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神歌 sacred song英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-26 08:23:43


神歌 sacred song英语短句 例句大全

神歌,sacred song

1)sacred song神歌

1.So far researches on the Manchusacred songs, a genre of folk verbal arts performed in Shamanistic rituals, are in some sense a field needs more academic attention.本文选取了宋和平研究员译注的《满族萨满神歌译注》(后简称《译注》),《译注》中有满语的拉丁文转写,为我们进行语言分析提供了便利。


1."Give praises to God, make songs of praise; give praises to our King, make songs of praise."你们要向神歌颂,歌颂,向我们王歌颂,歌颂。

2.On the Fairy Songs of Ba People--An Interpretation of the Songs of Tima of Tu jia People;巴人神歌阐释——土家族歌乐《梯玛》考略

3.the morning songs (also called "sacred"songs) of the area where Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan provinces meet; the Dading mountain songs; the Midu mountain song s;云、贵、川交界地带的"晨歌"(又名"神歌")、大定山歌、弥渡山歌,

4."Make songs to God, you kingdoms of the earth; O make songs of praise to the Lord; (Selah.)"世上的列国阿,你们要向神歌唱。愿你们歌颂主,

5.Swallow Song and Song of Waiting--The Musical Massages Contained in Generative Fables of Chinese Poetry;《燕燕歌》和《候人歌》——汉语诗歌发生神话的音乐信息

6.The verse spirit flies freely--The network verse trail and discover;诗歌精神的自由飞翔——网络诗歌窥探

7.Tan Ge: Watcher of National Spirit --On Tan Ge s Novels;谈歌:民族精神的守望者——谈歌小说论

8.hymns that inspire the congregation圣歌振奋会众的精神

9.That brought on the Bhagavad-Gita.所以才讲起《大神之歌》来。

10.Human s Deification and Deity s Humanization──A comparison of 《Jiu songs》and《Zhou s Ode》;人的神化与神的人化──《周颂》、《九歌》比较

11."I will make a new song to you, O God; I will make melody to you on an instrument of ten cords."神阿,我要向你唱新歌,用十弦瑟向你歌颂。

12.A song of praise or thanksgiving to God or a deity.赞美诗,赞歌对上帝或神的赞美或感恩的歌

13.An Elegy of Rural Myth-Analysis of the Novel Ballad by Han Sizhong乡村神话的一曲挽歌——韩思中长篇小说《歌谣》读解

14.Construction and Deconstruction of Poetic Spirit by Net Poems;当下网络诗歌对诗歌精神的建构与解构

15.Existence Wisdom and Spiritual poems;存在智慧与精神诗歌──论刘苏诗歌的意义

16.Eulogy of Daydreams--Interpretation of the Apollo Spirit and the Dionysos Spirit in the Iceman Cometh白日梦的颂歌——解读《送冰的人来了》中的日神精神和酒神精神

17.The Third Sister Liu:The Song Absolute Being and Venus of the Aborigine s Clan of the Pear River Valley in South China;刘三姐:华南珠江流域原住民族的歌神与爱神

18.The Spirit Death on the Poetry--The Philosophy Thinking of the Verse Spirit;精神上的诗意死亡——海子诗歌精神的哲学思考


poetic spirit诗歌精神

1.However,net poems also deconstruct mercilesslypoetic spirit by desirized writing with consumption supremacy,non-subject covered by network technology,.同时,消费至上的欲望化写作、网络技术掩藏下的"无主体"特征、虚拟空间个性极端叛逆的精神内质,集中体现了网络诗歌对诗歌精神的无情解构。

2.The rise of west poet community in the 1980s and its basicpoetic spirit are to describe historic culture and nature of the wide west part of China and to express poets sad but stirring feelings.崛起于80年代的西部诗群的创作,其基本的诗歌精神,便是面对这片苍茫辽阔古老神奇的土地及其所凝聚的历史文化和艰辛的大自然,抒写其所激发起来的无比惊叹与悲壮情怀。

3)spirit of poetry诗歌精神

1.On the other hand it dissimilate, split, and dissolve thespirit of poetry as a whole, thus reducing poetry into "material poetry" or "fashionable poetry ".基于诗歌发展的现实要求,在诗歌与社会政治的新型深度对话关系上重建一种诗歌精神,将是诗歌“个人化写作”真正的活力所在。

4)Shenxian songs《神弦歌》

1.In the process of sacrificing unorthodox small spitits and ghosts, theShenxian songs expressed various kinds of desire and emotion, sighing for life,looking forward to love.南朝乐府民歌中的《神弦歌》,是江南地区的巫觋祭歌。

5)energetic ode shocks精神颂歌

6)Shaman Divine Song萨满神歌

1.Multicultural Characters of KorqinShaman Divine Song;科尔沁萨满神歌多元文化特征

2.KorqinShaman Divine Song is a type of original living songs with fixed paradigm, sung to the divinities during Shaman worshipping ceremony.科尔沁萨满神歌是科尔沁蒙古族萨满结合歌舞形式,在萨满教祭礼仪式中,对神灵唱诵的具有固定程式的原始活态传统诗歌。


神歌中国民歌体裁山歌类的一种。亦称"晨歌"。主要流传于四川南部以重庆、宜宾为中心的低山丘陵地区。歌词以爱情主题为多,格调轻松、诙谐,常以凝练的手法,勾画出某种生活画面,其结构有4句、6句或多句体3种。节奏节拍组织自由,变化繁复。大多数曲目都是混合节拍,少则由两种(如娺和婰),多则由4种(如娺、婰、戸、彎)交替组成。加之演唱时速度的即兴处理,更使歌腔变得悠长、舒展。此外,音调高亢,富有激情。经常使用的音列有:la do re mi sol、mi solla do re misol和la re mi sol la do等。各乐句中,常用la和mi的呼应来推动旋律的展开,五声羽调式,气质粗犷,感情奔放,山野风较浓。同时五声级进型旋律与小七度和小六度跳进音型的穿插使用,进一步la sire mi与la doremi两种音列的交替,造成旋律的鲜明对比。神歌的曲调共约10余种,代表性曲目有《槐花几时开》、《郎打哨子应过沟》、《摘葡萄》等。

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