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均质化处理 homogenization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-10 10:40:12


均质化处理 homogenization英语短句 例句大全




1.Effects of High-Pressure Homogenization Treatment on the Preparation of Microfibrillated Cellulose高压均质化处理对微纤化纤维素性质的影响

2.Effect of dysprosium on shape of β phase,homogenization treatment time and maximum reduction per rolling pass of AZ31 alloy镝对AZ31合金β相形状、均质化处理时间及单道次最大轧制率的影响

3.Research on Homogenization and Mass Transfer in AZ61 Magnesium Alloy Ingot;铸态AZ61镁合金铸锭均匀化处理及扩散传质研究

4.High temperature homogenizing treatment prompts the coarse se cond phase particle to dissolve into the matrix.进行高温均匀化处理促使粗大第二相质点溶入基体。

5.The Application of the Glass Homogenizer Heat Treatment Technology on Production玻璃均质热处理技术在生产上的应用

6.The wire have been phosphate coated and uniformly,coincidently.钢丝经磷化处理,且磷化层均匀,一致.

7.optimizing planning for equalization treatment at river outfall河流排污口均匀处理优化原则

8.Investigation on the Melt Treatment and Homogenization of LC4 Aluminium Alloy;LC4铝合金熔体处理与均匀化工艺研究

9.A mean-shift algorithm based on pretreatment一种基于优化预处理的均值漂移算法

10.Research on homogenizing treatment process for 3004 aluminum alloy ingot3004铝合金铸锭均匀化处理工艺研究

11.Application of packed grouting method for dealing with the homogeneous soil-dam cracks充填式灌浆法在处理均质土坝裂缝中的应用

12.Alumilite method硬质氧化铝膜处理法

13.Heterogeneous Catalytic Wet Air Oxidation for the Treatment of Phenol Wastewater;非均相催化湿式氧化法处理苯酚废水的研究

14.The Study on the Treatment of Nitrobenzene Wastewater by Heterogenious Catalysts and Electrode Oxidation非均相电催化氧化处理硝基苯废水的研究


16.Treatment of Reactive Brilliant Red Wastewater by Heterogeneous Catalytic Oxidation Process非均相催化氧化处理活性艳红染料废水

17.Treatment of Organic Pollutants in Aqueous Solution by Homogenous and Heterogeneous Advanced Oxidation Processes;均相和非均相高级氧化技术处理水中有机污染物的研究

18.How to Understand the Law of Profit Rate Averaging;必须正确理解利润率平均化规律——“利润率非平均化”质疑


homogenization time均质化处理时间

1.Withhomogenization time increasing,the reticular β phase became more discontinuous,and the maximum reduction per rolling pass increased.研究了AZ31合金均质化处理时间对β相形状和单道次最大轧制率的影响,随均质化处理时间的增加,β相形状由网状变为断续网状,单道次的最大轧制率增加。

3)homogeneous processing均质处理

1.This article analyzed the tempered glass explode reason,elaborated new standard to reduce tempered glass explode by the method ofhomogeneous processing.文章分析了钢化玻璃自爆原因,阐述了采用新标准进行均质处理来降低钢化玻璃自爆的方法。

4)homogenizing treatment均化处理

1.After thehomogenizing treatment of the cast Mg-Li-Zn-Zr Alloy, θ" (MgLi2Zn) turned into 6 (MgLiZn), which is more steady.对铸态Mg-Li-Zn-Zr合金均化处理后,合金的θ’相转变为更为稳定的θ相(MgLiZn),并且均化处理可以明显提高铸态Mg-7。

2.Research works of this thesis aims at the light magnesium lithium alloys and mainly focuses on the effects of the misch metal and some thermal treatments such as thehomogenizing treatment 、 the hydrogenating treatment etc.本论文以轻质镁锂合金材料为研究对象,以均化处理、氢化处理等热处理手段和混合稀土对Mg-Li-Zn-Zr系镁合金的显微组织和机械性能影响为主要研究内容,以具有代表性的Mg-7。

5)uniform heat treatment均匀化处理

1.The microstructure and tensile properties of magnesium alloy ZK60 afteruniform heat treatment and extrusion + aging treatment were investigated and were compared with those of the alloy as-cast.结果表明,铸态ZK60合金经450℃×14h均匀化处理后,得到几乎单相固溶体,伸长率较铸态提高80。

2.In this paper,the experiments ofuniform heat treatment at different temperature and time were carried out on the ingots of Mg-Y-Nd-Zr alloy.本文对 Mg-Y-Nd-Zr 合金铸锭在不同温度和时间下进行均匀化处理,采用金相显微镜、X-Ray 衍射和扫描电镜及能谱分析仪对合金不同状态下的微观组织和成分进行观察分析。


1.Effects of 5083 aluminium alloy ingothomogenizing on properties and structures of ingot and plates;5083铝合金铸锭均匀化处理对铸锭和板材组织与性能的影响

2.The results show that comparing with as-cast, the alloy afterhomogenizing have a high percentage of area reduction,but its tensile strength decreased obviously;when the deformation temperature in 300℃420℃,The percentage of area reduction showed a trend of first increase and then decrease,and has a maximum value in 380℃-400℃,Tensile strength showed a degressive trend of similar lines.均匀化处理的合金,在应变速率为0。



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