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五代同堂 Five generations living together in the same house英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-02 00:59:52


五代同堂 Five generations living together in the same house英语短句 例句大全

五代同堂,Five generations living together in the same house

1)Five generations living together in the same house五代同堂

2)Solanum mammosum [nipple fruit]五代同堂茄

3)joint family数代同堂

4)Three generations living under the same roof三代同堂


1.a family party at which all three generations were present,ie children,parents and grandparents三代同堂的家庭聚会

2.A portrait of an ordinary family that turns unstable when their frivolous son Shuji returns home after a long absence.影片描绘了一个三代同堂的和睦家庭由于离家出走多年的长子突然归来而发生巨变的故事。

3.A Study on the Turn Choice Models in Conversation among Urumqi Tri--Generational Uyghur Families and the Influence of Social Factors on Their Turn Choice乌市维吾尔城市居民三代同堂家庭会话中话轮语言选择模式及社会因素对其影响作用研究

4.The Wailing Wall delimits the quarters of the different religious communities, while the Resurrection rotunda in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre houses Christ"s tomb.哭墙分隔出代表三种不同宗教的部分,圣墓大教堂的复活大殿里庇护着耶稣的墓地。

5.Teaching Reform of the Ideology & Morals Training Course under the New Situation──Bring the Important Thought of the "Three Represents" and Quality Education into the Moral Classes;新形势下思想道德修养课的改革——把“三个代表”和素质教育共同带入德育课堂

6.Hence three entirely distinct aspects: churches abounded in the City;因此三副面貌迥然不同。 老城,教堂林立;

7.How to teach the important thought of "Three Represent s" in the "two courses" lectures;“三个代表”重要思想如何进“两课”课堂

8.Consideration on the thought of Three Representing Entering the Class;关于“三个代表”思想进课堂的思考

9.A Useful Try of "Three Standing - for"Thought Entering Classes;“三个代表”进课堂的一次有益尝试

10.Principles Which the Important Thought of "Three Represents" Entering Classrooms Must Follow;“三个代表”重要思想进课堂应注重“三个结合”

11.Many people will sleep and eat on the Marae during these three days and share tier memories of the dead person.在这三天里,许多人吃,睡都在会堂,共同悼念死者。

12.On Cooperative Teaching Method in the Same Class by Deviding Students into a Few Groups;初三英语复习课的复式分层同堂合作教学探索

parison of students classroom participation under three teaching modes;三种不同教学模式中学生参与课堂活动的比较

14.Consideration of the Important Thought of the “Three Represents” Theory Entering Classrooms;关于“三个代表”重要思想进课堂的几点思考

15.Form Si Shi Tongtang to Explore the Breaking and Flowing of Confucianism in 1940s从《四世同堂》看40年代儒家文化的断与流

16.To Build the Palace of Literature in the Waves of Times --On Mao Dun s novels 1920s and 1930s;在时代浪潮中构建文学殿堂——谈茅盾二三十年代中长篇小说创作

17.The Sun Shines in the East While the Kain Droks in the West--Acomparaticee analysis of the Torrent Trilogy and Four Generations Under One Roof;东边日出西边雨——《激流三部曲》和《四世同堂》的比较分析

18.Cultural Interpretation of Lao She"s View of Loyalty and Filial Piety--A Case Study of the Three Brothers in the Qis of Lao She"s Family with Four Generations老舍忠孝观的文化阐释——以《四世同堂》中祁家三兄弟的形象为例


Solanum mammosum [nipple fruit]五代同堂茄

3)joint family数代同堂

4)Three generations living under the same roof三代同堂

5)Three-eneration family三代同堂家庭

6)multigenerational families多代同堂家庭



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