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复方磺胺甲唑 chemitrim英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-22 23:31:50


复方磺胺甲唑 chemitrim英语短句 例句大全



1.Observation on curative effect ofchemitrim powder to treat cachexia patients complicated with pressure sore复方磺胺甲唑粉末治疗恶病质病人压疮疗效观察


1.Observation on curative effect of chemitrim powder to treat cachexia patients complicated with pressure sore复方磺胺甲唑粉末治疗恶病质病人压疮疗效观察

2.A pharmacodynamics study of compound sulfamethoxazole eye drops复方磺胺甲恶唑滴眼液的药效学研究

3.Effects of Blood Gas Changes on the Pharmacokinetics of Compound Sulfamethoxazole in Healthy Male Volunteers Exposured to High Altitude高原环境血气改变对复方磺胺甲噁唑片药动学影响

4.Determination of Dissolution of Compound Sulfamethoxazole Tablets by Fiber-Optic in Situ Dissolution Testing Method光纤溶出度仪测定复方磺胺甲噁唑片溶出度的研究

5.Clinical Investgation of Ganciclovir and SMZ-TMP Prophylaxis after Renal Transplantation and Pulmonary Infection;肾移植术后预防性应用更昔洛韦与复方磺胺甲恶唑对肺部感染发生的影响

6.A Study on Sulfamethoxazole Monoclonal Antibody Kit;磺胺甲噁唑单克隆抗体试剂盒的研究

7.Developments of the Monoclonal Antibodies against Sulfamethoxazole and Immune Colloidal Gold-labeled Strip for Rapid Detection of Sulfamethoxazole磺胺甲噁唑单克隆抗体的研制及免疫金标试纸检测方法的建立

8.The Study of Complex Prescription Sulfamonomethoxine Sodium Multivesicular Liposome复方磺胺间甲氧嘧啶钠多囊脂质体的研制

9.Clinical effects testing of compound sulfadimidine tablets on treating white scour of piglets复方磺胺二甲嘧啶片对仔猪白痢的疗效试验

10.Toxicological Experiment Study of Compound Ornidazole and Pefloxacinmesylat Sustained-release Periodontal Suppository;复方奥硝唑甲磺酸培氟沙星缓释牙栓毒理学安全性试验研究

11.Experimental Study of Pharmacodynamics of Compound Ornidazole and Pefloxacinmesylate Sustained-release Gum Suppository;复方奥硝唑甲磺酸培氟沙星缓释牙栓的药效学实验研究

12.Preparation and Quality Evaluation of Compound Ornidazole and Pefloxacinmesylate Sustained-release Periodontal Suppository;复方奥硝唑甲磺酸培氟沙星缓释牙栓的研制及质量评价

13.Research on Preparation and Application of Sulfamethoxazole Artifical Mimic Antibody;磺胺甲噁唑人工模拟抗体的制备及其应用研究

14.Dot-immunogold Filtration Assay for Rapid Detection of Sulfamethoxazole Residues;斑点免疫金渗滤法快速检测磺胺甲噁唑残留

15.Development of Rapid Test Blocking ELISA Kit for Sulfamethoxazole Residues磺胺甲噁唑残留检测阻断ELISA试剂盒的研制

16.Clinical trials of sulfamonomethoxine compound-ofloxacin injection on controlling swine enzootic pneumonia复方磺胺间甲氧嘧啶—氧氟沙星注射液治疗猪咳喘症临床疗效试验

17.Determination of Dissociation Constant Values of Trimethoprim,Sulfadiazine and Sulfamethoxazole毛细管电泳-电流突跃标记法测定磺胺甲噁唑磺胺嘧啶和甲氧苄啶的离解常数

18.Stability Study of Compound Ornidazole and Pefloxacin Mesylate Sustained-release Gum Suppository and It s Role in Periodontitis on Rats;复方奥硝唑甲磺酸培氟沙星缓释牙栓的稳定性及对大鼠牙周炎影响的研究



3)Suspension Sulfamethoxazole Syrup复方磺胺甲噁唑糖浆

1.Objective To establish a method of determining SMZ and TMP inSuspension Sulfamethoxazole Syrup by HPLC.目的建立高效液相色谱法测定复方磺胺甲噁唑糖浆中磺胺甲噁唑(SMZ)及甲氧苄啶(TMP)含量的方法。

4)Compound Sulfamethoxazole Tablets复方磺胺甲噁唑片

1.Determination of Effective Ingredients inCompound Sulfamethoxazole Tablets by Capillary Electrophoresis with Amperometric Detection;毛细管电泳-安培法测定复方磺胺甲噁唑片中的有效成分

2.Simultaneous determination of individual medicaments in compound sulfamethoxazole tablets by ultraviolet spectrophotometry;紫外分光光度法同时测定复方磺胺甲噁唑片组分含量

3.Determination of two constituents in compound sulfamethoxazole tablets by capillary zone electrophoresis;毛细管区带电泳法测定复方磺胺甲噁唑片中两组分的含量


6)Compound Sulfamethoxazole Suspension复方磺胺甲噁唑混悬液



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