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永磁直线同步电机 permanent magnet linear synchronous motor英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-17 01:21:30


永磁直线同步电机 permanent magnet linear synchronous motor英语短句 例句大全

永磁直线同步电机,permanent magnet linear synchronous motor

1)permanent magnet linear synchronous motor永磁直线同步电机

1.Research onpermanent magnet linear synchronous motor with Halbach array;Halbach磁体结构应用于永磁直线同步电机的研究

2.Transient mathematic model and starting simulation of thepermanent magnet linear synchronous motor;永磁直线同步电机暂态建模及起动过程仿真

3.Detent force analysis and optimization ofpermanent magnet linear synchronous motor;永磁直线同步电机的磁阻力分析及其优化


1.Research on minimizing Detent Force of Permanent Magnet Linear Synchronous Motor永磁直线同步电机磁阻力最小化研究

2.Magnetic Field Analysis and Simulation of PMLSML;低速永磁直线同步电机电磁场分析及仿真

3.Research on the Driving Technology of Vertical Movement for Permanent Magnet Linear Synchronous Motor垂直运动永磁直线同步电机驱动技术的研究

4.H_∞ Robust Control Based on Recurrent Neural Network of Permanent Magnet Linear Synchronous Motor;永磁直线同步电机递归神经网络H_∞鲁棒控制

5.Adaptive Variable Structure Position Control of PMLSM永磁直线同步电机自适应变结构位置控制

6.Intelligent Variable-Structure Position Control of Permanent Magnet Linear Synchronous Motor永磁直线同步电机智能变结构位置控制

7.Magnetic Field Analysis of Halbach Array for PMLSM永磁直线同步电动机Halbach阵列磁场分析

8.The Second Order Sliding Mode Control of Permanent-magnet Linear Synchronous Motor;永磁直线同步电动机的二阶滑模控制

9.Study on the Key Technique of Permanent Magnet Linear Synchronous Motor;永磁直线同步电动机关键技术的研究

10.Robust Velocity Control System of Linear Permanent Synchronous Motor;直线永磁同步电机鲁棒速度控制系统

11.Submersible Tubular Linear Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motor;潜油圆筒型直线永磁同步电动机研究

12.IGA Optimization Design of Permanent Magnet Linear Synchronous Motor永磁直线同步电动机的IGA优化设计

13.Analysis of Three-Dimensional Magnetic Field in Slotless Permanent Magnet Linear Synchronous Motor无槽永磁直线同步电动机三维磁场分析

14.Magnetic Field Analysis of Slotless Permanent Magnetic Linear Synchronous Motor Based on ANSYS基于ANSYS的无槽永磁直线同步电动机磁场分析

15.Simulation Research on Permanent Magnet Linear Synchronous Motor for Vertical Movement;垂直运动永磁直线同步电动机的仿真研究

16.Research on Direct Drive Control Algorithms for Linear Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors;直线永磁同步电机直接驱动控制算法的研究

17.Research on Control System of Vertical Motion Permanent Magnet Linear Synchronous Motor垂直运动永磁直线同步电动机控制系统的研究

18.Modeling of Permanent Magnet Linear Synchronous Motor for Segmental-primary and Vertical Movement垂直运动分段式永磁直线同步电动机建模



1.Modeling and simulation ofPMLSM based on Matlab7.1/Simulink;基于Matlab7.1/Simulink的永磁直线同步电机的建模与仿真

2.Cogging force estimator based on BP neural network ofPMLSM;基于BP神经网络的永磁直线同步电机齿槽力预估器

3.Considering the characteristic of the magnet flux of permanent magnet linear synchronous motors (PMLSM) to be constant, the dynamic equation of thePMLSM feeding system is obtained by analyzingPMLSM d-q model.针对永磁直线同步电机(PMLSM)永磁体磁链为常数的特点,对其d-q轴模型进行分析,提出了永磁直线同步电机进给系统的动力学方程。

3)permanent magnet linear synchronous motor(PMLSM)永磁直线同步电机

1.An adaptive neural network control system was proposed to control the speed of the mover of a permanent magnet linear synchronous motor(PMLSM) servo drive system considering nonlinear and parameters time-variation.针对永磁直线同步电机(PMLSM)直接驱动系统的非线性与电机参数时变、易受扰动的特性,提出一种基于BP神经网络的自适应神经网络速度控制器。

2.Aiming at the characters of permanent magnet linear synchronous motor(PMLSM),the mathematic model under the dq reference frame is constructed.针对永磁直线同步电机(PMLSM)的特点,建立PMLSM在dq两相坐标系下的数学模型。

3.In order to achieve position sensorless control for permanent magnet linear synchronous motor(PMLSM) drive system,speed and position of the motor must be estimated.为实现永磁直线同步电机(permanent magnet linear synchronous motor,PMLSM)进给系统的无位置传感器控制,必须估计出电机的速度和磁极位置。

