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炉缸炉底 hearth and bottom英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-24 13:36:20


炉缸炉底 hearth and bottom英语短句 例句大全

炉缸炉底,hearth and bottom

1)hearth and bottom炉缸炉底

1.The location and shape ofhearth and bottom erosion line of blast furnace can be calculated by a two-dimensional model set up with the boundary element method,and the erosion station of the furnace lining is known in time.采用边界元方法建立某一大型高炉炉缸炉底的侵蚀推测二维模型,能够推定高炉炉缸炉底侵蚀线的位置和形状,及时了解炉衬侵蚀状态。

2.According to condition of the existing thermal electric couples inhearth and bottom of 2 500 m~3 BF at Ma"anshan Iron & Steel Co Ltd,the hearth lining erosion online monitoring model was developed with two-point method.针对马钢2500m3大高炉炉缸炉底现有热电偶情况,采用两点法开发了炉缸侵蚀在线监测模型。


1.Simulation of Temperature Field and Stress Field in the Hearth and Bottom of Laiwu Steel"s No. 3 BF莱钢3~#高炉炉缸炉底温度场和应力场模拟

2.Calculation and application of erosion profile of BF hearth linings高炉炉缸炉底内衬侵蚀形貌的计算和应用

3.Numerical Simulation of Hearth and Bottom Temperature Field on Jigang No. 2 Blast Furnace济钢2号高炉炉缸炉底温度场数值模拟

4.Carbon ramming material is used on the spacer,the bottom of blast furnace and some other parts of the blast furnace.高炉炉底垫层、炉底和炉缸环行碳块与炉壳间的间隙,炉底水冷管以上到炉底钢板。

5.Simulation Calculation and Analysis of Hearth and Bottom Temperature Field of HISGC BF No. 1杭钢1号高炉炉缸、炉底温度场模拟计算及分析

6.bottom two way fired pit炉底双侧烧嘴均热炉

7.The bottom or receptacle in a silver-refining furnace."炼银炉底部,炼银炉容器"

8.Stress Analysis of BF Hearth and Lining and Reinforcement Criterion for Longitudinally Cracked Shell高炉炉缸的应力分析和炉壳开裂补强判据

9.Operating Practice in BF Hearth Chill of No.1 at New Lingang新临钢1号高炉处理炉缸冻结炉前操作实践

10.Treating the Increasing Water Temperature Difference of the Hearth of 8~#BF in Xuanhua Steel宣钢8号高炉炉缸水温差升高的处理

11.Physical modelling of hot metal flow in a BF hearth高炉炉缸内铁水流动特性的物理模拟

12.Measures Against Abnormality of Differential Water Temperature in No.1 BF Hearth of Qianan Iron and Steel Co,Ltd迁钢1号高炉炉缸水温差异常的处理

13.double bottom under engines and boilers机、炉舱双层底机炉舱双层底

14.rammed bottom lining捣筑(的)衬底, 捣筑炉底

15.The Research of the Hearth Refractory of the New Craft of Smelting Chrome Iron by Shaft Furnace;竖炉冶炼铬铁新工艺炉缸耐火材料的研究

16.The Reason and Solving for the Increasing of Haerth"s Differential Temperature of Water in Xuanhua Steel"s No.1 BF宣钢1号高炉炉缸水温差升高的原因及处理

17.The Investigation and Application of the BG New No.1 BF Hearth Wear Model本钢新一号高炉炉缸侵蚀模型的研究与实践

18.Investigation and Mechanism Research on Hearth Corrosion of No.2 BF in Baosteel宝钢2号高炉炉缸破损调查及机理研究


hearth bottom炉缸炉底

1.Analysis of “heat transfer method” hearth and “heat isolation method” ceramic cup synthetichearth bottom;“传热法”炉缸和“隔热法”陶瓷杯复合炉缸炉底分析

