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环境生态效应评价 assessment of environmentally ecological effect英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-28 23:41:45


环境生态效应评价 assessment of environmentally ecological effect英语短句 例句大全

环境生态效应评价,assessment of environmentally ecological effect

1)assessment of environmentally ecological effect环境生态效应评价


1.The Studies of Environmentally Ecological Effects Assessment and Environmental Capacity Estimation of the Heavy Metal Cu, Pb, Zn and Cd in the East China Sea;东海Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd重金属环境生态效应评价及环境容量估算研究

2.Study on Ecological Footprint to Evaluate Environmental Impact of Water Projects;生态足迹法评价水工程环境效应探析

3.Analysis and Evaluation on Ecological Environmental Effects of Main Models of Forest Ecological Net System in Jiaonan City;胶南森林生态网络体系主要模式的生态环境效应分析与评价

4.Evaluation on the Benefits of Forestry Based on the Urban Ecological Environment Construction;城市生态环境建设中林业的效益评价

5.Method of Flux and Flow Direction Assessment of Ecological Environment and It s Application in Tibet;生态环境流量流向评价方法及其在西藏生态环境评价中的应用

6.Review of the researches on environment effect of human activities and ecological environment evolution;人类活动的环境效应及生态环境变迁研究述评

7.Projection Model And It s Application for Regional Eco-environmental Quality Evaluation;区域生态环境的投影评价方法及应用

parative Analysis of Static and Dynamic Evaluation of Ecological Frangibility生态环境脆弱性静态评价与动态评价

9.Evaluation on eco-environmental effects of land use change in east Anhui Province;安徽东部地区土地利用变化的生态环境效应评价

10.Eco-environmental effects of land use change in Changwu County of Shannxi Province陕西省长武县土地利用变化的生态环境效应评价

11.Application of Analytic Hierarchy Process in Assessment of Eco-environmental Benefits of Fine Chemical Industry Area层次分析法在精细化工园区生态环境效益评价中的应用

12.Research and Application of Landscape Ecology on Ecology Environment Impact Assessment;景观生态学在生态环境影响评价中的应用研究

13.Preliminary Exploration on the Application of Landscape Ecology in Railway Ecological Environment Assessment景观生态学在铁路生态环境评价中的应用初探

14.The Application of RS and GIS in Dynamic Monitoring and Evaluation of Ecological Environment遥感和GIS在生态环境动态监测与评价中的应用

prehensive Benefit Evaluation of Eco-environment Restoration in Karst;喀斯特生态环境治理综合效益评价研究

16.Research on Promotion Achievements Appraisal of the Scientific and Technological Achievements in Ecological Environment Protection;生态环境保护科技成果推广绩效评价研究

17.System of Evaluating Eco-environment Benefit of Land Rearrangement Based on 3S;基于3S的土地整理生态环境效益评价系统

18.On the Achievement and Efficiency Assessment System of Eco-environment Building in Western China;我国西部生态环境建设绩效评价体系研究


eco-environmental benefit assessment生态环境效益评价

1.The weights of the criterion hierarchy and indicator hierarchy of theeco-environmental benefit assessment system for the fine chemical industry area were confirmed by AHP,and based on the weights,the key indicators affecting ecological reconstruction of the area were analyzed.介绍了杭州湾精细化工园区的概况;设计指标重要性专家打分表,依据指标得分构造了层次分析法的判断矩阵;运用层次分析法确定了精细化工园区生态环境效益评价指标体系中准则层和指标层的权重,进而依据指标权重分析了影响园区生态化改造的关键指标。

3)eco-environmental assessment生态环境评价

1.Study on Eco-environmental Assessment and Construction of Circular Economy of Zibo Coal Mine in Shandong Province;山东省淄博煤矿区生态环境评价与循环经济建设研究

2.Distributedeco-environmental assessment system based on geographical information sharing for basins;流域生态环境评价是水利工程建设及评估的一个重要方面,目前,国内外流域管理机构都在积极开展该领域的研究和组织实施工作。

4)ecological environment evaluation生态环境评价

1.Study on Ecological Environment Evaluation along Highway——Taking the part from MianYang to SuiNing of the MianYang-ChongQing highway as an example;公路路域生态环境评价研究——以绵阳至重庆公路绵阳至遂宁段为例

2.This paper introduces the development and present situation of the research on Chineseecological environment evaluation, expounds the methods for and contents of theecological environment evaluation, analyzes on the problems existing in theecological environment evaluation, and looks forward to the development direction of Chineseecological environment evaluation.介绍了我国生态环境评价研究的发展和现状,阐述了生态环境评价研究的方法和内容,分析了生态环境评价中存在的主要问题,展望了生态环境评价在我国未来的发展方向。

3.The characteristic of soil ciliates in different ecological environment as well as the application of it in the soilecological environment evaluation is reviewed in detail.介绍了土壤纤毛虫的研究历史;综述了国内外土壤纤毛虫在不同生境下的特性及其在土壤生态环境评价中的应用研究现状。

5)evaluation of ecological environment生态环境评价

6)ecological effect evaluation生态效应评价

1.Index system forecological effect evaluation of hydropower projects;水利水电工程的生态效应评价指标体系


生态1.显露美好的姿态。 2.生动的意态。 3.生物的生理特性和生活习性。

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