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大脑半球 cerebral hemisphere英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-10 09:11:35


大脑半球 cerebral hemisphere英语短句 例句大全

大脑半球,cerebral hemisphere

1)cerebral hemisphere大脑半球

1.In order to study the biochemical asymmetry in normal human brain by using the non-invasive technique of the proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS), 56 healthy right-handed subjects were selected to acquire water-suppressed proton spectra in bilaterally symmetrical positions in thecerebral hemisphere.为了利用无创性的磁共振波谱成像技术研究大脑半球代谢物的非对称性,本研究对56例正常成年人行磁共振波谱成像,主要对双侧大脑半球的4个解剖区域:额叶、颞叶、枕叶及顶叶的代谢物天门冬氨酸(NAA)、肌酸(Cr)、胆碱(Cho)进行测量,并以Cr为内参照物比较NAA和Cho相对含量(NAA/Cr、Cho/Cr)的侧别差异。

2.Objective: To investigate the role of bothcerebral hemisphere on calculation.目的 :了解中风后左右大脑半球在计算中的作用。

3.This paper discusses the difference between male and female in such aspects ascerebral hemisphere structure,function and medical testing, and analyses the reason for the gender difference in left and rightcerebral hemisphere.分析表明男性和女性的大脑半球在结构上、智力上、认知水平和非认知能力上存在差异 ,在医学的双耳分听技术、半视野速示方法、脑成像技术和表情判断等检测中也有不同表现。


1.Either of the lateral halves of the cerebrum;a cerebral hemisphere.大脑半球大脑侧面半部分的任何一个;大脑半球

2.The dominant hemisphere of olfaction is the right hemisphere.右侧大脑半球为嗅觉“优势半球”。

3.Cerebral Infarction and Dysphagia大脑半球梗死与吞咽困难相关性研究

4.Hemispheric Specialization Effects in Visual Image Generation视觉表象产生的大脑半球专门化效应

5.Right-hemisphere Involvement in Chinese Idiom Processing;右侧大脑半球参与汉语成语加工的脑机制

6.It is showed that activation volume in left hemisphere of Chinese and English true word were larger than that of right hemisphere.汉字与英文刺激左大脑半球的激活体积明显大于右半球;

7.Aside from the bilateral occipital lobes, both English and Nepali activated areas were the left cerebral hemisphere dominant.汉语任务主要是大脑半球双侧激活,英语任务及尼泊尔语任务大多为左侧大脑半球激活。

8.The accumulation of experimental evidence now proves that the left hemisphere is responsible for convergent thinking and the right hemisphere for divergent thinking.累积的实验证据终于证明,左大脑半球负责聚敛性思考,而右大脑半球则负责扩散性思考。

9.The right hemisphere"s divergent thinking underlies our ability to be creative.右大脑半球的扩散性思考是我们的创意基石。

10.The functional differences between the hemispheres are the subject of intense research today.两大脑半球的功能差异是现在热门的研究主题。

11.Neuropsychological study of affective prosody disorders in patients with right side cerebral infarction右大脑半球梗死患者情感性语韵障碍的研究

12.Brain asymmetry on imaging studies was noted in 9 (30%) patients.9名患者的影像学显示双侧大脑半球不对称。

13.A Comparative Study of Calculation Deficits in Patients with Hemisphere Damage;大脑半球损害患者计算功能障碍的研究

14.Hemispheric Processing in the Construction of Representation during Chinese Reading Comprehension;阅读理解中大脑半球在主题表征中的作用

15.The right side of the brain is known as the creative side.大脑右半球被称为富有创造性的半球。

16.in most people the speech center is in the left hemisphere.大多数人的语言中枢在大脑左半球。

17.functional asymmetry of cerebral hemispheres大脑两半球功能不对称性

18.The posterior part of the forebrain that connects the mesencephalon with the cerebral hemispheres, encloses the third ventricle, and contains the thalamus and hypothalamus.间脑位于将中脑与大脑两半球相连的前脑后部,包着第三室,内包含有丘脑和下丘脑




4)cerebral hemisphere (cerebrum)大脑半球(大脑)

5)left Hemisphere左大脑半球

6)cerebral hemispheres大脑两半球

1.The relationship between the humancerebral hemispheres and language processing has been one of the most important research topics in psychology,linguistics,medicine,and especially in cognitive neuroscience.大脑两半球与语言加工的关系长期以来都是心理学界、语言学界乃至医学界最为重要的研究问题之一,更是当今认知神经科学领域的研究热点。


大脑半球大脑半球〖HT5”SS〗cerebral hemisphere左、右两侧大脑半球间借胼胝体相连。大脑半球由大脑皮质、髓质和基底核等三部分组成。皮质表面布满深浅不等的脑沟,沟与沟之间有隆起的脑回。髓质在皮质的深面,由神经纤维集中而成,内有联系大脑两半球和联系大脑与脑干、脊髓之间的纤维。基底核位于髓质的深部,由密集的神经元组成。

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