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太渊 Taiyuan英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-16 17:02:47


太渊 Taiyuan英语短句 例句大全


1)Taiyuan[英]["taiju:"ɑ:n][美]["ta?j?"ɑn, -"jjuɑn]太渊

1.Detection of the Pathological Information of Infrared Radiation Spectrum from PointTaiyuan on the Pulse-feeling Cun Region;寸口脉太渊穴红外辐射光谱病理信息探测


1." Fish meridian inspection" and" taiyuan pulse inspection" in《 The Huang Di"s Canon of Internal Medicine》 is a basic for the method.小儿指纹诊法的理论是《内经》诊鱼络的发展,察指纹与诊太渊脉同义。

2.Because I think war is so cruel.王渊源:因为我觉得战争太残酷了。

3.An Extraordinary Original Sin: On the Original Resources of Jewish Culture in Kafka非常的“原罪"——论卡夫卡的犹太文化渊源

4.Synthetically referring to three ancient types of Yi:on the region of Tai xuan;综参古《易》:《太玄》的易学渊源

5.A Study on Origin of the Worship to Dong Huang Tai Yi in Nine Songs《九歌》“东皇太一”祭祀渊源考论

6.Qiao was" excited" to find out about her connection to Judaism.乔文澜弄清楚她和犹太人的渊源后,表现的异常激动。

7.It is possible that the great majority of African and Spanish Jews are really of Phoenician origin.大多数的非洲和西班牙的犹太人可能确是腓尼基渊源。

8.” Genesis provides the creation story for Judaism and Christianity and begins the history of the Israelite people.记述犹太教和基督教创始的故事,以及以色列民族的历史渊源。

9.Study on the Annual Varieties and the Influences of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Metal of Sediments in Taihu Lake and Yuyuantan Lake;玉渊潭及太湖沉积物氮磷及金属年际变化及其影响研究

10.On Cultural Origin and Aesthetics in the Tang Dynasty from Advocating Wang Xizhi s Calligraphy;从崇尚王羲之书法看太宗朝文化渊源和审美理想

11.A Tentative Analysis of the Ideological Origin about the Role of Discipline in Achieving Excellence Practice in Tai Ping Jing and Lao Zi Xiang Er Zhu;试论《太平经》及《老子想尔注》有关持戒在得道过程之作用的思想渊源

12.On the Source of Zhang Taiyan s Classical Hermeneutics──Discussing the Associate Meaning between "Qi Wu Lun Shi "and Buddhism;论章太炎经学诠释思想渊源——《齐物论释》与佛学的关联意义

13.On the Social condition and Thought Origin of The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom s ethnic Policy;试论太平天国民族政策形成的社会条件与思想渊源

14.Excavation and Function of Taiqing Palace Site in Laocius Hometown --Discussing the origin of Laocius thoughts;老子故里太清宫遗址的发掘及其意义——兼谈老子思想的渊源

15.Too much strength would make us drunk, and overweight our feeble reason till it fell and we were drowned in the depth of own vanity.太大的力量则可能使我们飘飘然不自量力,最终将身败名裂,淹没在虚荣自负的渊薮之中。

16.The seminar explores current issues in space policy as well as the historical roots for the issues.这个书报讨论探讨现今的太空政策议题,同时也包含了这些议题的历史渊源。

17.In the beginning of creation, when God made heaven and earth, the earth was without form and void, with darkness over the face of the abyss, and a mighty wind that swept over the surface of the waters.太初,上帝始创天地时,大地混沌一片,是个无边无际的黑暗深渊,强风于水面刮掠。

18.The Relationship between Zhang Taiyan s Academic Thoughts on Weijin and His National Consciousness;“假复古之事业,寄革命之精神”——论章太炎的魏晋学术思想与其民族主义观念之渊源


Taiyuan(LU 9)太渊穴

3)Iwabuchi Ryutaro岩渊龙太郎

4)Deep and still is the abyss渊渊其渊

5)Meet with the deep pool and deep pool逢逢渊渊

6)The sound of Beating the drum渊渊鼓应


太渊太渊 太渊 经穴名。出《灵枢·本输》。别名大泉、太泉、鬼心。属手太阴肺经。俞(土)、原穴。八会穴之脉会。在腕掌侧横纹桡侧,桡动脉搏动处。布有前臂外侧皮神经和桡神经浅支,及桡动、静脉。主治咳嗽,气喘,咯血,咽痛,胸痹,腕掌关节痛,无脉症等。直刺0.3-0.5寸,避开动脉。艾条灸3-5分钟。

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