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MRI检查 MRI英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-24 14:29:24


MRI检查 MRI英语短句 例句大全


1)MRI[英][,em ɑ:r "a?][美]["?m "ɑr "a?]MRI检查

1.Objective To investigate the imaging feature of primary malignant fibrous histiocytoma of the bone (PBMFH) by the conventional radiography, CT andMRI, and to evaluate these different imaging methods in its diagnosis.结论X线平片是首诊骨肿瘤的主要手段;CT及MRI检查的价值则在于显示病灶范围、皮质破坏、内部坏死及致密残留骨或钙化等骨和软组织细微结构变化情况,特别是MRI还可作为监测病变化疗、放疗疗效及术后复发的重要手段。


1.Study on Changes of MRI Performance of Different Clinical Stages of Hepatocirrhosis Proved by Pathology;肝硬化的MRI检查及临床病理对照研究

2.MR Imaging Diagnosis Value of Brachial Plexus Pre-ganglionic Injury;MRI检查在臂丛神经节前损伤中的诊断价值

pare Study between MRI and Molybdenum Target X-ray Examination on the Breast Mass;乳腺肿块MRI检查与X线钼靶摄影对比研究

4.The dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI in adrenal benign and malignancy lipid-poor neoplasms良、恶性乏脂质性肾上腺肿瘤的动态MRI检查

5.Early diagnosis of congenital heart diseases in neonates by CT and MRICT和MRI检查早期诊断新生儿先天性心脏病

6.Artifact and its countermeasures of MRI scanningMRI检查常见伪影的形成与消除方法的探讨

7.Use and Analysis of Humanistic Care on Patients Undergoing MRI Examination人文关怀护理对MRI检查患者焦虑的影响及效果

8.Clinical value of the sacroiliac joint MRI inspection in the ankylosing spondylitis骶髂关节MRI检查在强直性脊柱炎诊断中的价值

9.Value of Magnesium Sulfate as an Oral Contrast Medium for MRI Inspection of Small Intestine Diseases;硫酸镁作为口服对比剂在小肠疾病MRI检查中的价值

parative Analysis of Sonography in Arthropathy of Knee Joints with MRI Examination;超声对膝关节病变的诊断价值研究与MRI检查对照分析

11.The Significance of MRI Examination before Kyphoplasty for Spinal Fractures;术前MRI检查在椎体后凸成形术治疗脊柱骨折中的意义

12.The Changes of Serum IGF-1, IGFBP-3 and the Pituitary Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study in Children with Short Stature;矮身材儿童血清IGF-1、IGFBP-3的改变和垂体MRI检查及其临床意义

13.MRI and CT should be used for doubtful cases.诊断不明确时应采用MRI、ct检查。

14.MR imaging of normal brachial plexus and the scan protocol臂丛神经MRI正常表现及检查方案

15.The application of MRA and MRI"S joint inspection to diagnosis of cerebral infarctionMRA与MRI联合检查对脑梗死的诊断应用

parison of MRI and CT in Diagnosing Acute PancreatitisMRI与CT检查对急性胰腺炎的比较研究

17.An MRI exam on Thursday showed the herniated disc.在星期四进行MRI核磁共振检查出来骨盘间突出。

parative study of MRI and MSCT on diagnosing lacunar infarction腔隙性脑梗死低场强MRI与MSCT检查对照研究


MRI examination of brain颅脑MRI检查

3)Magnetic Resonance ImagingMRI

1.Studies of Water Mobility in Frozen Steamed Bread under Microwave Reheating UsingMagnetic Resonance Imaging;MRI研究冷冻馒头微波复热过程水分的迁移变化

2.The diagnosis of magnetic resonance imaging of meningoma(A report of 60 cases);脑膜瘤的MRI诊断价值(附60例分析)

3.The value of the technique of multi-slice spiral CT and magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of dissecting aneurysm of aorta;主动脉夹层动脉瘤的CT和MRI诊断


1.Experimental Study on Diagnostic Value ofCT and MRI in the Early Aseptic Necrosis of the Femoral Head;早期股骨头无菌性坏死CT、MRI诊断的实验研究

2.CT and MRI Correlative Study on Epilepsy:Analysis of 128 Cases;128例癫痫患者头颅CT和MRI对比分析

3.CT and MRI diagnosis of mediastinal lipoma;纵隔脂肪肉瘤CT及MRI诊断


1.Safetyinspection of headframe hoisters;浅谈对井架物料提升机的安全检查

2.Inspection and Use of Precision Coupling in Fuel Supply of Diesel;柴油机燃油供给系精密偶件的检查与使用


1.Discussion on site safe supervisoryexamination;浅谈电力系统现场安全监督检查

2.Summary of 99" Safety Examination;中国石化销售企业1999年安全大检查总结



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