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缩略方法 methods of abbreviation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-05 23:56:14


缩略方法 methods of abbreviation英语短句 例句大全

缩略方法,methods of abbreviation

1)methods of abbreviation缩略方法

2)reduced amending method缩略算法

1.Thereduced amending method is presented.首先根据激光防撞雷达动态成像的特点,分析了图像几何失真的原因及校正的重要性,给出一种动态校正的缩略算法,并对该算法进行了描述。

3)tactful ways策略方法

1.In their success we can discover that there are their respective features of the times on the strategic decisions and on thetactful ways by studying their leading activities.研究其领导活动可以发现 ,他们的成功在战略决策上各有其时代特征 ,在策略方法上特点各异——毛泽东以刚为主 ,刚中有柔 ;邓小平以柔为主 ,柔中有刚 ;江泽民则先柔后刚。

4)Methods strategy方法策略


1.The Main Methods of Language Learning Strategy Research Training;语文学习主体性培养的方法策略研究

2.A Research on Cultural Untranslatability and Its Translation Strategies and Methods;文化不可译性及其翻译方法策略研究

3.coercive methods, measures, tactics, etc强迫的方法、 手段、 策略等.

4.strategic data-planning methodology策略性数据规划方法论

5.Marketing mix销售综合方法,销售策略

6.Graphics method for deciding optimal bidding strategy of power suppliers;发电商最优报价策略的图形决策方法

7.Stoke Decision Analysis Method of Forestry Produce for Possessing Random Requirement;林产品随机存贮策略的决策分析方法

8.The Physics Education of Scientific Method and Strategies in Middle School中学物理科学方法教育的方式和策略

9.Control of Fuzzy Design for Road Cross Section;应用“最低评标价法”评标方法的策略

10.On Management Methodology and Developing Policy of Regional Strategic Human Resources;区域战略人力资源管理方法与开发策略研究

11.The Study of The Information Systems Strategic Planning Methods And Its Portfolio Tactics;信息系统战略规划方法及其组合策略的研究

12.Select the method of access for which you want to create a policy.选择你想创建的策略的访问方法。

13.Development and Coordination of Policies and Strategies and Methodological Support Unit政策和战略制订、协调及方法支助股

14.Other methods and tactics of struggle were employed.我们采用了其他的斗争方法和策略。

15.Testing Strategy and Methods of EW Equipment Software电子对抗装备软件的测试策略与方法

16.Study on Quantification Approach and Implementation Strategy for Logistic System Benchmark;物流系统Benchmarking量化方法及实施策略研究

17.Research on the Control Method and PWM Strategy of STATCOM;STATCOM控制方法及PWM策略的研究

18.Research of Strategy & Method in Architecture Design Abiding by Climate;适应气候的建筑设计策略及方法研究


reduced amending method缩略算法

1.Thereduced amending method is presented.首先根据激光防撞雷达动态成像的特点,分析了图像几何失真的原因及校正的重要性,给出一种动态校正的缩略算法,并对该算法进行了描述。

3)tactful ways策略方法

1.In their success we can discover that there are their respective features of the times on the strategic decisions and on thetactful ways by studying their leading activities.研究其领导活动可以发现 ,他们的成功在战略决策上各有其时代特征 ,在策略方法上特点各异——毛泽东以刚为主 ,刚中有柔 ;邓小平以柔为主 ,柔中有刚 ;江泽民则先柔后刚。

4)Methods strategy方法策略

5)concentration method浓缩方法

1.The fourconcentration methods including microporous filter adsorption-elution method,talcum powder-diatomaceous earth layer adsorption-elution method,chemical flocculation precipitation method and talcum powder-diatomaceous earth flocculation precipitation method were compared by seeding known concentrations of polioviruses into water samples.向水样中接种已知量的脊髓灰质炎病毒,然后利用微孔滤膜吸附—洗脱法、滑石粉—硅藻土吸附层吸附—洗脱法、化学絮凝沉淀法和滑石粉—硅藻土絮凝沉淀法等4种不同的浓缩方法对水样中的病毒进行浓缩,并采用实时定量RT-PCR技术对各方法浓缩后样品中的病毒进行扩增和检测。

6)scale reduction method缩比方法



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