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农业技术引进 agricultural technology introduction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-14 08:01:49


农业技术引进 agricultural technology introduction英语短句 例句大全

农业技术引进,agricultural technology introduction

1)agricultural technology introduction农业技术引进

1.Based on analysis of necessity and adaptability of Taiwanagricultural technology introduction,the current status of China mainland introduction of agricultural technology from Taiwan Region is elaborated.在分析台湾农业技术引进的必要性与适应性的基础上,简述了祖国大陆对台湾地区农业技术引进的现状与问题,通过对永春芦柑栽培技术引进模式的分析,提出了对台湾农业技术引进的思考与建议:(1)多渠道加强人员交流;(2)技术引进要结合地区的适用性;(3)农业技术的引进要"软硬"兼备;(4)技术的交流与合作需加强知识产权的保障;(5)通过各种渠道搭建交流平台;(6)加大财政支持力度。


1.Mode of China mainland introduction of agricultural technology from Taiwan Region--Taking the introduction of ponkan cultivation technology in Yongchun as a case;祖国大陆对台湾地区农业技术引进的模式探讨——以永春芦柑栽培技术引进为例

2.absorbing advanced agriculture science and skill from the West.吸收引进西方先进的农业科学技术,振兴中国传统农业。

3.The Research on the Introduction and Localization of Agricultural and Stock Raising Technique in Shanxi during 1912-19371912-1937年山西农牧业技术引进与本土化研究

4.A new and useful modern biotechnology, BYM ferment fertilizer technology, was introduced from Japan by Hainan government recently.酵素菌技术是海南省从日本引进的一项新的现代农业生物技术。

5.Importing advanced technology and promoting woodworking machinery development;引进先进技术促进木工机械行业发展

6.In addition, it will help introduce overseas funds, technology and management expertise to facilitate agricultural modernization.有利于吸引国外资金、技术和管理经验,推进农业现代化;

7.Marketing Orientation of Rural Technical Personnel for Agricultural Technological Progress;农村科技人才市场化与农业技术进步

8.Analyzing Contribution of Technology Import to Industry-technology Progress in Sichuan Province;技术引进对四川产业技术进步的贡献分析

9.Discussion on the Water-Saving Technical System of Irrigation Agriculture in the Yellow River Irrigated District in Ningxia宁夏引黄灌区节水农业技术模式研究

10.Strengthening Agro-technical Training and Promoting the Progress of Agricultural Industrialization;加强农业技术培训 推进农业产业化进程

11.Technology Introduction Risks in Guangdong Industrial Enterprises;广东工业企业引进技术风险问题研究

12."When a company, enterprise, group or individual which is not authorized to engage in import of technology from abroad imports technology,"没有对外技术引进经营权的公司、企业、团体或者个人引进技术时

13.On Measures for the Technological Development in Chinese Agriculture;促进我国农业技术进步的对策及分析

14.Technology Introduction and Industrial Technology-System Structuring of JiangNan Manufacturing Bureau;江南制造局技术引进及其工业技术体系的建构

15.The Optimal Import Strategy for Chinese Industries with Network Externality;网络外部性下我国企业技术引进策略

16.Discussing on the analytic method of complicated system for technological introduction in enterprises;企业技术引进复杂系统分析方法探讨

17.Effective of Standardization in Introduce Technologies for Enterprise;标准化工作在企业技术引进中的作用

18.Introducing Foreign Intelligence Is a Way for Enterprises to Increase the Ability of Technological Innovation;引进国外智力,提高企业技术创新能力


The introduction of agricultural technology农业科技引进

3)agricultural technological progress农业技术进步

1.Using the growth rate equation to calculate the agriculture of Shaanxi province in 1984-2002 years(narrow sense,mainly referred to crop production),we find that theagricultural technological progress contribution rate is still in a quite low level,and the agricultural development has very strong dependence on fund investment.在对农业技术进步和农业技术进步贡献率测定方法理解的基础上,采用增长速度方程对陕西省1984-2002年农业(狭义,主要指种植业)技术进步贡献率进行了测算,发现该省的农业技术进步贡献率还处于比较低的水平,农业的发展对资金投入有很强的依赖性。

2.Are they benefit to speedagricultural technological progress? To research this question and summarize some experience and basic laws from it can help direct agricultural micro-economic organization s re transformation.农业技术进步已经成为我国农业发展的主要动力,但它受到农业微观经济组织的制约。

4)Agricultural technical change农业技术进步

1.The Impacts of Agricultural Technical Change on Farmers Income: A Theoretical Studies Framework;农业技术进步对生产者收入影响的理论分析

5)Agricultural Technological Progress Rate农业技术进步率

1.Estimation and Decomposition of China sAgricultural Technological Progress Rate(1985~);中国农业技术进步率测算及分解(1985~)

6)progress in the art of agriculture农业技术的进步



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