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漏播率 leakage sowing rate英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-20 05:27:18


漏播率 leakage sowing rate英语短句 例句大全

漏播率,leakage sowing rate

1)leakage sowing rate漏播率

2)Unseeded arithmometer漏播计数

3)compensation of leak seed漏播补偿


1.Research on Seed Compensator System Based on Virtual Prototype Technology;基于虚拟样机技术的漏播补偿系统设计与试验研究

2.Study on Precise Seed-meter of Loss Testing and Compensation Technique Based on Virtual Instrument;基于虚拟仪器的精密排种器漏播检测及补偿技术研究

pensating Method for the Device Velocity Influence on Magnetic Flux Leakage Inspection in Pipeline管道漏磁检测中速度效应的补偿方法

4.Development of Automatic Compensation Monitor System of Precision Seeding-Machine;精密播种机自动补偿式监控系统的研制

5.Effects of Temperature Compensation on the Tex of Textile Glass Fibers and Its Setting漏板温度补偿对细纱线密度的影响规律及其设定方法

6.reimburse or compensate (someone), as for a loss.补偿或偿还某人的损失。

7.thing given to compensate补偿或赔偿的物或款

8.Valley Ecological Compensation:the Comparison and Selection between the Government Compensation and the Market Compensation;流域生态补偿:政府补偿与市场补偿比较与选择

9.turns correction compensation匝数更正(补偿)值

pensating differentials补偿性(工资)差异

pensatory credit补偿性信用(贷款)

12.Way of obtaining compensation or redress得到补偿或补救的方法

13.repair an error, omission, etc修正错误、 弥补疏漏

14.The mark X denotes an omission.增补号(X)表示有脱漏.

15.Shortcomings will be remedied in future editions.罅漏之处, 有待订补。

16.The mark denotes an omission.增补号( )表示有脱漏.

17.On the amendment of lexical entries of duo, pa, cuan in Chinese dictionaries;辞书漏收“多”、“怕”、“撺”义项补

18.Make up for sthbcompensate for sth补偿、赔偿、弥补或抵消某事物


Unseeded arithmometer漏播计数

3)compensation of leak seed漏播补偿

4)Leakage rate漏率

1.Discusses the construction and characteristics of the vacuum system of vacuum consumable arc furnace and the importance of vacuum leakage rate to the production of titanium and Ti-alloys in accordance to their metallurgical properties.主要论述了用于生产钛及钛合金铸锭的真空自耗电弧炉真空系统的组成与特点,针对钛、钛合金的冶金特点及生产实际,阐述真空系统漏率对于生产钛、钛合金的意义;应用最新技术的莱宝300型检漏仪,对真空系统进行了测漏,总结了检漏方法,此法对真空自耗电弧炉真空系统或类似的真空设备测点的设计、检漏具有指导意义。

2.From the Poiseuille viscose flow law,the relationship of the leak quantity,the leak hole size,the physical properties of liquor and the spurting time was discussed,and the expression of leakage rate of liquor was derived.根据泊稷叶粘滞流动定律,导出了液体漏量Δv与漏孔尺寸(d3/h),溶液物性(σ/η)和喷射时间th的定量关系,从而提出液体物质泄漏率公式:Δvth=πd

3.So, the requirements for leakage rate is very strict to the heat sink, especially the severe requirement for leakage detection during its fabricating process.6MPa,其密封性直接影响到模拟器模拟太空冷黑环境的好坏,对漏率的要求非常高,因此对热沉在加工过程中的检漏提出了非常苛刻的要求。

5)leak rate漏率

1.Difference betweenleak rate and rate of pressure rise of high vacuum valve;高真空阀门漏率和升压率的区别

2.Effect of stress relaxation on theleak rate of the orbicular seal joint应力松弛对球头密封结构漏率影响的分析

3.The general method of calculatingleak rate is no longer valid.用通常的办法估算其漏率是行不通的。

6)leakage ratio漏率

1.The detecting (equipent,)parameter calculation,and test step about the methods of breathability coefficient andleakage ratio of sulfur hexafluoride are introduced in detail.阐述了混凝土气密性原理和为达到气密性可采取的技术措施,详尽地介绍了透气系数法和SF6气体漏率法等两种混凝土气密性检测技术的测试装置、参数计算及测试步骤。



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