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《春秋集解》 Collected Commentaries on The Spring and Autumn Annals英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-19 10:59:04


《春秋集解》 Collected Commentaries on The Spring and Autumn Annals英语短句 例句大全

《春秋集解》,Collected Commentaries on The Spring and Autumn Annals

1)Collected Commentaries on The Spring and Autumn Annals《春秋集解》

1.The Tentative Research on the Way of Teaching Confucian Canon through History in Su Zhe sCollected Commentaries on The Spring and Autumn Annals;苏辙《春秋集解》以史传经初探

2)Chun Qiu Jing Zhuan Ji Jie《春秋经传集解》

1.A New Comment on the Academic Value of the DunhuangHandwriting CopyChun Qiu Jing Zhuan Ji Jie (Fragmentary);敦煌写本《春秋经传集解》(残卷)学术价值新论

2.A Research on Configuration of System of the Different Characters of the Dunhuang Handwriting CopyChun Qiu Jing Zhuan Ji Jie;敦煌写卷《春秋经传集解》异体字构形体系研究

3.Du Yu who lived in the Xijin Dynasty,considered the Spring and Autumn Annals as important as the Book of Poetry in his booksChun Qiu Jing Zhuan Ji Jie and Interpretation and Chun qiu shi li.西晋时,杜预作《春秋经传集解》和《春秋释例》,将《左传》提到了与《经》同等重要的地位,随着唐代《五经正义》的写定,杜预的注解作为标准诠释存在于《左传》的传本系统中。


1.The Dunhuang version of The Spring and Autumn Annals in Britain;英藏敦煌写卷《春秋经传集解》述论

2.A Research on Configuration of System of the Different Characters of the Dunhuang Handwriting Copy Chun Qiu Jing Zhuan Ji Jie;敦煌写卷《春秋经传集解》异体字构形体系研究

3.Study of the Interchangeable Chinese Characters in the Dunhuang Written Volume An Interpretation of the Classical Works in Spring and Autumn Period;敦煌写卷《春秋经传集解》异文中通假现象研究

4.A New Comment on the Academic Value of the DunhuangHandwriting Copy Chun Qiu Jing Zhuan Ji Jie (Fragmentary);敦煌写本《春秋经传集解》(残卷)学术价值新论

5.Ten Pieces of Rectification on Ruan Edition of Chun Qiu jing zhuan ji jie Based on Dunhuang Handwriting Copy(Remnant Volumes)敦煌写本《春秋经传集解》残卷校正阮刻本十则

6.Research on the Original and Interchangeable Characters in the Dunhuang(敦煌) Handwriting Copy Chunqiu Jingzhuan Jijie(春秋经传集解);敦煌写卷《春秋经传集解》异文中同源通用现象考论

7.The Study on Context Application of Centralized Commentaries of Chun-qiu Zuo-zhuan of Du Yu;杜预《春秋左传集解》语境运用研究

8.From Ancestor Legend to Ancestor Scripture;从宗传到宗经——王闿运春秋学的解经特色

9.On He Xiu’S Two Mistake Explanations in His Chunqiu Gongyang Jingzhuan Jiegu;何休《春秋公羊经传解诂》训释讹误两例——兼论清代学者纠改之失

10.Debation on "Zhuan" first,"Jing" second --On relationship between "Zuo Zhuan" and "Chun Qiu" by Confucius;先《传》后《经》辨——论《左传》与孔子《春秋》之关系

11.Viewing the Decomposition and Transformation of Rites of Zhou in the Spring and Autumn Period through Zuo Zhuan就《左传》看春秋时期礼的解体与转型

parition of China-Western traditional Lawsuit Culture;《春秋》与《圣经》——中西传统诉讼文化之比较

13.Analysis of ethical thought construction in theSpring Autumn Dynasty in Book of Songs;解读《诗经》春秋时期伦理思想建构

14.About Ancient Texts and Critical Interpretation in Han Dynasty from Three biographies of Chunqiu Periods and Mao Biography;从《春秋三传》、《毛传》看两汉的经今古文与训诂

15.Overinterpretation--The Aims of Dong Zhongshu s Explanation of the Spring and Autumn Annals and the Gongyang Commentary;过度诠释——论董仲舒解释《春秋》、《公羊传》之目的

16.Dialects of Qilu in Interpretation of Chunqiu and Biography of Gongyang and its Significance;《春秋公羊传解诂》中的齐鲁方言及其价值

