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组织工程化骨 Tissue engineered bone英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-19 13:32:34


组织工程化骨 Tissue engineered bone英语短句 例句大全

组织工程化骨,Tissue engineered bone

1)Tissue engineered bone组织工程化骨

1.Use of GFP labelling technique to monitor tissue engineered bone formation in nude mice;应用GFP标记技术示踪裸鼠体内组织工程化骨的形成

2.Experimental study on the tissue engineered bone repair of rat alveolar defects;组织工程化骨修复大鼠下颌骨缺损的实验研究

3.PurposeUsing the BMSCs-Bio-Oss tissue engineered bone which was constructed by BMSCs as seed cells and the Bio-Oss calf inogenic bone grains as scaffold materials to approach the feasibility of applying the tissue engineering combined with Bio-Gide collogen membrane to promote canine alveolar bone to regenerate.目的选用骨髓间充质干细胞(bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells,BMSCs)作为种子细胞,Bio-Oss小牛无机骨粉作为支架材料,构建组织工程化骨,探讨应用组织工程技术,结合Bio-Gide胶原膜促进犬牙槽骨再生的可行性。


1.An experimental study on repairment of bone defect with tissue-engineered bone;组织工程化骨修复骨缺损的实验研究

2.Experimental study of cryopreservation for tissue-engineered bone深低温保存组织工程化骨的实验研究

3.A Preliminary Experimental Study on Repairing Defects of Extremities Using Tissue Engineer Bone组织工程化骨修复四肢骨缺损的初步临床研究

4.The Effects of Microenvironment on Tissue-engineered Osteochondral Composite微环境在构建组织工程化骨软骨中的作用

5.Experimental Study on Fabrication of Tissue Ngineered Bone and Cartilage with Mesenchymal Stem Cells;骨髓间充质干细胞构建组织工程化骨与软骨的实验研究

6.Experimental Study on Using Tissue-Engineered Bone to Repair Radial Bone Defects in Rabbit;组织工程化骨修复兔桡骨大段骨缺损的实验研究

7.A Study on Viability of Seeding Cells for Tissue-engineered Skeletal Myoblast in Vitro;组织工程化骨骼肌种子细胞存活率的实验研究

8.A Study of Tissue Engineering Bone-Based on Cell-sheet Techniques;基于细胞膜片技术构建组织工程化骨实验研究

9.The Experimental Study on Repairing Bone Defect Around Prosthesis with Tissue Engineering Bone;组织工程化骨修复人工关节周围骨缺损的实验研究

10.Histology research about nervalization of tissue engineered bones组织工程骨神经化构建的组织学研究

11.Experimental Research on Tissue-engineerring Artifical Bone Treating Bone Defect;组织工程化人工骨修复骨缺损的实验研究

12.An Experimental Study on Repairing Radial Bone Defect in Rabbit with Tissue Engineered Bone组织工程化人工骨修复兔桡骨缺损的实验研究

13.Macroporous PHBV Matrices for Cartilage Tissue Engineering;以PHBV为支架构建组织工程化软骨

14.Early Histological Observation on the Construction of Vascularization and Neurotization of Tissue-engineered Bone Repairing Femur Bone Defects in Rabbits;血管神经化组织工程骨修复兔股骨缺损的早期组织学观察

15.A histologic evaluation on vascularization of tissue engineering bone induced by endothelial progenitor cells(EPCs) for repairing large segmental defects in early period of bone healingEPCs促血管化组织工程骨修复大段骨缺损的早期组织学评价

16.Tissue Engineering Cartilage Generated from Cryogenic Chondrocytes and Cryogenically Preserved;低温冻存软骨细胞构建组织工程化软骨及组织工程化软骨的低温冻存

17.Manufacture and Properties Improvement of Foam-Like Bioceramics Scaffold for Bone Tissue Engineering骨组织工程网化生物陶瓷支架制备及性能优化

18.Experimental Studies of Augmented Demineralized Bone Matrix with Excipients on Repair of Bone Defects and Tissue Engineering of Bone;强化赋形骨基质在修复骨缺损及骨组织工程中的实验研究


osteochondral tissue engineering组织工程化骨软骨

3)tissue-engineerring artificial bone组织工程化人工骨

1.Experimental research oftissue-engineerring artificial bone in treating bone defect组织工程化人工骨修复骨缺损的实验研究

4)Bone tissue engineering骨组织工程

1.Fabrication and characterization of a novel bone tissue engineering construct using collagen I gel to suspend adipose-derived stem cells into a porous PLGA-β-TCP scaffold;基于脂肪干细胞I型胶原凝胶PLGA-β-TCP支架的新型仿生骨组织工程复合体的构建及生物学性能

2.Performance assessment of decalcified bone matrix of goat as scaffold of bone tissue engineering;羊脱钙骨基质作为骨组织工程支架材料的性能评估

