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瓶颈因素 obstacle element英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-08 04:03:23


瓶颈因素 obstacle element英语短句 例句大全

瓶颈因素,obstacle element

1)obstacle element瓶颈因素

1.Nowadays,theobstacle elements for Labor Union to protect peasant workers\" rights and interests include the following such as identification,recognition,resource,policy,enforcement,mechanism,contract,skill,and so on.当前,工会组织维护农民工权益的瓶颈因素有身份瓶颈、认识瓶颈、资源瓶颈、政策瓶颈、执行瓶颈、机制瓶颈、合同瓶颈、技能瓶颈等。


1.Demonstrative investigation in private enterprise second starting s bottleneck factors;民营企业“二次创业”瓶颈因素实证调研

2.General analysis on the bottle neck factors during the process of executive stock options in China我国股票期权实施中的瓶颈因素与对策分析

3.China s Sustainable Development Bottlenecks and Mechanism of Implementation;我国可持续发展的瓶颈因素及实现机制

4.Several Obstacle Elements for Labor Union to Protect Peasant Workers" Rights and Interests浅谈工会组织维护农民工权益的几个瓶颈因素

5.The Bottlenecks and Countermeasure of Dealing with Social Conflicts in the Period of Transfer;转型期社会冲突事件处理的瓶颈因素与应对策略

6.On the Key Influencing Factors of Global Marketing Strategy and Countermeasures of the Chinese Household Electrical Appliance Enterprises Based on CGMS Model;基于CGMS模型的我国家电企业全球化战略的瓶颈因素及其战略对策

7.Analyses on the Bottleneck Factor about University Students Tourism Market--Taking Science and Education City of Hefei as a Case;高校学生旅游市场的瓶颈因素探讨——以科教城合肥为例

8.The traditional inconsequential exam mode, as the bottleneck factor of restriction of teaching reform, has come out.传统的不合理的考试模式,作为制约教学改革的瓶颈因素逐渐凸现出来。

9.Research of bottleneck factors restricting Henan province foreign trade s bottleneck factor;制约河南省外贸出口的“瓶颈”因素研究

10.Financial "bottleneck" is an important factor constraining county economic development.金融“瓶颈”是制约县域经济发展的重要因素。

11.Study of Bottleneck Shiftiness in Production Management;生产瓶颈转移性影响因素的经济计量研究

12.Analysis of the Bottleneck in Management of Intangible Assets in Colleges and Universities;浅析制约高校无形资产管理的“瓶颈”因素

13.The Analysis of the Reasons for Small-and-middle-size Hi-tec Companies unable to Finance the Funds to Survive;中小型高科技企业融资瓶颈原因分析

14.Analysis on Causes of Cadaver Donation Obstacles and Countermeasures解析遗体捐献瓶颈的成因及解决措施

15.Breaking through the quality bottleneck and speeding up migration of rural women labour force in Longyan;突破素质瓶颈,加快龙岩市农村妇女劳动力转移

16.To Break “The Bottle Neck” Of The Labor Resource--Reflection On Improving The Population Quality In Gansu Province;突破人力资源瓶颈——提高甘肃人口素质的思考

17.The bottle should be filled with water up to the neck瓶中应加水到瓶颈处

18.pinched neck夹扁的瓶颈(玻璃瓶缺陷)


bottleneck element瓶颈要素


1.Identifying and relaxing energybottleneck for a chemical system;化工系统节能“瓶颈”的辨识及解“瓶颈”

2.Some advice about breakingbottleneck in industrialization of oxidization technique for producing DSD acid in solvent;我国DSD酸溶剂法氧化合成工艺工业化解脱瓶颈制约的建议

3.Analysis onbottleneck in refining system of synthetic ammonia plant;合成氨装置净化系统“瓶颈”分析


1.The "preying on" model of high-tech enterprise and analysis ofbottle-neck problem of resources;高科技企业的“捕食”模型及资源瓶颈问题分析

2.Solution to Bottle-neck of practice Teaching for Higher Vocational Education;高职高专教育实践教学瓶颈及其对策

3.Walk out thebottle-neck:survey and return model in development of high-level college vollyball teams;走出“瓶颈”:高校高水平排球运动发展的审视与重塑

5)Bottle neck瓶颈

1.After conquering those difficulties encountering at the beginning of initiation, CAP have established a certain scale of the company, but at the same time, the bottle neck, such as waste and management inefficiency, appears and become obstacles for company’s further development.公司在经过了创业之初的各种困难之后,目前已初具规模,但生产浪费,管理效率不高等发展的瓶颈也开始慢慢地制约了企业的进一步发展。

2.This article analysed the problem in current production plan, based on the theory of ERP and the requirement of between the produciton plan and bottle neck, provide the advance management idea, enhance the communication between production control and production.本文在对当前制造业生产计划存在的问题进行分析的基础上,结合ERP的基本思想和企业对生产计划与瓶颈产能平衡的需求特点,从企业需要以先进的管理思想来指导自己的生产,加强生产控制和各生产环节之间的衔接,充分发挥现有资源的生产能力的实际出发,提出生产计划与瓶颈产能平衡系统的系统框架,确定系统的功能与计划运行模式,建立了基于瓶颈条件的主生产计划模型,通过运用LINGO软件处理规划求解的计算功能,以满足不同的生产管理目标。


1.The Analysis of Bottlenecks Restriction and Gambling Relations on The Circular Agriculture Development;循环农业发展的瓶颈制约与博弈关系分析

2.Onbottlenecks and solutions of bilingual teaching in universities;高校双语教学的瓶颈及其突破途径

3.Five Bottlenecks of Affecting Current United Front Work" Scientific Development in Colleges and Universities当前影响高校统战工作科学发展的五个瓶颈



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