17.The Meaning of Chun-qiu(春秋) in Chun-qiu Zuozhuan Zhu(《春秋左传注》);关于《春秋左传注》中《春秋》名称的辨正

18.Analysis on Chun Qiu Ming Jing and Spring and Autumn Period Classic Collection of Imperial Civil Service Examination in Yuan Dynasty;《春秋明经》与元代科举的《春秋》经义


Chun Qiu Jing Zhuan Ji Jie《春秋经传集解》

1.A New Comment on the Academic Value of the DunhuangHandwriting CopyChun Qiu Jing Zhuan Ji Jie (Fragmentary);敦煌写本《春秋经传集解》(残卷)学术价值新论

2.A Research on Configuration of System of the Different Characters of the Dunhuang Handwriting CopyChun Qiu Jing Zhuan Ji Jie;敦煌写卷《春秋经传集解》异体字构形体系研究

3.Du Yu who lived in the Xijin Dynasty,considered the Spring and Autumn Annals as important as the Book of Poetry in his booksChun Qiu Jing Zhuan Ji Jie and Interpretation and Chun qiu shi li.西晋时,杜预作《春秋经传集解》和《春秋释例》,将《左传》提到了与《经》同等重要的地位,随着唐代《五经正义》的写定,杜预的注解作为标准诠释存在于《左传》的传本系统中。

3)Miscellaneous Notes to Guliang Zhuan of the Spring and Autumn Annals《春秋穀梁传集解》

4)Centralized Commentaries of Chun-qiu Zuo-zhuan《春秋左传集解》

1.The Study on Context Application ofCentralized Commentaries of Chun-qiu Zuo-zhuan of Du Yu;杜预《春秋左传集解》语境运用研究

5)Interpretation On The Spring And Autumn Annals《春秋经解》

1.The content of the first and second volume of Sun Jue’sInterpretation On The Spring And Autumn Annals (The 13 Volumes Edition), which was represented by the Complete Library In Four Divisions edition, was totally adopted from the first and second volume of Sun fu’s Detailed Interpretation On Worshipping King Thoughts In The Spring And Autumn Annals.以四库本为代表的孙觉《春秋经解》“十三卷”本第一、二卷内容全部冒用自孙复《春秋尊王发微》第一、二卷,这是导致史籍记载该书卷数有“十三”、“十五”卷之差异的原因所在。

6)Yuan Yueshi Jingxi Jiashu keben Chunqiu元岳氏荆谿家塾刻本《春秋经传集解》


元岳氏荆谿家塾刻本《春秋经传集解》共三十卷。每半叶 8行,行17字,细黑口,四周双边,耳记某公某年字样,卷后有"相台岳氏刻梓荆谿家塾"双行牌记。相台岳氏刻本群经,前人谓为宋时岳珂家刻本,《九经三传沿革例》亦定为岳珂编著。今人张政烺谓相台本群经乃元初义兴 (今江苏宜兴) 岳氏据宋末廖莹中世堂本校正重刻,与岳珂无涉。按张说甚确。谢应芳《龟巢集》跋《岳氏族谱》云,岳氏为常州之望族,岳王弟经略使之孙,自九江来居,由宋而元,子孙蕃衍。可知岳氏迁居常州至元初已历数世。荆谿为义兴古名,元属常州路,明、清属常州府,常州岳氏,当即义兴岳氏,荆谿家塾亦即义兴家塾。郑元祐《侨吴集》送岳山长序,称:"至元仍纪元之四年,义兴岳君德操繇县学教谕改授绍兴路和靖书院山长,行有日矣。某尝馆于其长兄汉阳君之家,......人言其完盛时,延致名德钜儒,讐校群经锓诸梓,海内号为岳氏九经。"万历《宜兴县志》,岳浚字仲远,飞九世孙,积书万卷,一时名士多游其门。据以上资料,汉阳君与岳浚必是一家眷属,因此可推知,相台本群经刻版者似非岳浚莫属。宋咸淳间廖莹中世堂校刻九经,周密《癸辛杂识》、《志雅堂杂抄》记述甚详,义兴岳氏据廖氏总例增补成《九经三传沿革例》刻之家塾,自与宋时岳珂无关。相台岳氏所刻,此书外尚存《周易》、《论语》、《孟子》、《孝经》,今并藏北京图书馆。此本有玄同号邵桂子一之父章(元代)、徐健庵、乾学、汪玉田藏书记、浦伯子、袁廷梼印、五砚主人、曾存定邸行有恒堂等印。后归周叔弢藏,1952年周氏书捐献国家,今藏北京图书馆。

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