3.The advance of bioceramics for bone tissue engineering scaffold material;骨组织工程支架材料生物陶瓷的研究进展

5)Tissue-engineered bone组织工程骨

1.Perfusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging for monitoring vascularization in tissue-engineered bone in rhesuses;磁共振灌注成像监测组织工程骨血管化的实验研究

2.Objective To observe the expression of rhBMP-2 & VEGF gene that were transfected into adipose-derived stem cells(ADSCs)in vitro,and application of the tissue-engineered bone with the transfected compound to repair the bone defect of ulna of Guizhou minipigs.目的观察重组人骨形成蛋白2(rhBMP-2)和血管内皮生长因子(rhVEGF)转染脂肪源性干细胞(ADSCs)后的体外表达情况,并以含该转染体系的组织工程骨进行大动物负重骨缺损的修复研究。

3.Objective To construct the tissue-engineered bone with the allogenic demineralized bone matrix (DBM) as the scaffold material and the in vitro cultured human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) and to evaluate the geosteogenesis efficacy and safety by implantation of tissue-engineered bone in nude mice subcutaneously.目的以同种异体骨脱钙骨基质(demineralizedbonematrix ,DBM )为支架材料,复合体外诱导培养的人骨髓间充质干细胞(humanmesenchymalstemcells ,hMSCs) ,构建组织工程骨并通过裸鼠皮下异位成骨实验及裸鼠皮下致瘤性实验验证其成骨效果及安全性。

6)Tissue Engineering Bone组织工程骨

1.An experimental study on radionuclide bone imaging in repairing bone defect by tissue engineering bone;放射性骨显像在组织工程骨修复骨缺损实验中的应用

2.A histologic evaluation on vascularization of tissue engineering bone induced by endothelial progenitor cells(EPCs) for repairing large segmental defects in early period of bone healingEPCs促血管化组织工程骨修复大段骨缺损的早期组织学评价

3.Objective To observe the changes of osteoblasts and vascularization during osteogenesis by tissue engineering technique under the electron microscope and study the feasibility of improving vascularization of the tissue engineering bone by using the small intestine submucosa(SIS) as the scaffold.目的用组织工程方法构建组织工程骨,从超微结构观察成骨过程中成骨细胞、血管再生的变化,探讨小肠黏膜下层作为组织工程骨支架材料促进组织工程骨血管化的优越性。


北大西洋条约组织一体化军事组织北大西洋条约组织一体化军事组织NATO"s Integrated Military OrganizationBeidaxtyQng Tiaoyue ZuZhi Yitihua Iun-shi Zuzhi北大西洋条约组织一体化军事组织(NAI,O’5 Integrated Military OrganiZation)北大西洋条约缔约国依据((J匕大西洋条约》「建立的联盟军事组织。西方国家最大的军事联盟组织。辖有各成员国提交其指挥的军队。其最高军事机构是军事委员会,一下设欧洲盟军最高司令部、大西洋盟军最高司令部及负责北美洲防务规划的加拿大一美国地区计划小组。1949年4月4日,美国、加拿大、英国、法国、荷兰、比利时、卢森堡、意大利、葡萄牙、丹麦、挪威、冰岛12个国家在华盛顿签署《北大西洋条约》。同年8月24日条约生效。是年9月17日,召开第1次理事.会,决定成立北大西洋条约组织的各种机构,北大西洋条约组织一体化军事组织正式建立。按照有关规定,成员国提交北约指挥的军队,分为平时已经提交和指定战时提交两类。平时已经提交北约指挥的军队,包括由多个成员国军事人员和武器装备混一合编成的多国部队(舰队),保持战时建制,处于较高的战备状态;指定战时提交北约指挥的军队,战备程度不等。1952年起,希腊、土耳其、联邦德国先后加人北约。至1982年西班牙加入北约,其成员国达16个。1990年德国统一后,作为整体成为北约成员国。16个成员国中,向一体化军事组织提交军队的有美国、加拿大、挪威、丹麦、英国、德国、荷兰、比利时、卢森堡、意大利、葡萄牙、希腊、土耳其13国。其中,希腊于1974年8月一1980年10月曾退出该组织。法国最初加人该组织,后于1966年7月退出,但在北约主要司令部派有军事联络官,承担北约共同防御义务。西班牙参加该组织活动,但未向其提交军队指挥权。冰岛无军队。成员国平时提交北约指挥的军队主要是陆军和空军。除德国将海军提交北约指挥外,其他国家仅派少量舰只参加多国舰队。北约各战区司令部平时指导土述军队的建设,战时对其实施作战指挥。北约一体化军事组织自成立以后,其下设机构和所辖部队几经变化。军事委员会于1949年9月成立,80年代末由除法国和冰岛以外的14国参谋氏组成,法国派军事联络官、冰.鸟派文官参加。

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