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气虚血淤 Qi-deficiency and Blood-stagnation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-08 22:35:12


气虚血淤 Qi-deficiency and Blood-stagnation英语短句 例句大全

气虚血淤,Qi-deficiency and Blood-stagnation

1)Qi-deficiency and Blood-stagnation气虚血淤

1.Study on Hs-CRP as the Marker of Pathogenesis ofQi-deficiency and Blood-stagnation in Atherosclerasis;以高敏C-反应蛋白作为动脉粥样硬化气虚血淤病机辨证的标志物的理论探讨


1.Effects of Chinese Herbal Medicine Chanfufang on Hemorology in Dairy Cows with Syndrome of Deficiency of Vital Energy and Blood Stasis产复康对产后气虚血淤证奶牛血液流变学的影响

2.Qi less blood, kidney and liver insufficiency, Cold staging, gas stagnation blood stasis caused by the circulation of fluid line, General Clauses pain.如血气虚少、肝肾亏虚、寒邪凝滞、气滞血淤,导致经行滞涩不畅、不通则痛也。

3.Objective: To observe the clinical therapeutic effect on hyperlipemia of Yin deficiency and blood stasis treated with Reduce Blood Fat and Deject Capsule.目的:观察降脂通便胶囊治疗阴虚血淤型高脂血症的临床疗效。

4.Conclusion: Reduce Blood Fat and Deject Capsule has pretty good clinical therapeutic effect on hyperlipemia of Yin deficiency and blood stasis.结论:降脂通便胶囊治疗阴虚血淤型高脂血症有较好的临床疗效。

5.Clinic Study on Treating Aged Patients with Deficiency of Qi and Kidney by Baoyuanhuoxue Granule;保元活血颗粒治疗老年气虚肾虚证的临床研究

6.Effect of the Method of Reinforcing Qi and Activating Blood on the Functions of Vascular Endothelial Cells in Acute Ischemic Stroke with Qi-deficiency and Blood-stasis Syndrome益气活血对急性缺血性中风气虚血瘀证血管内皮细胞功能的影响

7.The Clinical Study of Yiqi Zhixue Decotion in Treating Emorrhapic Period of Anovulatory Dysfunctional Bleeding with Qi Deficiency and Blood Stasis Syndrome;益气止血汤治疗气虚血瘀型无排卵型功血出血期的临床研究

8.preventing Blood from pooling in the limBs.防止血液在四肢中淤积

9.Drugs with the effect of warming and nourishing qi and Blood ate suitaBle for patients of weak constitution.温补气血的药适宜体虚病人。

10.An Constitutional Pathological Feature of Modern Population:debibity of qi and blood stasis;现代人群的体质病理学特征:气虚血瘀

11.Clinical Observation of "Cheqian Wuren Decoction" in Treating 56 Cases of Constipation of Qi-Blood Deficiency车前五仁汤治疗气血两虚型便秘56例

12.Investigation of Circumstantial Evidence for Qi-deficiency Syndrome in Ischemic Stroke缺血性脑卒中患者气虚证的旁证探讨

13.Conclusion: The pathogenesis of the early renal damage induced by essential hypertension is the deficiency of liver-yin and kidney-yin complicated ‘with Qi deficiency and blood stasis.结论:原发性高血压早期肾损害的主要病机为肝肾阴虚兼气虚血瘀。

14.The Changes and Effects of ANP、ET、CGRP、and NPY in Plasma on the Patients with Qi-Defeciency and Blood-stasis Syndrome;气虚血瘀证患者血浆ANP、ET、CGRP、NPY的变化及意义

15.Treating Deficiency of Vital Energy and Blood Stasis Typing Hypertensive Disease Experience Case Record in Buyanghuanwu Decoction补阳还五汤治疗气虚血瘀型高血压病验案

16.Primary Proteomics Analysis of Rat Serum Proteins Related with Syndrome of Qi-deficiency and Blood Stasis气虚血瘀证模型大鼠血清蛋白质组学初步研究

