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小丑鱼 Amphiprion英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-13 19:23:11


小丑鱼 Amphiprion英语短句 例句大全



1.Two kinds of self-made formulated feed and shrimp meat(control group) were fed to juvenileAmphiprion clarkii and A.[目的]研制经济适用的小丑鱼幼鱼人工配合饲料。


1.Octopus, Clown trigger fish, Barracuda, Batfish, stunning healthy colourful coral reef, both hard and soft corals.八爪鱼、小丑鱼,海狼,蝙蝠鱼,非常艳丽的珊瑚礁,硬软两种珊瑚。

2.A buffoon, especially a performing clown.小丑,丑角小丑,尤指表演的丑角

3.The Little Mermaid, the Ugly Duckling, and the Emperor who paraded naked through his city are characters well known to most of us.小美人鱼,丑小鸭,皇帝的新装中的皇帝都是我们所熟悉的人物。

4.The little mermaid took the bottle and swam through the dark forest of ugly plants.小美人鱼拿起瓶子,然后游过长满丑陋植物的黑暗森林。

5.And here he is Popo the Clown.这位就是小丑Popo。

6.One clown says @[email protected],一个小丑说“吧”,

7.Classic tales such as“ The Little Mermaid,”“ The Ugly Duckling,” and“ The Emperor"s New Clothes” are loved for their humor and imagination.比如《小美人鱼》、丑小鸭》及《皇帝的新装》等经典故事,均因其幽默和想象受到人们的喜爱。

8.Great trees keep down the little ones.大鱼吃小鱼,小鱼吃虾米

9.Sep04– Eggs dark brown color, male still guard their eggs, nips other fish near by.卵已成深褐色了,二十四孝的小丑爸爸还在保卫着卵,时不时攻击接近它的鱼儿.

10.The clown came to give out candy to the little children.小丑过来分糖给小孩子。

11.wear [put on] (the) motley⑴穿着(小丑之)杂色花衣⑵扮演丑角

12.A young or small fish, especially a young salmon or trout.鱼苗幼鱼或小鱼,尤指幼鲑鱼或鲑鳟鱼

13.ugly duckling丑小鸭长大变天鹅,喻幼时丑,长大变美(典出安徒生童话《丑小鸭》)

14.A stock character in modern pantomine, the butt of a clown"s jokes.小丑,丑角现代芭蕾舞舞剧中的一个角色,小丑笑话的笑柄

15.The parti-colored attire of a court jester.宫廷小丑穿的杂色彩衣

16.The clowns pulled funny faces.小丑扮出了可笑的鬼脸.

17.The duckling is happy and surprised.丑小鸭既欣喜又惊讶。

18.The ugly duckling feels lonely.丑小鸭心中好寂寞。


A clown;a buffoon.丑角;小丑

3)tricks in a circus, play, or other presentation小丑,丑角


1.The presence of the twoclowns in the graveyard scene in Act V of Hamlet offers a typical example of carnival spirits that dissolve and subvert the official culture and ideology so as to reveal Shakespeare s consciousness in pursuit of freedom,equality,democracy and emancipation.《哈姆莱特》第五幕墓地场景中的小丑的在场极为典型地体现了《哈姆莱特》中的狂欢精神并实现了消解、颠覆官方文化及正统意识形态的功能,从而表现出莎士比亚追求自由、平等、民主、解放的意识。

2.The Devil, who can test man s spirit,punish the evils and praise the deeds, and the servants who disclose reality from the reverse with the masks ofclowns become the new.对人们的灵魂有着考验和惩恶扬善功能的魔王和戴上了小丑面具、从反面揭示世界真相的魔王侍从丰富了世界文学和世界文化中的魔鬼形象。

3.Bei der vorliegenden Arbeit habe ich versucht, Heinrich B?lls Roman ?Ansichten eines Clowns“mit dem Erz?hlmodellüber Erinnerung und Identit?t zu interpretieren.论文以“回忆和身份”为主题,详细分析了伯尔小说《小丑之见》的叙述模式。


6)Amphiprion larkii二线小丑



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