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表率 model英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-11 17:28:30


表率 model英语短句 例句大全



1.It directly affect CPC s work-ing effectiveness that how to raise socialism Honor-Disgrace Concept and erectmodels.组工干部是新时期党的组织建设的耕耘者,如何提高政治素质、发挥表率作用,直接影响党建工作成效。


1.a teacher must be a good example to his students.老师要做学生的表率。

2.fixed ratio schedules固定比率时间表 固定比率时间表

3.Open and sincere in expression;straightforward.坦率的,真诚的坦率而真诚的表达的;率直的

4.dimensionless surface reaction rate无因次表面反应速率

5.They were frankly skeptical.他们坦率地表示怀疑。

6.schedule of reinforcement in variable ratio可变比率强化时间表

7.dry-matter digestibility of a feed饲料干物质表观消化率

8.an instrument for measuring the curvature of a surface.测量表面曲率的仪器。

9.schedule of turnover rate of circulating fund流动资金周转率计算表

10.balance sheet ratios资产负债表中各项比率

11.Counting Rate Metre计数率测量器,计数表

12.master international frequency register《国际频率登记总表》

13.an unashamed expression of deeply-felt emotion内心深情的率真表露

14.He leads a trade mission to China .他率贸易代表团来中国。

15.A probability of 1 represents certainty.几率为1表示必然事件。

16.the daily rate+ [ 1 ](钟表的)每天快慢差率

17.The graph shows a bulge in the birth rate.图表显示出生率的暴增。

18.A higher probability means more confidence.概率越大,表示越可信。


good example表率

1.To begood example in doing this,the government officials should,firstly,guide their words and action with the above concept;secondly,improve their ethics and morality;thirdly,be honest in performing their duties;fourthly,make their best efforts to serve people;finally,maximize their efficiency.领导干部做好表率,可以从以下几个方面着手:一是自觉把社会主义荣辱观作为自己言行的标准;二是加强官德修养;三是廉洁从政,为人民群众掌好权;四是勤政为民,多为百姓谋福祉;五是实施善政,谋求领导工作成效最大化。

2.The role of the party and political primary leaders of higher school as agood example has much to do with the success and development of the career.作为高校基层党政领导干部,其表率作用如何,直接关系到事业的兴衰与发展。


1.Digitally refit of nuclear detection instrument with conventional analogratemeter;率表式核探测仪器的数字化改装

4)observed yield表观产率

1.The results showed that theobserved yield declined distinctly and excess sludge production can be reduced about 20%~50% after 1~30 min of ultrasonic treatment with power level 0.50 W/mL范围内,经过1~30 m in的超声波处理,系统表观产率显著下降,剩余污泥的产量可以减少20%~50%左右。

5)Surface curvature表面曲率


1.We conclude that reducing the pH value of medium can improve theexpression of the aim protein in erlenmeyer fermentation,and raising the pH value of medium can improve theexpression of the aim protein in bioreactor fermentation.结果表明,在摇瓶发酵中梯度调低培养基 pH 值可以提高产物的表达率;在发酵罐发酵工艺中适当调高培养基 pH 值可以提高产物的表达率。

2.Objective: To investigate the relationship between P 27 proteinexpression and cervical carcinomas.结果P2 7蛋白高表达率在宫颈癌中为 19% (9/ 4 8) ,而正常宫颈组织中均为高表达 ,差异有显著性 (P<0 。



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