17.The Influence Effect of Microemulsion of Rhizoma Chuanxiong on Hemorheology in Rats with Qi-deficiency and Blood-stasis Syndrome川芎微乳对气虚血瘀型大鼠血液流变学的影响

18.Mechanism of Yiqi Huayu Bushen Recipe in treating cervical syndrome in rats with qi deficiency,blood stasis and kidney deficiency益气化瘀补肾方治疗气虚血瘀肾虚型颈椎病大鼠的机制研究


Blood Stagnation due to Qi Deficiency Syndrome气虚血淤证

1.Objective: To observe the clinical therapeutic effect onBlood Stagnation due to Qi Deficiency Syndrome in angina pectoris of coronary heart disease treated by Benefiting Vital Energy and Clearing Coronary Artery Decoction.目的:观察益气通冠方治疗冠心病心绞痛气虚血淤证的临床疗效。

3)Yin Deficiency and Blood Stasis阴虚血淤型

1.Objective:To observe the clinical therapeutic effect on hyperlipemia of Yin deficiency and blood stasis treated with Reduce Blood Fat and Deject Capsule.目的:观察降脂通便胶囊治疗阴虚血淤型高脂血症的临床疗效。

4)blood stasis due to hypofunction of the spleen脾虚血淤证

5)qi-deficiency and blood stasis气虚血瘀

1.Study of Qitengzhitong decoctions on chronic pelvic inflammatory disease patients with Qi-deficiency and blood stasis芪藤止痛汤治疗气虚血瘀型慢性盆腔炎的研究

2.Objective To observe the effect of Tongguan Capsule (TGC) , a Chinese herbal preparation for supplementing qi and activating blood circulation, in patients after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) withqi-deficiency and blood stasis syndrome.目的观察益气活血中药通冠胶囊对经皮冠状动脉介入治疗(percutaneous coronary intervention,PCI)后气虚血瘀证患者的影响。

3.Objective To study the cerebral and serum Na~+,K~+,Ca`(2+) and Mg~(2+) content and ATPase activity in brain tissue and erythrocyte membrane in the stroke sequela rat model ofqi-deficiency and blood stasis.目的对中风后遗症气虚血瘀大鼠模型脑组织和血清钠、钾、钙、镁离子含量及脑组织和红细胞膜上钠、钾、钙、镁、钙镁 ATP 酶活性进行研究。

6)Qi deficiency and blood stasis气虚血瘀

1.Effects of Xuanyunding on REG and blood rheology in vascular vertiginous model rabbits with inQi deficiency and blood stasis;眩晕定方对兔血管性眩晕气虚血瘀证模型血液流变学和脑血流图的影响

2.Study on a rat model ofQi deficiency and blood stasis syndrome with cerebral ischemic stroke;缺血性脑卒中气虚血瘀证大鼠模型的研究

3.The Clinical Study of Guchong Zhixue Decoction in Treating Emorrhapic Period of Anovulatory Dysfunctional Bleeding with Qi Deficiency and Blood Stasis Syndrome;固冲止血汤治疗气虚血瘀型无排卵性功血出血期止血机制的临床研究


气虚喘气虚喘 气虚喘 病证名。肺气或元气不足所致的气喘。见《证治汇补》卷五。又名气虚喘逆。或因本元素虚,或大病大劳后失于调养,或过服克削之剂,元气大伤,而致气虚喘逆。证见身倦懒怯,言语轻微,久久渐见气不接续,喝喝喘急。《景岳全书·杂病谟》:“气虚之喘十居七八,但察其外无风邪,内无实热而喘者,即皆虚喘之证。如脾肺气虚,上焦微热微渴而作喘者,宜生脉散;如气虚而无热者,用独参汤;若火燥肺金,上焦热甚,烦渴多汗,宜人参白虎汤。”

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