本能,没有爱,没有激情的思想的统一。


Permanent Edition Space持久性版本空间

3)Takahashi Kiyooki高桥喜久雄

4)permanent capital永久资本

1.By combining the development situation of our capital market,institutional investors,professional manager and investor education level,it puts forward that listed companies in China,to enhance corporate governance and promote modern enterprise system construction,should choose and borrow thepermanent capital structure of Japan and German rather tha.从国内外股权结构研究综述入手,分析了股权结构选择的影响因素,并结合我国资本市场、机构投资者、职业经理市场等发展状况以及投资者教育程度,提出在现代企业产权制度建设中,我国上市公司不宜急于进行股权分散,应选择和借鉴日德的永久资本模式,以加强公司治理,推进现代企业制度建设。

5)permanent copy永久副本

6)permanent specimen永久标本



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