2.According to the theory of heat transfer,based on the calculated temperature distribution inhearth bottom,it is clear that all the brick layers inhearth bottom can not be considered as a whole one for different structures result in different temperature distribution though total heat resistance is the same.从传热学的角度出发,通过对炉缸炉底温度场的分析计算,论证了炉底全部砖层的热阻并不只是一个统一的整体,总热阻相同而结构不同的炉底,温度场分布也不同,阐明了全炭砖炉底和陶瓷杯复合炉缸炉底存在的弊端及其根本原因,进而根据铁水和冷却水的不同影响范围,提出“避热”和“扬冷”的概念。

3.The mathematical model of heat transfer athearth bottom was established.建立了炉缸炉底传热学模型,应用该模型的计算结果表明:在生产初期,合适的陶瓷垫参数能够提高炉底的抗侵蚀能力,减缓炉底的侵蚀速度,延长高炉寿命。

3)hearth and bottom炉底炉缸

1.Based on 2500 m 3 BF at Magang, the mathematical models for BFhearth and bottom erosion are set up with finite element method, two-point method and boundary element method and the characteristics of three methods are discussed.采用有限元法、两点法和边界元法 ,分别建立了高炉炉底炉缸侵蚀的数学模型并分析了三种方法的特点。

4)erosion model of BF hearth and bottom炉缸炉底侵蚀模型

5)Blast furnace hearth高炉炉缸

1.3D visualization technology of erosional shape for blast furnace hearth;高炉炉缸三维侵蚀形状的可视化技术

2.Dynamic emulation research on three-dimensional erosional shape on blast furnace hearth;高炉炉缸三维侵蚀形状的动态仿真研究

3.Force analysis and calculation of deadman in a blast furnace hearth高炉炉缸死焦堆受力分析与计算

6)hearth of blast furnace高炉炉缸

1.A mathematical model for heat conduction in thehearth of blast furnace has been developed.建立了高炉炉缸传热的数学模型,这一模型可精确地分析热流强度与炉墙及渣皮厚度之间的定量关系。


辽宁葱花缸炉葱花缸炉是辽宁省辽阳地区的著名糕点。原料配方(按50千克成品计)皮料:面粉9千克 猪油1.75千克 水4.5千克酥料:面粉9.5千克 猪油5千克馅料:熟面粉4.5千克 白砂糖粉6.5千克 猪油3.5千克 鸡蛋750克 液体葡萄糖1.25千克花生米1.5千克 芝麻仁5千克 葱2.5千克 食盐300克 花椒面125克 扑面1千克制作方法1.和皮面:面粉过罗后,放在操作台上围成圆圈,加入油、温水(30~50℃)搅拌均匀后,再加入面粉。和好后用温水浸扎一二次,调成软硬适宜的筋性面团。分成1.5千克的块回饧,各揪成50小剂。2.调酥:面粉过罗后加油擦成软硬适宜的油酥性面团。分成1.45千克的块,各揪成50小剂。3.制馅:将熟面粉、糖粉拌匀过罗后,放在操作台上围成圈,把经熟制、粉碎的花生米、麻仁放在中间,同时加上盐、花椒面、液体葡萄糖、蛋液及油,搅拌后,把已拌好糖粉的熟面粉擦入,再将葱切碎擦入。应视葱的干、湿程度决定投放多少,以使馅料软硬适度,分成2.35千克的块,各揪成50小剂。4.成型:包酥、破酥后,包馅并封严剂口,用双手搓成长条状,再擀成长15厘米、宽35厘米左右的椭圆形,一端略厚。中间顺刀切开,在薄的一端刷水,以擀面杖为轴,将两条从厚的一端同时卷起,刀口保持平面,抽出擀面杖,规格选型,按一定间距码入烤盘。5.烘烤:用中火烘烤,底火略大于上火。待制品馅部突起,呈棕黄色,底面红褐色,即可出炉,冷却后装箱。质量标准形态:规格整齐,呈螺旋状,馅料突出,均匀。色泽:馅棕黄色,外皮侧面为乳白色,底面红褐色,无焦糊。组织:层次清晰,馅绵松。口味:有椒盐和葱香味,无异味。

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