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数额认定 authenticating英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-01 16:07:20


数额认定 authenticating英语短句 例句大全



1.Andauthenticating the amount of power accurately is the foundation of confirming the measurement of penalty of stealing electric energy.通过对实践中盗窃电能犯罪数额认定的现状可知,刑事法律应按照客观真实原则、公平公正原则、存疑有利被告人原则确定盗窃电能犯罪数额的认定方法,以利于司法操作。


1.Personal View On "Deduction Method" in Determining Bribes Amount;贪污受贿赃款数额认定当中"扣除法"之我见

2.Quality and Quantity of Business Bribery:Definition and Amount;商业贿赂的定性与定量:贿赂认定与数额计算

3.Probe in Forensic Identification Using Digital X-Ray Films of Frontal Sinus;额窦数字X线影像法医学同一认定的研究

4.On the criteria of the amount of money in Chinese criminal law;关于我国刑法对赃款认定的数额标准问题

5.budget - pro memoria预算-(数额)待定

6.determine the quantity of someone"s share.测定某人的分额的数量。

7.nominal rate of the spring钢板弹簧额定刚性系数

8.required liquid capital deficit规定速动资金短欠数额

9.Are you sure the amount is correct?你确定这数额是对的吗?

10.Query the amount charged, ie say that one thinks it is wrong对索要的数额质疑(称认为有误)

11.Yeomans subscribes to a design and sales philosophy of providing the user with a recognizable and common nameplate rating system.美国约曼公司以为用户提供公认的和通用的铭牌额定参数系统为自己的设计和销售原则。

12.The tax payable computed under the amount on volume method = Sales volume x Tax amount per unit.实行从量定额办法计算的应纳税额=销售数量x单位税额

13.Application of Computerized Quota Work -A Mathematical Model of Quota with Taylor s Series;定额电算化的应用一例——应用泰勒级数展开建立时间定额数学模型

14.larceny of property having a value less than some amount (the amount varies by locale).盗窃数额超过一定数量的盗窃行为,数额依据现场不同而不同。

15.Shareholders shall pay in full their respective subscribed capital contributions specified in the articles of association.股东应当足额缴纳公司章程中规定的各自所认缴的出资额。

16.The amounts of the fines specified in the preceding paragraph of the present Article shall be determined pursuant to the following provisions:本条前款规定罚款的数额,依照下列规定确定:

17.expenditure ceilings under the IPFs指规数规定的支出最高额

18.amount of margin required to be deposited按规定须存放的保证金数额


Computing burglary amount盗窃数额认定

3)determination of the crime amount犯罪数额认定

4)Study on How to Compute Burglary Amount盗窃罪数额的认定

5)Rated parameter额定参数

1.This paper analyzes the kinds,functions and technology requirements of circuit protective device on CHANCHE PLOUGH car,and introduces the key factors when we choose rated parameters of the fuse.分析了昌河北斗星汽车用电路保护装置的种类、作用及技术要求 ,介绍了在选择熔断丝额定参数时应考虑的关键因

2.Based on 1 000 kV power transmission pilot project in China, the grouping mode of such a low voltage capacitor bank and its maximum group capacity are determined, the selection of rated parameters of the shunt capacitor device and its connection mode are researched, besides, the close inrush current of the shunt capacitor device is verified.文章结合特高压试验示范工程,确定低压电容器组的分组方式及最大分组容量,研究电容器装置的额定参数选择和接线方式,并对电容器装置的合闸涌流进行校核。

6)Indicator Quota指数定额



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