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生态服装设计 eco-fashion design英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-25 14:57:23


生态服装设计 eco-fashion design英语短句 例句大全

生态服装设计,eco-fashion design

1)eco-fashion design生态服装设计

1.Only in this way can a full range ofeco-fashion design system be constructed.生态服装设计已成为服装设计界的主要话题,生态服装的含义应从服装审美的自然环境和文化环境进行论证,对什么是服装的生态美应从服装的设计方法和面料制作两大方面去论证,并从简约和谐的设计角度以及健康环保的面料要求角度去进行,从而创建真正全方位的生态服装设计体系。


1.Ecological Fashion Design--Mainstreams of World Fashion Development in 21st Century;生态服装设计——21世纪世界服装发展的主要潮流

2.The design of saleable garments. Producing these garments in bulk.设计有销路的服装。大批量生产这些服装。

3.The Application Research on Nature Form Bionics in Packaging Design--A discussion about Bionic Form Design of Packaging;自然形态仿生在包装设计中的应用研究——论包装形态仿生设计

4.Design the Model of Calculating Ecosystem Services Value;生态系统服务功能价值计算模块设计

5.How to Raise Creative Ability of Fashion Design Majors;提高服装设计专业学生创作能力探讨

6.The Application of "Green Design" in Garment Design and Production“绿色设计”理念在服装设计与生产中的运用

7.Clothing Medium Function and Its Corresponding Form Development and Design;服装的媒介功能及其相应形态的开发与设计

8.On Practical Application of Eco-design to House Decoration生态设计在住宅装修中的实用性研究

9.Children"s Products Packaging Design Patterns to Explore the Bionic儿童产品包装设计中的仿生形态探索

10.Packaging Design for Green Product in the View of Ecological Civilization生态文明视野下的绿色产品包装设计

11.The Joint Creation of Indoor Ecological Landscape Designs and Interior Decoration Designs室内生态景观设计与室内装饰设计的共塑

12.A problem occurred when the wizard attempted to set the cluster service installation state.向导试图设置群集服务安装状态时发生错误。

13.This paper is very rseful for deigning in respect to clothing hygiene.本文对服装设计在服装卫生学方面有一定的参考价值。

14.Garments" integral structure design is regarded as a bridge to connect garments" styling design with garments" technical design.服装整体结构设计是联系服装造型设计与服装工艺设计的纽带。

15.To"Design" on the Basis of Complying with "Nature"--On food package design of China and ecology culture construction顺“天”造“物”——中国食品包装设计与生态文化建设

16.The clothing designer had a fashion show.那位服装设计家开了一场服装秀。

17.She can design beautiful clothes.她能设计出漂亮的服装。

18.Who designed the scenes and costumes?布景和服装是谁设计的?


A Study on Tcological Clothing Design生态服装设计研究

3)eco package design生态包装设计

1.A new concept known aseco package design is introduced in this paper in order to reduce the impact on the environment ekerted by package.为了减轻商品包装对环境的负面影响 ,本文对现有的包装进行了反思 ,提出了生态包装设计的概念 ,详细阐述了生态包装设计的基本过程与方法 ,以及对包装设计师提出的新的要

4)Primitive Ecological Packaging Design原生态包装设计

1.Due to solve these problems, we put forward the "Primitive Ecological Packaging Design "philosophy after we derive the aesthetical power and intelligence from nature and oriental culture, and also make extension of the current ecological packaging design system.以此为鉴,从大自然与东方文化中汲取美学力量和智慧源泉,对现有生态包装理论系统进行延伸,适时提出“原生态包装设计”的创新理念。

5)Fashion Design服装设计

1.Application of Graphic Thinking inFashion Design;图示思维在服装设计中的应用

2.Study on application of stitching design in fashion design;浅议拼接设计在服装设计中的应用

3.Application of defective fabric texture in fashion design;缺陷面料肌理在服装设计中的运用

6)costume design服装设计

prehension of the symbiosis esthetics incostume design;解读服装设计共生美学观

2.Discussing the application of embroidery in thecostume design;刺绣在服装设计中的应用

3.Discussion on influence of Oriental traditional dress culture oncostume design;东方传统服饰文化对服装设计影响的探讨


生态1.显露美好的姿态。 2.生动的意态。 3.生物的生理特性和生活习性。

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