4)permanent-magnet linear synchronous motor永磁直线同步电机

1.The model ofpermanent-magnet linear synchronous motor (PMLSM) is a high order one, and the speed-tracking rapidity and precision are influenced by the coupling between variables such as speed and currents.在永磁直线同步电机(permanent-magnet linear synchr-onous motor,PMLSM)伺服系统中,模型的阶次高,且速度和电流等变量间存在的耦合严重影响速度跟踪的快速性和精度。

2.The sliding reaching law is applied to the controller design forpermanent-magnet linear synchronous motor and the.用该算法设计离散变结构控制器,并选取永磁直线同步电机作为仿真研究对象,仿真结果证明了该算法的有效性。

3.For the characteristics ofpermanent-magnet linear synchronous motor in machine tool feeding system suffering from the effect of parameter variations, load disturbances, end effect and so on, the second order sliding mode speed controller and current controller were designed.针对机床进给系统中永磁直线同步电机在运行过程中,易受系统参数变化、负载扰动及端部效应等不确定性因素影响的特点,设计了二阶滑模速度和电流控制器。

5)Permanent magnet linear synchronous motor(PMLSM)永磁直线同步电动机

1.The theory of permanent magnet linear synchronous motor(PMLSM)doesn t consummate,the whole math model of the transportation system changes a lot under the primary partition model,and the fringe effects is very fierce,so the servo-system of the PMLSM vertical movement can t be designed according to its math model or by using simple controller.永磁直线同步电动机的理论研究还不十分完善,在初级分段的形式下该运输系统整体数学模型变化很大且边缘效应的影响更加剧烈。

2.A new variable parameter mathematic model of multi-segmental primary permanent magnet linear synchronous motor(PMLSM) for vertical movement was obtained in a-b-c frame.导出了a-b-c坐标系下单定子变参数永磁直线同步电动机的数学模型,在此基础上,建立了分段式多定子永磁同步直线电动机的数学模型,进行了稳态分析,确定了控制策略。

6)permanent magnet linear synchronous motor永磁直线同步电动机

1.The fault detector of the primary ofpermanent magnet linear synchronous motor based on digital signal processor;基于DSP的永磁直线同步电动机初级故障检测装置

2.Resarch on the control strategy of power angle ofpermanent magnet linear synchronous motor;永磁直线同步电动机功角控制策略的研究

3.Thrust fluctuation compensation forpermanent magnet linear synchronous motor based on neural network;基于神经网络的永磁直线同步电动机推力波动补偿的仿真研究


稀土永磁电机的现状与趋势1.完善和发展了稀土永磁电机的理论研究体系 稀土永磁电机性能优异,结构特殊而多种多样,传统电机的设计理论、计算方法和设计参数已不能适应设计研制高性能电机的要求,近年来,运用现代设计方法完善和发展了稀土永磁电机的设计理论、磁路结构、计算方法,检测技术和制造工艺。在此基础上建立了工程实用的电磁设计计算程序和计算机辅助计算软件包,包括电磁场分析计算,电感参数计算、动态性能仿真和优化设计。 2.在钕铁硼永磁电机防失磁的技术关键问题上有所突破 钕铁硼永磁在高温情况下退磁曲线不能保证是直线,在永磁同步电动机中,起动、刹车或故障情况下电流激增,有可能发生不可逆退磁。 在最大电流时永磁体的工作点必须设计在高于最大工作温度时退磁曲线的膝点。用传统的计算方法计算的最大退磁工作点是平均值,用有限元法计算最大退磁情况下各局部工作点。 3.开发出性能价格比高的新样机 抽油机用永磁电机具有高起动转矩,在实际应用中可替代比它大2个功率等级的异步电动机。节电率大于20%。 1120 KW永磁同步电动机(是目前世界上功率最大的异步起动高效稀土永磁电机)效率高于96.5%。(同规格电机效率为95%),功率因数0.94,可以替代比它大1~2个功率等级的普通电动机。 用JS138-4旧异步电动机仅改变转子而成的300KW永磁电机,效率为94.7%,功率因数为0.966。与改制前相比,有功节电率为7.2%。 超高效永磁同步电动机的效率比美国预计于生产的最高效电动机的效率高2-4个百分点,而且小一个机座号。 随着永磁材料的迅速发展,电力电子和控制技术的进步,稀土永磁电机将越来越多地替代传统电机,应用前景非常的乐观。稀土永磁电机的设计和制造工艺尚需不断地进行创新,电磁结构更为复杂,计算结果更加精确,制造工艺更加先进适用,需运用多学科理论和系统工程进行优化设计,提高性价比,促进电机学科和行业进一步发展。

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