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Berg平衡量表 Berg balance scale英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-29 17:41:16


Berg平衡量表 Berg balance scale英语短句 例句大全

Berg平衡量表,Berg balance scale

1)Berg balance scaleBerg平衡量表

1.Assessments of internal reliability and concurrent validity ofBerg balance scale in stroke patients;Berg平衡量表在脑卒中患者中的内在信度和同时效度

2.Validity and reliability ofBerg balance scale on assessing balance function;Berg平衡量表的效度和信度研究

3.Balance assessment of patient with hemiplegia: the case-control study of balance performance monitor andBerg balance scale;BPM测试后稍微休息再进行Berg平衡量表(Bergbalancescale,BBS)评定。


1.Construct validity of the Berg Balance Scale in people with stroke;Berg平衡量表在脑卒中患者中的构想效度

2.electronic automatic balance instrument电子式自动平衡测量仪表

3.Methods of drawing up energy balance table in enterpuisesGB/T16615-1996企业能量平衡表编制方法

4.The in situ measurement techniques of surface mass balance in Antarctica ice sheet南极冰盖表面物质平衡实地测量技术

5.An influence or force tending to produce equilibrium;counterpoise.平衡力趋向于产生平衡的影响或力量;平衡、均衡

6.To Analyze the Cancel and Check Relations of Cash Flow Form with Accounting Balance Theory;用会计平衡理论浅析现金流量表勾稽关系


8.A weight that acts to balance another;a counterpoise or counterweight.衡重体能与另一个平衡的重量;衡重体或平衡锤

9.mass flow imbalance alarm质量流量不平衡报警器

10.unbalance component measuring device不平衡分量测量装置

11.unbalance vector measuring device不平衡矢量测量装置

12.Calculation for Equilibrium Silt Concentration,Equilibrium Depth and Seabed Evolution平衡含沙量、平衡水深与海床冲淤计算

13.This showed that under local conditions, N application rate of525 kg/ ha might be excessive or out of balance.这表明在当地条件下,525公斤/顷施氮量可能过量或超出平衡。

14.Table size is measured from bezel point to bezel point; the average of four measurements is used.表大小是衡量从面板点左边框点;平均4个测量器.

15.The sol phase is probably in a state of active equilibrium with the underlying epithelium regarding water content.溶胶相的会和量可能与其下面的表皮细胞会和量处于动平衡状态。

16.electron balancing type display instrument电子平衡式显示仪表

17.electronic self balancing instrument电子式自动平衡仪表

18.balance of the state budget system国家预算系统平衡表


balance scale平衡量表

3)d balance sheet重量平衡表

4)Brunel balance assessmentBrunel平衡量表

1.Validity and reactivity of the Chinese version ofBrunel balance assessment in stroke hemiplegic patientsBrunel平衡量表在脑卒中偏瘫患者中的效度和反应度研究

5)quantity and quality balance sheet数量、质量平衡表

1.Processing thequantity and quality balance sheet of wash products of steam coal preparation plant with Excel and Word;用Excel与Word联合处理“动力煤选煤厂洗选产品数量、质量平衡表”

6)surface energy balance地表能量平衡

1.Based on thesurface energy balance theory and in association of the real world data from the west of Jilin Province,the authors established a remote sensing model for estimating evapotranspiration for the study area.基于地表能量平衡的基本理论,结合吉林西部实际资料,建立了吉林西部蒸散量估算的遥感模型。

2.The surface reflectance is an important parameter controllingsurface energy balance.地表反射率是控制地表能量平衡的一个重要参数。

pared with the former model,the new model shows differences in the following aspects: 1) the moisture process,2) heat roughness length,3) the contribution of urban anthropogenic heat to urbansurface energy balance and its impact on urban heat island,4) the dynamical drag effect of the urban buildings.与原有模式相比,新建模式(1)加入水汽过程,(2)引入了热力粗糙度,(3)考虑了城市人为热源对城市地表能量平衡的贡献及其对城市热岛的影响,(4)考虑了城狭ψ饔市冠层建筑物的动力拖。


Clash-Berg test分子式:CAS号:性质:在一定温度下对条形试片施加一定的转矩,从其扭转角求取剪切弹性模量的试验。通常是对一系列温度进行试验,以求得剪切弹性模量-温度曲线。若试片的宽为a(cm),厚为b(cm),跨距为L(cm)。所加转矩为T(N·cm),扭转角测得为θ(deg),则剪切弹性模量G=55TL/ab3βθ,式中β是a/b 的函数。当G=310.87MPa时的温度,称作克拉什-伯格温度。此温度一般比该材料的脆化温度高3~6℃,被视为是材料的最低柔软性温度。

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