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技术开发 technology development英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-27 00:44:41


技术开发 technology development英语短句 例句大全

技术开发,technology development

1)technology development技术开发

1.Progress in small section and wire rod mill and the strategy of itstechnology development;我国小型和线材轧机发展及技术开发策略

prehensive utilization andtechnology development of gypsum resources;石膏资源综合利用及技术开发

3.The materials resources of biodiesel was reviewed,interesterificationtechnology development and application about biodiesel in China were also introduced,further more,the prospect of biodiesel were presented,that is,biodiesel industry must step off a coincidence our national condition development path.综述了目前我国制备生物柴油的主要廉价原料资源即基因改造植物油脂、废弃油脂和微生物油脂,并介绍了现阶段我国生物柴油的酯交换技术开发和应用现状,而且对生物柴油的发展前景进行了展望,指出必须走出一条符合我国国情的生物柴油发展道路。


1.China Ramie Technology Development Centre中国苎麻技术开发中心

2.Tianjin Economic-Technological Development Area, (TEDA)天津经济技术开发区

3.Beijing Economic-technological Development Area北京经济技术开发区

4.Evaluation on the Development of the Technology Suitable for Grinding in Oct.;《糖厂10月开榨配套技术开发》的评价

5.Regarding high and new tichnology development as main high sceince adn thchnology project.以高新技术开发为主的高科技项目。

6.Ecologically Studies on the Strategic Development of the High-Tech Industrial Development Zone--Take Taiyuan High-Tech Industrial Development Zone for Example;国家高新技术开发区发展战略研究——以太原高新技术开发区为例

7.Research on Sustainable Development of Langfang Economic and Technological Development Zone;廊坊经济技术开发区可持续发展研究

8.Special management development techniques特殊的管理开发技术

9.project surveillance technique开发方案实施监测技术

10.PRD (Polytechnical Research and Development)综合性技术研究与开发

11.high and new technology industrial development zone高新技术产业开发区

12.Secondary Development Technology of SolidWorks;SolidWorks的二次开发技术

13.Introduction to the Customization and Exploitation Technology of AutoCAD 2000 and its Application in Engineering Mapping;AutoCAD二次开发技术及应用

14.Courseware development based on WebClass technology;基于WebClass技术的课件开发

15.Web GIS Developing Technology Based on MapXtreme基于MapXtreme的Web GIS开发技术

16.Technology of the Further Development of Google Earth浅谈Google Earth二次开发技术

17.Based on Further Development Technology of SOLIDWORKS基于SOLIDWORKS二次开发技术

18.The Development Technology of Mobile Phone s Application Base on J2ME;基于J2ME技术的手机应用软件开发技术


technical development技术开发

1.Technical Development of 2.8L Six Cylinders Supercharge Diesel Engine;2.8L六缸增压柴油机的技术开发

2.The new progresses of fundamental theories andtechnical developments of deinking and stickies removal were introducld in this paper.本文介绍了废纸浆脱墨和除胶粘物的基础理论和技术开发的新进展。

3.Existing problems included poor independent R&D ability,low technical level and reliability,small scale and grade,unstable and uncertain quality,weak innovation ability and insufficient input intechnical development and renovation.指出存在的问题是自主开发能力薄弱 ,技术水平和可靠性低 ;规模等级低 ;质量不稳定 ,可靠性差 ;企业创新能力弱 ,技术开发、技术改造投入不足。

3)technological development技术开发

1.Ontechnological development of chemical industry (I);试论化学工业的技术开发(上)

2.Ontechnological development of chemical industry(Ⅱ);试论化学工业的技术开发(下)

3.Progress intechnological development of benzylcyanidewith high purity and its derivatives;高纯度苯乙腈及衍生产品技术开发进展

4)technique development技术开发

1.So it s vital for the department to organize and manage thetechnique development.企业工艺部门的主要职能的就是技术开发与创新 ,因此 ,做好技术开发中的组织和管理工作是实现其职能的有效途

2.The trials on desertification control andtechnique development of desert industry in accordance with the characters of three kinds of deserts such as the sandy land on middle Yinchuan Plain,Tenggeli Desert,and Maowusu desert were conducted.针对宁夏自治区银川平原绿洲腹部沙地、中卫腾格里沙漠和盐池毛乌素沙地三种类型,进行防沙治沙及沙产业技术开发的试验研究。

5)technical exploitation技术开发

1.Based on the profit distribution mix-model and the correlative game theory,the profit distribution model of virtual enterprise on thetechnical exploitation item was built to confirm the profit distribution coefficient in the agreement and implementation of cooperate sides,which will explode the elevation on the struggling level and resource devotion.本文在利益分配混合模型的基础上,应用博弈论的相关理论建立了基于技术开发项目的虚拟企业利益分配模型,以此确定合作各方协议中和实施中的利益分配系数,从而激发各方合作在工作努力水平和资源投入方面的提高。

6)Development technology开发技术

1.Status quo,challenges and future strategies of development technology for marginal oil fields in China;边际油田开发技术现状、挑战与对策

2.Research on the Function Framework and Development Technology of Web2.0-based Course;基于Web2.0的网络课程功能架构和开发技术研究



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