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体检机构 physical examination organization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-04 15:30:35


体检机构 physical examination organization英语短句 例句大全

体检机构,physical examination organization

1)physical examination organization体检机构

1.The application of customer relationship management inphysical examination organization;客户关系管理在体检机构的应用

2)examination organizations检验机构

1.Study on the risk evasion mechanism of special equipmentexamination organizations in China;浅谈中国特种设备检验机构风险规避制度


1.the inspection and quarantine administration or the institution engaging in pre-inspection before shipment recognized by SIQSAQ,由检验检疫机构或者经国家质检总局认可的装运前预检验机构

2.Article3 The commodity inspection authorities and other inspection organizations designated by the State Administration for Commodity Inspection and the commodity inspection authorities shall, in accordance with the law, perform the inspection of import and export commodities.第三条商检机构和国家商检部门、检机构指定的检验机构,依法对进出口商品实施检验。

3."If the Seller"s representatives are not present in the open-package inspection, the Inspection Authorities have the right to conduct the inspection in their absence."如果卖方代表不参加开箱检验,该检验机构有权缺席检验。

4.Article3 The commodity inspection authorities and other inspection bodies licensed by the State Administration for Commodity Inspection shall, in accordance with the law, perform the inspection of import and export commodities.第三条商检机构和经国家商检部门许可的检验机构,依法对进出口商品实施检验。

5.Now the Government changed inspection companies a year ago.一年前政府换了检验机构。

6.The reinspection certificates shall be issued by an inspection organization acceptable to the seller.复验证书须由一家卖方认可的检验机构签发。

7.Article 30 The commodity inspection authorities and other inspection organizations shall collect fees according to relevant provisions for carrying out inspection or performing superintending and surveying services in accordance with the provisions of this Law.第三十条商检机构和其他检验机构依照本法的规定实施检验和办理鉴定业务,依照规定收费。

8.Inspection Authorities refers to the local inspection Branch of State Administration for Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine of PRC located at/near the Port of Unloading and/or the Job Site.检验机构: 中华人民共和国出入境检验检疫局设立在卸货港和/或工作现场的或邻近的分支机构。

9.local agency check由当地机构进行的检验

10.Garment Quality Control and Inspection by Entry and Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau;出入境检验检疫机构对服装质量的控制与检验

11.Study on Mode of Export Commodity Quality Inspection & Supervision of CIO检验检疫机构出口产品质量检验监管模式研究

12.The port inspection and quarantine administrations should verify the documents after accepting the inspection applications. If necessary, the said administrations may execute spot inspections in accordance with the provisions,口岸检验检疫机构受理报检后,核查单证,必要时口岸检验检疫机构按照规定实施现场查验,

13.Arrival inspections will be conducted for the import of used mechanical and electrical products by the inspection and quarantine administration in the place of use of such products.进口旧机电产品由使用地检验检疫机构进行到货检验,

14.If the place of use is not specified, the inspection and quarantine administration at the port of entry of such products will take charge of the inspection.未明确使用地的由入境口岸检验检疫机构负责检验。

15.If an inspection needs to be executed in the place other than that of entry, the entry inspection and quarantine institution at the port should, after issuing the Customs Clearance Form on Entry of Goods,需异地实施检验的,入境口岸检验检疫机构签发《入境货物通关单》后,

16.The inspection and quarantine administrations conduct both pre-inspections and arrival inspections for the import of used mechanical and electrical products involving the items of safety, hygiene and environmental protection.检验检疫机构对涉及安全、卫生、环境保护的进口旧机电产品实施装运前预检验和到货检验,

17.Discussion on clinical laboratory results inter-accreditation医疗机构间临床检验结果互认的探讨

18.Brief talk on main points of on-site inspection of drug clinical trial institutions浅谈药物临床试验机构现场检查要点


examination organizations检验机构

1.Study on the risk evasion mechanism of special equipmentexamination organizations in China;浅谈中国特种设备检验机构风险规避制度

3)testing institution检测机构

1.As a responsible institution of quality, building projecttesting institution plays an important part of the quality appraise of engineering.建设工程检测机构作为质量行为责任主体,在工程建设的质量评价中,起到关键性的作用。

2.Through the analysis of problems about construction qualitytesting institution in the market competition, and according to the current situation and characteristics, the writer puts forward reform proposals about construction qualitytesting institution.通过对建筑工程质量检测机构在市场竞争中存在问题的分析,结合目前检测机构的特点,提出检测机构改革的具体建议。

4)Quality inspection organization质检机构

1.A long way to go for national quality inspection organizations to respond to the supervision for cosmetic products;落实化妆品监管政策 质检机构任重而道远

2.For the purpose of assuring and improving the test quality of quality inspection organization,this article advanced that the whole test process should be scientifically managed and quality control should be carried out,and it also narrated how to enforce the fashions,plans and methods.对质检机构如何保证并提高检验质量的问题,提出其对全过程进行科学管理和质量监控,并从实施的方式、方案和方法等方面展开了讨论性叙述。

5)quality inspection organizations质检机构

1.If we can t adjust in time to the international legislations, thequality inspection organizations of China will be challenged seriously.我国已经加入WTO,成为世贸组织成员,按照我国的入世承诺,全国的检验市场即将对外开放,合资和独资的外国检验机构将进入,与国内质检机构一同竞争。

6)The pre-marital physical examination organization婚检机构



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