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伏牛山自然保护区 Funiu Mountain Nature Reserve英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-06 14:04:49


伏牛山自然保护区 Funiu Mountain Nature Reserve英语短句 例句大全

伏牛山自然保护区,Funiu Mountain Nature Reserve

1)Funiu Mountain Nature Reserve伏牛山自然保护区

1.To understory vegetation,their growth and regeneration depend on light heterogeneityTheFuniu Mountain Nature Reserve is the combination of Subtropics and Warm-temperate zone,It has the north and south climate characteristic,and also protect completive.伏牛山自然保护区是我国东部森林样带中的亚热带和温带的结合点,兼具南北气候过渡带的典型特征,且保护良好,是研究森林冠层结构沿海拔梯度动态变化的理想场所。

2.Using community ecology techniques,the authors investigated dominant species at north slope of Funiu mountain nature reserve,counted the number of each dominant species in representative plots,and calculated important values of these species,and studied daily photosynthesis rate variations and photosynthesis-photo response characteristics of adults,saplings,and seedings of the dominant species.本文采用群落生态学的调查方法,设置典型样地,通过计算重要值,对伏牛山自然保护区北坡的乔木优势种进行了统计分析。


1.Landscape Pattern Dynamics of Funiushan Nature Reserve Based on 3S;基于3S的伏牛山自然保护区景观格局变化研究

2.Ecological Study on the Soil Animal Community at the Natural Reserve of FuNiu Mountain伏牛山自然保护区土壤动物群落生态学研究

3.Study on the Classification of Plant Functional Groups in Forest Ecosystem at the Natural Reserve of Funiu Mountain;伏牛山自然保护区森林生态系统植物功能群分类研究

4.Research on Characteristics of Forest Canopy Structure and Light Environment at Funiu Mountain Nature Reserve伏牛山自然保护区森林群落冠层结构及光环境特征研究

5.Study of Tree Layer Dominant Species Photosynthetic Characteristics at North Slope of Funiu Mountain Nature Reserve伏牛山自然保护区北坡主要乔木优势种光合作用特性研究

6.Study on the Dynamic Relationship between Forest Soil and Plant Functional Groups at the National Natural Reserve of Funiu Mountain伏牛山自然保护区森林土壤与植物功能群关系研究

7.Influences of Environmental Gradients on Plant Functional Groups Dynamics and Ecophysiological Characteristics of Quercus Acutidentata Forest in the Funiu Mountain Nature Reserve;伏牛山自然保护区不同环境梯度下锐齿栎林植物功能群动态与生理生态特性研究

8.Research on Plant Function Groups of Quercus Variabilis Forest and the Dynamic Mechanism at Funiu Mountain Natural Reserve;伏牛山国家级自然保护区栓皮栎林植物功能群及其动态机制

9.A Preliminary Study of Longicorn Beetle Flora in Simian Mountain Natural Reserve in Chongqing重庆四面山自然保护区天牛区系研究

10.A Preliminary Analysis of Longicorn Fauna in Jinyun Mountain Nature Reserve in Chongqing重庆缙云山自然保护区天牛区系研究

11.Discussion on Exploitation of the Popularizing Science Tour in Niumulin Natural Reserve;牛姆林自然保护区科普旅游开发探讨


13.Study on Flora of Bryophytes in Legongshan Nature Reserve;雷公山自然保护区苔藓植物区系研究

14.Study on the Flora of Taikuanhe Nature Reserve in Shanxi山西太宽河自然保护区植物区系研究

15.Studies on the Pteridophyte Flora of Damushan Natural Reserve大木山自然保护区蕨类植物区系研究

16.nature sanctuary自然保护区, 自然禁猎区

17.Population densities, distribution and conservation of black muntjac in Jiulong Mountain Natural Reserved Area九龙山自然保护区黑麂的种群密度、分布与保护

18.Resource Assessment and Protection Strategy of Guanyinshan Mountain Nature Reserve in Shaanxi Province;陕西省观音山自然保护区资源评价与保护对策


the Funiu Mountain natural scenic tourism zone伏牛山自然风景旅游区

3)Wenshan nature reserve文山自然保护区

4)lushan nature reserve庐山自然保护区

1.Survey and Analysis of the Reptile Diversity in Lushan Nature Reserve,Jiangxi Province,China;江西庐山自然保护区爬行动物多样性调查与分析

2.Survey and Evaluation of Amphibian Resources in Lushan Nature Reserve of Jiangxi Province;江西庐山自然保护区两栖动物资源调查与评价

3.Biodiversity and Appraisal on Mammal Resources of Lushan Nature Reserve in Jiangxi Province;江西庐山自然保护区兽类资源多样性及评价

5)Tengshan nature reserve藤山自然保护区

1.Studies on the Diversity of Lianes in Tengshan Nature Reserve of Fujian;福建藤山自然保护区藤本植物多样性研究

2.This paper analyses the special pattern of tourism lan dscape ofTengshan nature reserve in Yongtai county.文章运用景观生态学的有关理论与方法分析了永泰藤山自然保护区景观空间格局 ,提出了永泰藤山自然保护区理想旅游景观格局的配置和自然保护区生态旅游景观格局整体优化的规划途径 。

6)Guanshan Nature Reserve官山自然保护区

1.Medicinal Plant Resources ofGuanshan Nature Reserve in Jiangxi Province;江西官山自然保护区药用植物资源

2.Epiphyllous liverworts fromGuanshan Nature Reserve of Jiangxi Province;江西省官山自然保护区叶附生苔类植物

3.Survey of Wild Phoebe bournei Forest inGuanshan Nature Reserve;官山自然保护区野生闽楠林调查



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