失眠网 > 复杂混沌网络 Complex chaotic networks英语短句 例句大全

复杂混沌网络 Complex chaotic networks英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-16 11:47:21


复杂混沌网络 Complex chaotic networks英语短句 例句大全

复杂混沌网络,Complex chaotic networks

1)Complex chaotic networks复杂混沌网络

2)chaotic networks混沌网络


1.Design of Network Conference Cryptographic System Based on Logistic ChaosLogistic混沌网络会议加密系统的设计

2.Hyperchaotic Synchronization of Networks of R(?)ssler Hyperchaotic System;由超混沌R(?)ssler系统组成的复杂网络的混沌同步

3.Study and Application on Chaotic Neural Network and Fuzzy Chaotic Neural Network;混沌神经网络及模糊混沌神经网络的研究与应用

4.Study on Chaotic Behavior of Neural Networks and Applications;神经网络中的混沌行为研究及其应用

5.Synchronization of Rossler Chaotic Dynimical System in Complex Network;复杂网络Rossler混沌动态系统的同步

6.Chaos Synchronization and Complex Networks;混沌系统的同步研究与复杂网络初探

7.The Synchrony of Hindmarsh-Rose Neuron Networks;Hindmarsh-Rose神经网络的混沌同步

8.Chaotic Neural Network with Application in Combinatorial Optimization;混沌神经网络及其在组合优化的应用

9.Researched on NN Control of Chaotic Dynamics Systems;混沌动力学系统的神经网络控制研究

10.Research of Amnestic Neural Network Algorithm Based on Chaotic Sequence基于混沌序列遗忘神经网络算法研究

11.Chaos Synchronization and Order Emergence in Multi-Layer Center Dynamical Networks多层中心网络的混沌同步与有序涌现

12.Global Exponential Synchronization of Impulsive Chaotic Neural Networks脉冲混沌神经网络的全局指数同步性

13.The synchronization of spatiotemporal chaos of all-to-all network using nonlinear coupling非线性耦合完全网络的时空混沌同步

14.Hardware Realization of Chaotic Neural Network Based on FPGA基于FPGA的混沌神经网络的硬件实现

15.An asynchronous encryption algorithm based on Hermite chaotic neural networksHermite混沌神经网络异步加密算法

16.Training BP neural networks with ACO for identification of chaotic systems蚁群算法训练神经网络辨识混沌系统

17.Study on chaotic synchronization for 3D Hopfield neural network三维Hopfield型神经网络的混沌同步研究

18.A Method to Choose Training Set of Mixed Chaos Neural Network一种混合混沌神经网络训练集的选择方法


chaotic networks混沌网络

3)complexity of chaos混沌复杂性

4)Complex bifurcations and chaos复杂分岔与混沌

5)complex dynamos chaotic system复杂Dynamos混沌系统

6)chaotic complex systems具混沌复杂系统



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