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贞德形象 the image of Jeanne dArc英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-28 00:34:34


贞德形象 the image of Jeanne dArc英语短句 例句大全

贞德形象,the image of Jeanne d"Arc

1)the image of Jeanne d"Arc贞德形象

2)Saint Joan贞德

1.Two Kinds of Patriotism: Individualism & Collectivism——Comparison between Mu Guiying &Saint Joan;爱国背后的张扬与皈依——中国传统小说中的穆桂英与萧伯纳笔下的贞德之形象比较


1.Joan of arc was bound to the stake and burned to death圣女贞德被绑在火刑柱上烧死。

2.Joan of Arc was burned at the stake.圣女贞德被烧死在火刑柱上。

3.Joan of Arc was burnt (alive) at the stake.圣女贞德在火刑柱上被(活活)烧死.

4.That is the truth, Joan, heed it.这是真理,贞德,好好记住吧。

5.Sad Melody for Growing up: On Mark Twain s Joan of Arc;成长的悲歌——马克·吐温《圣女贞德传》简论

6.Joan of Arc--a Figure Walking through the History圣女贞德:一个穿行历史岁月的形象

7.Joan of Arc led a large army to raise the siege of Orleans in1429.贞德在1429年率大军解除了英军对奥尔良的围攻。

8.a long siege by the English was relieved by Joan of Arc in 1429.法国的贞德于1429年解除了英军的长期包围。

9.Joan"s death caused French people"s great indignation.圣女贞德的死引起了法国人民的极大愤慨。

10.Attention! The Duke of Vendome presents Joan the Maid to his Majesty.静一静!凡多姆公爵引导少女贞德朝见陛下!

11.Yeah, and I don"t like him one bit. Makes the Kommandant look like Joan of Arc.是啊,我一点也不喜欢他。他让Kommandant看起来像圣女贞德一样。

e, Joan! You have had enough praying. After that fit of crying you will catch a chill if you stay here any longer.行了,贞德。你祷告得够啦。你刚哭了一大阵,再在这儿呆下去,会受凉的。

13.A woman"s chastity or reputation for chastity.贞洁,淑德一个女人的贞洁或贞洁的美誉

14.Virginity, Virtue and Reward: The View of Virginity of Pamela;贞洁·美德·报偿——论《帕梅拉》的贞洁观

15.Feng Youlan s moral thought of Six Books of Zhen and Yuan;从《贞元六书》看冯友兰的道德思想

16.Chastity in Spirit: The Ethic to Love from Jin Yong"s Novels“贞操”的精神化——金庸小说的情爱道德观

17.A Blasphemy Against God--the reading reflection about the Misfortunes of Virtue对上帝的亵渎——读萨德《贞洁的厄运》

18.Be assured of my constancy to yours, and of my appreciation of them.我保证对你忠贞不渝;你的美德,铭记在我心间。


Saint Joan贞德

1.Two Kinds of Patriotism: Individualism & Collectivism——Comparison between Mu Guiying &Saint Joan;爱国背后的张扬与皈依——中国传统小说中的穆桂英与萧伯纳笔下的贞德之形象比较

3)John Dudgeon德贞

4)moral image道德形象

1.Teachers′moral images are constructed as sanctities and demons by media.当前,教师在媒体中主要呈现出神圣化与妖魔化这两种对立的道德形象。

2.At the time of New Public Management,people pay much attention to the image of the government\"s self-examplar,for it is the leader of the socialmoral image.其实,政府还是社会道德形象的引领者。

5)Jeanne d"Arc (Joan of Arc)贞德(圣女贞德)

6)Ligustrum lucidum Ait var.xideense J. L. Liu喜德女贞



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