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穴位/非穴 acupoint/non-acupoint英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-04 07:04:37


穴位/非穴 acupoint/non-acupoint英语短句 例句大全





parison of NO Contents and Cutaneous Electric Conduction Quantity at the Acupoints and the Non-acupoints穴位和非穴位一氧化氮含量及导电量的比较

2.Study on the effects of acupuncture at acupoint and non-acupoint on functional connectivity of different brain regions with functional magnetic resonance imaging针刺穴位和非穴位对脑功能连接影响的MR研究

3.Experimental Research on Effect of Acupuncture Point and Non-Acupuncture Point Stimulations on Athletes Motorius Conduction Velocity;穴位和非穴位刺激影响运动员神经传导速度的实验研究

4.Effect of Electrical Stimulation at Acupoint and Unacupoint on Energetic Metabolism of Rats Skeletal Muscles;穴位和非穴位刺激对大鼠骨骼肌能量代谢的影响

5.The Experimental Research of Efects of Acupuncture Atacupoints and Non-acupoints on the Expression of TNF-α and Behavior of Nerve in Ischemic Penum Bra in Cortices of Rats with Cerebral Isch Emia-Reperfusion针刺穴位与非穴位对脑缺血再灌注大鼠缺血区皮质TNF-α及神经行为影响的实验研究

parative Study of Reflectance Spectroscopy of Human Laogong Acupoint and Non-Acupoint Tissues Irradiated by Near-Infrared Laser近红外激光照射人体劳宫穴和非穴位区的反射光谱特性的比较研究

7.The Clinical Study of Hemiplegia Spasm after a Stroke Treated by Acupuncturing the Points in Spasm Side and Non-Spasm Side;针刺非痉挛侧穴位和痉挛侧穴位对脑卒中后痉挛偏瘫的临床研究

8.Study of Effects on Behavior and Nonspecific Immunity of Rat Depression Model by Acupuncture Injection Beishu;背俞穴穴位注射对抑郁大鼠行为学及非特异性免疫影响的研究

9.Control Study of the fMRI of Twisting Shenmen Point and Relate Points and Non Twisting Shenmen Point捻转刺激神门穴和相关穴位及非刺激的fMRI对照研究

10.The Study of the Effects and Mechanisms of Combining Cupping and Acupoint-Plastering Treatment on Bronchial Asthma of Non-Acute Attack;火罐+穴位贴敷法防治支气管哮喘非急性发作期的疗效及机理研究

11.Study on the Basic Herbal Medicines and Acupoints in the Therapy of Acupoint Application for Winter-Disease-Treated-in-Summer冬病夏治穴位贴敷基本药物和穴位的研究

12.From a practical perspective, acupressure has several distinct advantages; it is non-invasive, free, and relatively easy to learn.从临床的观点来看,穴位按压法有许多好处,它是非侵入性的,免费、易学会。

13.Study of Acupuncture and Transcutaneous Electrical Acupoint Stimulation Based on EEG Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis;基于脑电非线性动力学分析的中医针刺疗法和经皮穴位电刺激疗法研究

14.An fMRI cerebral functional imaging study on needling in Neiguan(PC6)vs a sham point针刺内关穴与非穴的fMRI脑功能成像研究

15.Brain Specificity of Acupuncture Response at Different Acupoints: A fMRI Study with Manual-acupuncture;穴位针刺的脑功能磁共振成像:真穴、假穴和触觉刺激的对照研究

16.Research about the Influence on Gallbladder Contraction Function with Acupuncturing Yanglingquan Point, Dannang Point and the Non-acupoint Point针刺阳陵泉穴、胆囊穴及非经非穴对胆囊收缩功能即刻效应的对比观察

parison of Effects of Eliminating Muscular Acute Fatigue by Acupoint Electric Stimulation at Limbs and Torso;肢体穴位与综合穴位刺激对消除肌肉急性疲劳效果的比较

18.Some of the cave-animals should be very anomalous.穴居动物可能会非常特别。



3)non-acupuncture point stimulation非穴位刺激

4)sham point非穴

1.Objective:The effects of needling in Waiguan(SJ 5) and needling in asham point in young healthy volunteers were observed by SPECT cerebral functional imaging in order to prove the hypothesis of "Acupoint-specific has close relationship with the brain".目的:运用SPECT脑功能成像技术,比较针刺外关穴、针刺非穴不同状态下,青年志愿者不同脑区的激活情况,以印证"经穴特异性-脑相关假说"。

2.Objective: To observe the cerebral activating effects of needling in Waiguan(SJ5) vs asham point of healthy volunteers.目的:观察针刺健康志愿者右侧外关穴和非穴时不同脑区的激活情况,探讨针刺外关穴对脑的激活效应。

3.[Objective]To observe the cerebral activating effects of needling in Yanglingquan(GB34) vs asham point of healthy volunteers based on the technique of fMRI.[方法]16例健康志愿者,随机分为阳陵泉穴组和非穴组,分别针刺右侧阳陵泉穴和非穴;同时,运用GE1。


1.To treat various sport injury by acupuncture,selection of points is of the first importance.根据近几年来的临床实践,结合典型病例,阐述运动损伤针刺疗法的选穴方法,注重伤部归经,循经取穴,远近搭配,且按穴位性能,选用一些特定穴,从而拟定治疗方案。

2.Electrical Characteristics and Specificities of AuricularPoints;方法 :用耳穴电特性检测和智能识别微机系统 ,测定 6 4例癌肿和 33例免疫性疾病病例及 38位健康人的 2 0个穴位的电位、电阻、电容变量J、K、L ,并作统计分析和相关分析及神经网络识别。

6)acupuncture point穴位

1.Therapeutic effect of sonitus withacupuncture point nerver stimulator;穴位神经刺激法治疗耳鸣的疗效观察

2.Laser therapy of acupuncture is a therapy that low intensive laser irradiates directly on theacupuncture point,and has the effect of the acupuncture and moxibustion.穴位激光照射疗法是一种通过低强度激光束直接照射穴位的治疗方法,具有针灸作用。

3.Objective Application the chinese medical science treatment psoriasis foracupuncture point with catgut-embedding therapy.目的应用中医穴位羊肠线埋藏疗法治疗银屑病。


穴位穴位 穴位 腧穴。见该条①。

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